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Prices going up?

SCN was assistant chief of law enforcement at TWRA, or I believe that is what was under his name on here. We talked a lot. I remember telling him that there were several things wrong with the TWRA and they should be taken to court, I was positive the TWRA would lose, SCN was positive the TWRA would not lose. I believe I was right. I have talked to a few judges who have little respect or care for the TWRA.

I do believe the TWRA has become a crooked agency who has lost care about conservation and is becoming a leftist, liberal bunch of idiots.
In my reply that is why I stated I had a good idea where he was tied to by his ridiculous response. Usually when someone is afraid to post under their own name and blasts off like he did it tells me a lot of who they really are. Not everyone at the TWRA is a rogue, some are great guys and gals but what is going on at their top today is a spending problem not a money intake issue. We all know their income comes from license sales and instead of saying we want more sportsman in TN let's go up on our prices…. That fits no successful business model. "Ever" If anything it may drive some away. Bottom line TN costs are already as high as or the highest around here in the south and if TWRA SCN wants numbers I can post them. Just amazes me how he shoots his mouth off yet pulls nothing to back his side. Well I have them and will call him out when I get to the office. I may be new to this forum but I have been in this game a long time and have no issue calling wrong what it is…and yes I have an opinion but facts don't lie and to cover for bad behavior is wrong and one this Public Servant will not stand for.
It's naive to think prices aren't going to continue to go up in this broken money system of debt backed dollars. Complain all you want. Inflation is built into the system. If you are young enough, buy the lifetime license. I bought them for me and my grandsons or just keep paying more every few years.
What I find most interesting is all of the states I hunt that do get general state funds… they listen to hunters more, have more hunter outreach, more hunt opportunity, etc etc. It's the opposite of what we have all been told to be afraid of. The fact is, a "rogue" politician can still get their way in TN on wildlife related matters, regardless of if TWRA is state funded or not.
In my reply that is why I stated I had a good idea where he was tied to by his ridiculous response. Usually when someone is afraid to post under their own name and blasts off like he did it tells me a lot of who they really are. Not everyone at the TWRA is a rogue, some are great guys and gals but what is going on at their top today is a spending problem not a money intake issue. We all know their income comes from license sales and instead of saying we want more sportsman in TN let's go up on our prices…. That fits no successful business model. "Ever" If anything it may drive some away. Bottom line TN costs are already as high as or the highest around here in the south and if TWRA SCN wants numbers I can post them. Just amazes me how he shoots his mouth off yet pulls nothing to back his side. Well I have them and will call him out when I get to the office. I may be new to this forum but I have been in this game a long time and have no issue calling wrong what it is…and yes I have an opinion but facts don't lie and to cover for bad behavior is wrong and one this Public Servant will not stand for.
For the people that matter on here, they are well aware of my name. I've posted under my initials since 2003.

Before you waste your time comparing more apples to oranges, be aware that I served on at least three licensing committees where the number crunchers did very detailed cost analysis in comparing license costs. As stated, TWRA was never the cheapest, but was never the most expensive. The license increases over that thirty year period kept TWRA somewhere in the middle of the pack. I highly suspect the coming increase maintains that placement.

But, continue on with your clueless rants.
For the people that matter on here, they are well aware of my name. I've posted under my initials since 2003.

Before you waste your time comparing more apples to oranges, be aware that I served on at least three licensing committees where the number crunchers did very detailed cost analysis in comparing license costs. As stated, TWRA was never the cheapest, but was never the most expensive. The license increases over that thirty year period kept TWRA somewhere in the middle of the pack. I highly suspect the coming increase maintains that placement.

But, continue on with your clueless rants.
Sportsman Lic by state…..
Virginia $100.00
Georgia $65.00
Mississippi $48.49
Arkansas $35.50
Florida $80.50
North Carolina $63.00
South Carolina $50.00
Alabama $141.85
Tennessee $165.00

These prices reflect what each state's DNR posted as their prices this year.

I am sure if you cherry pick something here or there you can find a state with a fishing license or small game only a few dollars more or less but I chose a Sportsman because most people I know that do not have a lifetime license choose this this because it is the most cost effective.
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Sportsman Lic by state…..
Virginia $100.00
Georgia $65.00
Mississippi $48.49
Arkansas $35.50
Florida $80.50
North Carolina $63.00
South Carolina $50.00
Alabama $141.85
Tennessee $165.00

These prices reflect what each state's DNR posted as their prices this year.

I am sure if you cherry pick something here or there you can find one a few dollars less but I chose a Sportsman because most people I know that do not have a lifetime license choose this this because it is the most cost effective.
Awesome job on your simplistic work.

I look forward to your more detailed analysis on what the licenses actually cover in each state and what percentage of those agencies revenue come from license sales.
Awesome job on your simplistic work.

I look forward to your more detailed analysis on what the licenses actually cover in each state and what percentage of those agencies revenue come from license
I kept it simple for you…. Again Google is free I would expect someone of your self proclaimed stature to quickly show everyone how flawed my prices from each states DNR page is…. I mean most say the exact same thing and offer the same…. But you already know that but can't admit fault. Yet again another issue with where TWRA spends their money. Apparently they paid your salary and you have showed nothing to dispute my comments. You sir are part of the problem. I truly wish you the day you deserve.
I hate to see anyone in LE defend what those agents did. And I may have defended them before I had all the facts, I don't remember. It may have been legal, but it wasn't right. I have no doubt that higher courts will overturn the ridiculous opinion that LE Officers need a warrant to patrol private property. But that is where we are for now in our state. I don't know how much time those Officers had on the job, but I'd expect more out of rookies. Maybe they had superiors driving what they did; I don't know.

But the bottom line is wildlife enforcement in the state of Tennessee is on hold for the time being because a couple of knuckleheads did something ignorant and some judges who were as ignorant as them decided to make an example of them. I hope those judges don't get a chance to tie the hands of all LEO's, we will really be hosed then.

As to the cost of licenses, below is a link to the TWRA salaries. They have a lot of Directors and Managers. Also, there are about 17 wealthy members on the board. Do they get a salary?

I hate to see anyone in LE defend what those agents did. And I may have defended them before I had all the facts, I don't remember. It may have been legal, but it wasn't right. I have no doubt that higher courts will overturn the ridiculous opinion that LE Officers need a warrant to patrol private property. But that is where we are for now in our state. I don't know how much time those Officers had on the job, but I'd expect more out of rookies. Maybe they had superiors driving what they did; I don't know.

But the bottom line is wildlife enforcement in the state of Tennessee is on hold for the time being because a couple of knuckleheads did something ignorant and some judges who were as ignorant as them decided to make an example of them. I hope those judges don't get a chance to tie the hands of all LEO's, we will really be hosed then.

As to the cost of licenses, below is a link to the TWRA salaries. They have a lot of Directors and Managers. Also, there are about 17 wealthy members on the board. Do they get a salary?

I agree 100%…. Like I have said…. Almost 30 years in this profession and I have witnessed a lot of wasteful spending and as a tax payer myself it isn't right. It seems so easy for some to spend other the people's money and then defend their wasteful use of it.
I kept it simple for you…. Again Google is free I would expect someone of your self proclaimed stature to quickly show everyone how flawed my prices from each states DNR page is…. I mean most say the exact same thing and offer the same…. But you already know that but can't admit fault. Yet again another issue with where TWRA spends their money. Apparently they paid your salary and you have showed nothing to dispute my comments. You sir are part of the problem. I truly wish you the day you deserve.
Since you can't grasp the concept, I will try to dumb it down for you.

1. Unless you are someone with an obvious agenda, it doesn't take much understanding to realize that comparing agencies that get a high percentage of their budget revenue from license sales are likely going to be higher than the states that are getting a significant chunk from the state general fund. Most of the states that get the general fund money also have a state income tax. You may be one of the libtards that would OK with a state income tax, but I enjoy living in a state that doesn't have one.

2. Your simplistic list doesn't show a valid comparison. The TN Sportsman license covers every state cost that a hunter, fisherman, or trapper would have to pursue their activities anywhere in the state with the exception of a couple of federal areas. It also covers all fees to put in for any quota hunt in the state, and at one time included a subscription to the agency magazine.

In some of the states you listed, unless it has changed drastically in recent years, their "Sportsman License " only covers the basic licenses. If you hunt on WMAs there are additional permits to do buy. They also don't cover other areas that the TWRA license covers. So, your list is comparing apples to oranges.

And, with that, I will take the spot on advice about not feeling the trolls and add you to the idiot bin list.

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