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Punishment for the best deer hunter

muddyboots said:
Most of the ones that want a lower limit are your best hunters.

I will x 2 that one. Anyway we were told nobody kills 3 anyway so whats the difference. For the record i dont want a one buck limit. I want a 2 buck limit with anything with testicles counts as a buck.

You got it Muddyboots, the TWRA expert has said that on here before, that very
few kill 3
you are correct. VERY few kill 3.
And the ones that I know of who do, are VERY good at hunting.

You see, your BEST, most skilled deer hunters are capable of killing MATURE bucks just about anywhere that mature bucks live, in huntable numbers.

If they are NOT there, IN HUNTABLE NUMBERS, guess what? These guys DO NOT HUNT THERE!!!
102 said:
If they are NOT there, IN HUNTABLE NUMBERS, guess what? These guys DO NOT HUNT THERE!!!

Thats exactly what i do. Unfortunately i still get the bill each month for the land here that i have to pay for and get to pay for out of state license and leases. Like to be able to hunt here in my own state, on my own land, but i guess giving up a little something to try and help areas in the state that dont have huntable numbers is too much to ask. The "most skilled hunters" i know give back not just take.
102 said:
"The biggest reason that most hunters are able to kill a mature deer is because the deer lived long enought to be mature."

And that just goes to show you the mature bucks are already out there, in HUNTABLE numbers. First, you have to know where to find them. And once you find them you better keep your mouth shut about it. Because, no matter what, all areas of Tennessee will not hold huntable numbers of ANY age deer. Just like in Illinois or other states.

Exactly 102, good posts on the money as usual!
The buck limit is the furthest thing from being the problem for those who cant accomplish the task of killing mature bucks in TN right now! If those begging to have the limits lowered would use that same energy on fixing the problem they have, of not being able to kill mature bucks, they would be much better off vs begging for a limit reduction that wont improve their hunting skills one bit!
The buck limit in TN is no longer the limiting factor in how many bucks are killed. Hunters are already voluntarily passing many bucks each year and the buck limit has nothing to do with it, its personal choice, JUST LIKE IT SHOULD BE, especially when its no harm at all to the rsource and the herd is getting better with the limits in place now!
It is so hard to get the point across to hunters that NO MATTER WHAT, there will NEVER be big, MATURE bucks in huntable numbers in some areas in Tennessee. THough there are currently HUNTABLE numbers all over, they are not now, nor will ever be, EVERYWHERE.

Habitat and carrying capacity, man AND nature simply will not allow this.

SO part of hunting BIG, MATURE bucks is KNOWING WHERE TO BEGIN.
And knowing where to begin, and how to find these elusive animals, is part of being a GREAT deer hunter.
102 said:
It is so hard to get the point across to hunters that NO MATTER WHAT, there will NEVER be big, MATURE bucks in huntable numbers in some areas in Tennessee. THough there are currently HUNTABLE numbers all over, they are not now, nor will ever be, EVERYWHERE.

Habitat and carrying capacity, man AND nature simply will not allow this.

SO part of hunting BIG, MATURE bucks is KNOWING WHERE TO BEGIN.
And knowing where to begin, and how to find these elusive animals, is part of being a GREAT deer hunter.
Cleaned out 102!
Well my farm in the early 80s would put cades cove to shame. Dont know how some can say regulations arent a factor thats simply a false statement. Look at HAAP on one side of the fence monster bucks on the other spikes and forkhorns. This difference is clearly in relation to management practices.
Look at cades cove poor habitat and yet look at the carrying capacity its able to support. If you want to shoot 3 thats fine but i think its getting cloudy on the facts.
102, you got me. I have never killed any deer older than 1-1/2 and was hoping to skew the numbers of mature deer so I could. We should be allowed to kill a buck a day in Tennessee since age has nothing to do with improving buck quality in Tennessee and trying to improve the herd would only have negative effects.
BowGirl said:
Well my farm in the early 80s would put cades cove to shame. Dont know how some can say regulations arent a factor thats simply a false statement. Look at HAAP on one side of the fence monster bucks on the other spikes and forkhorns. This difference is clearly in relation to management practices.
Look at cades cove poor habitat and yet look at the carrying capacity its able to support. If you want to shoot 3 thats fine but i think its getting cloudy on the facts.
Glad you posted this, as it proves your point. These areas you mention have NONE to very little hunting pressure, with CC being closed for decades and HAAP only having very few people hunting just a few single days a year. The buck limit has absolutely nothing to do with with the age and size bucks that live there. Its the fact that you CANT hunt period in these areas for the most part! You open either one of these areas up to statewide seasons, and make the buck limit one per year and see what happens?? They will be just like the rest of the surrounding areas in a very short time!
The huge misconception so many people have, is with bucks antler size in many midwestern states, its size per age class. They simply grow more antler per age class on average than TN bucks do. Hence when people kill a nice 125" deer in Ohio that they are so happy with, and call it a mature buck, when in reality its very likely the same 2.5 yr old buck that they have been killing here in TN with 100" of antler on average, that no longer satifies them!

We should be allowed to kill a buck a day in Tennessee
Truth is HH this would likely have little affect on the # of bucks getting killed now across much of the state. TN hunters use enough self restraint overall that limits on bucks now play a very small role in what bucks are killed in most areas.
Winchester said:
BowGirl said:
Well my farm in the early 80s would put cades cove to shame. Dont know how some can say regulations arent a factor thats simply a false statement. Look at HAAP on one side of the fence monster bucks on the other spikes and forkhorns. This difference is clearly in relation to management practices.
Look at cades cove poor habitat and yet look at the carrying capacity its able to support. If you want to shoot 3 thats fine but i think its getting cloudy on the facts.
Glad you posted this, as it proves your point. These areas you mention have NONE to very little hunting pressure, with CC being closed for decades and HAAP only having very few people hunting just a few single days a year. The buck limit has absolutely nothing to do with with the age and size bucks that live there. Its the fact that you CANT hunt period in these areas for the most part! You open either one of these areas up to statewide seasons, and make the buck limit one per year and see what happens?? They will be just like the rest of the surrounding areas in a very short time!
The huge misconception so many people have, is with bucks antler size in many midwestern states, its size per age class. They simply grow more antler per age class on average than TN bucks do. Hence when people kill a nice 125" deer in Ohio that they are so happy with, and call it a mature buck, when in reality its very likely the same 2.5 yr old buck that they have been killing here in TN with 100" of antler on average, that no longer satifies them!

We should be allowed to kill a buck a day in Tennessee
Truth is HH this would likely have little affect on the # of bucks getting killed now across much of the state. TN hunters use enough self restraint overall that limits on bucks now play a very small role in what bucks are killed in most areas.
It proves my point that regulating mans impact is the key, not habitat limitations, etc. Management practices are the reason. Be it prohibited or limited, shows obviously that different results can be achieved here in TN. We both probably dont agree with them, but it does show that it can be done. We can debate on the impact of a one vs a three buck limit but to say that it doesnt matter what it is a false statement, even with the buck limit. Because it does. Its why we have professionals across the country that spend alot of time and put forth alot, its why we have a deer herd. Each little tweak has an impact to say that it doesnt is a false statement.

I also dont think your giving enough TN hunters credit the majority of TN hunters do target specific ages and many on here are proficient in field judging.
And just for the record i like winchester he's one of the best at deer hunting. We go back and forth sometimes for entertainment purposes only. :)
I find it hilarious to hear people compaining about buck regulations yet our current trend of larger and older bucks being killed each year has been going up... If it ain't broke why try to "fix" it?

I know several guys that kill 2-3 100"+ bucks off their leases and property each and every year. These guys hunt every spare hour they get during the season and put in countless hours of time during the off season preparing as well. Most of us don't have the time or resources to be able to do that so we usually don't kill anymore than 1 buck per year nor do we see many either. My point is that the regulations aren't what is keeping most of us from killing big bucks....
BowGirl said:
I also dont think your giving enough TN hunters credit the majority of TN hunters do target specific ages and many on here are proficient in field judging.

I think a more accurate statement would be that a large number (I'm not sure it would be a majority) of TN hunters target specific antler size instead of age. Also, I know a bunch of hunters in my area that don't give a rip about how much antler a deer has on their head. Oh, sure they would kill a larger racked buck over a smaller racked buck if they were standing side by side, but inches of bone isn't what determines whether they shoot or not when they see a single buck.

Also, as you say many deer hunters on TNDeer are proficient in field judging age, but remember that we are a very tiny fraction of the total TN deer hunter population and I think I would be safe in saying that the majority of hunters statewide are bad to terrible at field judging age, especially at anything 2 1/2 or older.
Baxter83 said:
I find it hilarious to hear people compaining about buck regulations yet our current trend of larger and older bucks being killed each year has been going up... If it ain't broke why try to "fix" it?
Don't "fix" it in areas that dont need it. If your county is doing good with trending older bucks then thats awesome. What about everyone else?
woodchuckc said:
BowGirl said:
I also dont think your giving enough TN hunters credit the majority of TN hunters do target specific ages and many on here are proficient in field judging.

I think a more accurate statement would be that a large number (I'm not sure it would be a majority) of TN hunters target specific antler size instead of age. Also, I know a bunch of hunters in my area that don't give a rip about how much antler a deer has on their head. Oh, sure they would kill a larger racked buck over a smaller racked buck if they were standing side by side, but inches of bone isn't what determines whether they shoot or not when they see a single buck.

Also, as you say many deer hunters on TNDeer are proficient in field judging age, but remember that we are a very tiny fraction of the total TN deer hunter population and I think I would be safe in saying that the majority of hunters statewide are bad to terrible at field judging age, especially at anything 2 1/2 or older.
Yeah your right my bad. Maybe they could get better at age judging when they see what one looks like. :)
Good hunters with restraint will kill good bucks. Good hunters with no restaint will not kill as many good bucks. You have to know how to target mature bucks and have trigger control. Those skills aren't aquired easily or by killing the first deer you see. Results will not come immediately, you have to be patient. Our buck limit is working great and I don't see any reason to change it.
woodchuckc said:
Also, as you say many deer hunters on TNDeer are proficient in field judging age, but remember that we are a very tiny fraction of the total TN deer hunter population and I think I would be safe in saying that the majority of hunters statewide are bad to terrible at field judging age, especially at anything 2 1/2 or older.

that is a fact!

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