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Punishment for the best deer hunter

Beekeeper said:
Football Hunter said:
As far as I know they are stik,but I dont hunt unit B so Im not familiar with those rules at all.
They are not legal on a buck only hunt. They don't have a 3" antler.
Ok,there is no buck only hunting where I live,far as I know,but I mostly loose interest in does after bow season anyway.So I could be wrong.
102 said:
Most of the ones that want a lower limit are your best hunters.

That is a ridiculus statement right there!

If that were true, they would be satisfied with their THREE, MATURE buck limit.

Most hunters that kill mature bucks consistently, realize the number one reason why they are able to kill them.

102 can you tell me the reason they are able to kill them?
muddyboots said:
I know some guys that kill 3 2/12 year olds a year and think they kill 3 mature bucks.
Interesting. I cannot tell you ONE hunter that has killed 3 bucks in TN in the last decade, and I talk to A LOT of deer hunters during the fall. Most of the hunters I talk to are from west TN, and a few are from middle TN.
Andy S. said:
muddyboots said:
I know some guys that kill 3 2/12 year olds a year and think they kill 3 mature bucks.
Interesting. I cannot tell you ONE hunter that has killed 3 bucks in TN in the last decade, and I talk to A LOT of deer hunters during the fall. Most of the hunters I talk to are from west TN, and a few are from middle TN.

Theres 3 on one of my leases last year. And that was a bad year. I would have shot one of em. Thats why i dont deer hunt there much anymore.
I am one of the worst hunters there is but I am one of the most persistent you will ever know of. In this day and time IMO there is no sense in being allowed to kill 3 bucks in one season, especially with all the does the TWRA says need to be killed. At a minimum there should be a restriction of some kind on any buck after the first one. No restrictions of any kind ever on the first one. I consider a multiple buck just plain greedy. Once any buck, especially a young buck is killed, that is it. Recruitment of new hunters in my opinion is important and I believe a 3 buck hurts that more than helps.

Mike Belt, you are correct with your statement, just reducing the limit will not put a trophy behind every tree. It can increase the number of older bucks though and any increase gives more bucks a chance. If anything, more bucks need growing time in Tennessee becausae the percentages are against us. Not many of our bucks that do get to maturity will be giants, but there is a small percentage of them that do grow into either great bucks or even giants and they are showing up all over our state. Our bucks need even more help to get age than bucks up north. If there is NO benefit of any kind in Tennessee, then I do not understand the "trophy" regulations on any WMA. They should be abandoned since age on Tennessee bucks makes no difference as has been stated by the TWRA people on here and the biologist on here.

Sorry a dead young buck is just that and the more of them that die, the less chance there is for that small percentage to grow. I am not a "trophy" hunter as many on here may think, but I believe our state has great potential that will NEVER be seen under our current regulations. I try to kill the best buck I can and most every momma doe I get a chance to. I know of so many who will not shoot a doe at any time for any reason, but will kill 3 young bucks a year. That is fine and legal, but we should protect some of those young bucks, and some restriction on any buck after the first is a start. I know for a FACT our long gun season is so much more stressful on the mature bucks in this state also and makes vampires out of them, but that is something that will never change. True, the Kentucky deer get spooked in a short time, but you can go not long after the season and many of the better deer are showing up in the daylight. In my time in Tennessee, if you see a good buck and do not kill it, that was your ONE chance. Does not matter if he was a long ways away and never had a clue you were in the world. In many places of this state, the places that have great deer and most everyone wants to hunt because of the chance to kill a great buck, have shorter gun seasons and more restrictive buck limits than statewide. Another example of a great buck area is Belle Meade. I know the soil in that area is better, but why do the giants (there 200" deer on occasion) show up? Along with the soil they get some age on them. Don't think they all grow big there either. There are some OLD, OLD small racked bucks there, many of them, but that small percentage that have potential get some growing time.

Would not be a punishment of any kind 102, it would just stop the greediness and hopefully encourage more to shoot some does.
Personally I like the idea of a 2 buck limit. I don't see enough gained by a 1 buck limit to penalize the biggest percentage of the hunter's in the state.

As a side note I hunt on one parcel of land that's 18,600 acres. We've had a 2 buck limit for the last 6 years with a size restriction of 125" minimum. Not every hunter in the club kills a buck and few kill 2. It has produced a pretty good herd of bucks that are older aged class. The percentage of bucks with "trophy" headgear hasn't increased nearly as much the percentage of bucks getting older. In fact some of he biggest bucks we've taken (rack score-wise) have been 3.5 year old bucks. I don't believe a 1 buck limit will reap the benefits those crying for a 1 buck limit anticipate.
I like to hunt for big bucks but my family is too fond of venison for me to be too selective. When they open up some antlerless permits for grundy during rifle I will help eliminate some does.Until then I will take my 3 buck limit and enjoy venison all year. On a side note I hunted Franklin county last year.I didnt take a buck but I harvested plenty of does. It dosent matter to me if the steak I am eating had horns or not.I hunt for meat ;)
I have killed at least 2 bucks every year for the past 10 or 12.

It seems to me that the one buck limit folks want to penalize the ones of us that can to try to help those that cant.

It kind of reminds me of welfare. The ones of us that work wind up carrying the ones that are too lazy to work.
Headhunter said:
I am one of the worst hunters there is but I am one of the most persistent you will ever know of. In this day and time IMO there is no sense in being allowed to kill 3 bucks in one season, especially with all the does the TWRA says need to be killed. At a minimum there should be a restriction of some kind on any buck after the first one. No restrictions of any kind ever on the first one. I consider a multiple buck just plain greedy. Once any buck, especially a young buck is killed, that is it. Recruitment of new hunters in my opinion is important and I believe a 3 buck hurts that more than helps.

Mike Belt, you are correct with your statement, just reducing the limit will not put a trophy behind every tree. It can increase the number of older bucks though and any increase gives more bucks a chance. If anything, more bucks need growing time in Tennessee becausae the percentages are against us. Not many of our bucks that do get to maturity will be giants, but there is a small percentage of them that do grow into either great bucks or even giants and they are showing up all over our state. Our bucks need even more help to get age than bucks up north. If there is NO benefit of any kind in Tennessee, then I do not understand the "trophy" regulations on any WMA. They should be abandoned since age on Tennessee bucks makes no difference as has been stated by the TWRA people on here and the biologist on here.

Sorry a dead young buck is just that and the more of them that die, the less chance there is for that small percentage to grow. I am not a "trophy" hunter as many on here may think, but I believe our state has great potential that will NEVER be seen under our current regulations. I try to kill the best buck I can and most every momma doe I get a chance to. I know of so many who will not shoot a doe at any time for any reason, but will kill 3 young bucks a year. That is fine and legal, but we should protect some of those young bucks, and some restriction on any buck after the first is a start. I know for a FACT our long gun season is so much more stressful on the mature bucks in this state also and makes vampires out of them, but that is something that will never change. True, the Kentucky deer get spooked in a short time, but you can go not long after the season and many of the better deer are showing up in the daylight. In my time in Tennessee, if you see a good buck and do not kill it, that was your ONE chance. Does not matter if he was a long ways away and never had a clue you were in the world. In many places of this state, the places that have great deer and most everyone wants to hunt because of the chance to kill a great buck, have shorter gun seasons and more restrictive buck limits than statewide. Another example of a great buck area is Belle Meade. I know the soil in that area is better, but why do the giants (there 200" deer on occasion) show up? Along with the soil they get some age on them. Don't think they all grow big there either. There are some OLD, OLD small racked bucks there, many of them, but that small percentage that have potential get some growing time.

Would not be a punishment of any kind 102, it would just stop the greediness and hopefully encourage more to shoot some does.

And with this last post from headhunter, I will now go outside, in the dark, and jab a stickin the ground, repeatedly.
102 said:
Most of the ones that want a lower limit are your best hunters.

That is a ridiculus statement right there!

If that were true, they would be satisfied with their THREE, MATURE buck limit.

Most hunters that kill mature bucks consistently, realize the number one reason why they are able to kill them.

102 can you tell me the reason they are able to kill them?

I believe The reason has already been discussed. It is quite simple. THere are many hunters willing, and capable of filling ALL THREE buck tags, EVERY year, with MATURE buck kills, because they are better hunters than most of us. And I know of a few that do this with a bow.

Kinda makes you wonder just what you're doing wrong. THen you meet one of these hunters and realize to what extent they are willing to go to accomplish this. I have seen more than one refuse to take the necessary steps to improve their skill set because of the sacrifice involve.

Rackseeker said:
On our lease we are only allowed two bucks per season. But just like if the state sets a one or two buck limit. There will be few that still take 4 and 5 bucks per season. Theres a fella that hunts on some public land that I hunt sometimes, its somewhat remote, and he kills 5 to 6 bucks per season. He shoots every small 8 pt he sees. He makes jokes about the local wardens not being able to catch him. Myself I think two bucks per season is plenty.
Its just logic by not killing as many bucks more will make it to be a older class buck. Then you have to factor in the carring capacity of your property. To many things to factor in.

If you know this, my question how many times have you turned him
102 said:
102 said:
Most of the ones that want a lower limit are your best hunters.

That is a ridiculus statement right there!

If that were true, they would be satisfied with their THREE, MATURE buck limit.

Most hunters that kill mature bucks consistently, realize the number one reason why they are able to kill them.

102 can you tell me the reason they are able to kill them?

I believe The reason has already been discussed. It is quite simple. THere are many hunters willing, and capable of filling ALL THREE buck tags, EVERY year, with MATURE buck kills, because they are better hunters than most of us. And I know of a few that do this with a bow.

Kinda makes you wonder just what you're doing wrong. THen you meet one of these hunters and realize to what extent they are willing to go to accomplish this. I have seen more than one refuse to take the necessary steps to improve their skill set because of the sacrifice involve.

You have heard from TNDEER on hear that very few kill 3 more so the limits are ok, but you says several kill 3 mature
bucks every year...WHO? it easy to check, whats there names???
Cause I've seen a twra employee on here say verrrrrrrrry few kill
3 bucks, maybe your guys are not tagging them all
Football Hunter said:
Ok,there is no buck only hunting where I live,far as I know,but I mostly loose interest in does after bow season anyway.So I could be wrong.

there is buck only hunting in unit L if you don't have a type 94 or sportsmans license.
102 said:
102 said:
Most of the ones that want a lower limit are your best hunters.

That is a ridiculus statement right there!

If that were true, they would be satisfied with their THREE, MATURE buck limit.

Most hunters that kill mature bucks consistently, realize the number one reason why they are able to kill them.

102 can you tell me the reason they are able to kill them?

I believe The reason has already been discussed. It is quite simple. THere are many hunters willing, and capable of filling ALL THREE buck tags, EVERY year, with MATURE buck kills, because they are better hunters than most of us. And I know of a few that do this with a bow.

Kinda makes you wonder just what you're doing wrong. THen you meet one of these hunters and realize to what extent they are willing to go to accomplish this. I have seen more than one refuse to take the necessary steps to improve their skill set because of the sacrifice involve.


The biggest reason that most hunters are able to kill a mature deer is because the deer lived long enought to be mature.
First-I am sure they check them in. If they did not, and I found out, I would turn them in. And they know it.
Second, percentage wise, of 200,000 hunters STATEWIDE, I am also sure that these few represent a smaller portion of the hunting population than "very few". As your TWRA buddy says. Much like the number of hunters dis-satisfied with the current 3 buck limit.

With the direction and origination of this topic, I am merely trying to point out that like the "one buck crowd", the "three buck crowd" has their "wants" too.

I am all for TWRA doing what they think is best for the overall picture.
Hunter recruitment
Herd health

I will let them run the show. I am not an expert in STATEWIDE deer herd management. THEY ARE!

And I have seen the deer herd (and Turkey) make INCREDIBLE improvements in the past 30 years. INCREDIBLE!

"The biggest reason that most hunters are able to kill a mature deer is because the deer lived long enought to be mature."

And that just goes to show you the mature bucks are already out there, in HUNTABLE numbers. First, you have to know where to find them. And once you find them you better keep your mouth shut about it. Because, no matter what, all areas of Tennessee will not hold huntable numbers of ANY age deer. Just like in Illinois or other states.


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