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Punishment for the best deer hunter

102 said:
With allthe hype about chnging buck limits, I rarely hear much on this topic. But let's hear a post or three.

Several "psuedo qdm types" (armchair biolgists) have made mention of changing Tn. to a one buck limit to produce greater numbers of older aged bucks. O-K.

But doesn't that change of limits PUNISH those who are having no problem hunting and killing older aged classbucks NOW. With the way things are?

So what about the guys and gals who are able to take 2 or three old bucks per season right now? Do they just quit buck hunting after punching their first or second tag?

Or are the one buckers convinced that these successful mature buck tag punchers are either non-exietent or so few in number that it really doesn't matter?


even if we are already tagging 3 mature bucks a yr, a lower limit would give us incentive to screen those mature bucks even more closely. maybe instead of harvesting 3- 3.5 yr old deer each yr, we kill 2 - 4.5 yr old deer each yr.
I believe there is nothing wrong with the current limit. I hunt at least one portion(morning or afternoon)4-5 days a week from bow season to close in January. Some years I take 1 buck one year I 5 does and no bucks, last year I took 3. Best season ever, took a 4.5 year old 123 inch day two of muzzleloader. Took two 110+ deer later in the season while hunting with my dad and brother. I also have 5 plus hours of video of 2 just as large 3.5 and even one 120 plus 2.5 yr old that I took from the stand as I let them walk. If I would not have been able to continue hunting after #1 it would not have been my favorite year.
We have all seen the heard improve in recent years or least we have on our property. It was probably 10 years ago we first started letting some scrub bucks walk. Then after a couple of years we would not shoot anything that is not 2.5. Now we want drop the hammer on an animal less than 3.5. Who knows maybe a few years from now it will be 4.5 or better.
On the 600 acres we have access to there are way more than 9 bucks of each age class so even if we were to limit out annually there will always be deer that 4.5, 5.5 or 6.5. They are there now and I have the rare trail cam picture to prove it but your not going to see those completely nocturnal bruiser regardless of how many 2.5 year old deer you let walk.
Also, whether or not I take a dear will not make the deer available for someone else unless they are trespassing. If you want the bucks where you are to get bigger don't shoot anything smaller than what you want to kill. And for goodness sakes shoot some does. As for the public hunting land let TWRA put the management plan in place for those places and I will continue to monitor the herd at my place and manage it accordingly. Must be doing something right as trail cams are pointing to another good year.
To be honest, whether I kill 0 or 3 next year as long as I get to hunt all year without the possibility of tagging out on day one of bow season its going to be a good year.
I don't need a limit to kill what I kill..

I set personal limits on myself, based on the size buck that I want to take.

Whether the limit is 1 or 5, makes no difference to me. I never shoot a buck that i do not want to mount (99 % of the time anyway), so limit size is irrelevent to me because I rarely see two or more bucks that I WANT to take in a single season.

I will say that i would really love to see the day when I can and will turn down 130" deer , repeatedly, during a single season, but in order for that to happen, people must wait and let these 100" deer walk.

With a one buck limit, those with no restraint will have to change or go home after the first kill, but those of us that simply won't kill a 100-120" deer anyway can handle a ten buck limit and only choose to take ONE buck per season.

I could not care any less what the next guy kills, but I do find it amusing how many hunters I talk to complain about NOT killing a 130" deer, while checking in a 100" deer and saying..."Well, I wanted to kill a deer so I settle for this one, even though I'd much rather kill a BIGGER deer.."

Success should never be measured by the number of filled tags, but more by the number of memories you make....many times, when I think back on deer hunting, I remember those times when I let deer walk and felt really good about that decision, on the way home.

I have never regretted letting a deer walk. I have second guessed my choice to take a buck that I wasn't sure that I should. that is a bad feeling, imo.

good luck with this and I hope you let your own conscience be your guide and not some predetermined state limit..

I hope my legacy isn't defined by how many trophies I have on my wall. I would rather it be defined by the good times, friendships, and memories. People will remember that much longer than a set of bones. I bet very few if anyone can give me some names on the TN Deer Registry simply from their own memory. But I bet everyone can tell me of good times had hunting with friends and family.
Mike Belt said:
It has produced a pretty good herd of bucks that are older aged class. The percentage of bucks with "trophy" headgear hasn't increased nearly as much the percentage of bucks getting older. I don't believe a 1 buck limit will reap the benefits those crying for a 1 buck limit anticipate.

Well Said Mike. I might also add that having older aged class bucks running around pulls the mature bucks from underground because they must compete for the does and in Ames case, fewer does as a percentage than most places because of QDM. If you want to accomplish the same thing on a statewide basis, then you have to either restrict the number of bucks or provide incentive to shoot does or both. The problem is that most of the hunters don't really care about QDM and want to shoot a buck period. I understand, just not my cup of tea. That's why they have clubs like Ames with strict QDM for you and me and public land where a once a year hunter can go and kill a buck on most any weekend. I don't think the 3 buck limit hurts the herd and only a small number kill three bucks a year anyway. Last I checked the herd is stable to growing.
Beekeeper said:
BigSatt said:
Bottom Hunter said:
Success should never be measured by the number of filled tags, but more by the number of memories you make....

Depends on whether you are hunting for meat or a Trophy.

Not to me it doesn't. I seldom get to see my hunting buddies throughout the year. Also, I normally get to make new friends each year. So, when the time rolls around to get together and hunt Western Ky, and Illinois, we make the most of it. And, yes, when we are there, we are typically after larger bucks. Likewise, when I'm meat hunting (typically Tn), it is normally with very close friends and family. From an enjoyable experience standpoint, it NEVER matters HOW successful our hunt is.....just the good times spent with friends and family. I get as much of a thrill when one of my buddies take a deer that they are proud of as killing one myself. Each night, I love hearing everyone telling their daily story to the group while we share a good meal. Obviously, success will add to the enjoyment.

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