102 said:With allthe hype about chnging buck limits, I rarely hear much on this topic. But let's hear a post or three.
Several "psuedo qdm types" (armchair biolgists) have made mention of changing Tn. to a one buck limit to produce greater numbers of older aged bucks. O-K.
But doesn't that change of limits PUNISH those who are having no problem hunting and killing older aged classbucks NOW. With the way things are?
So what about the guys and gals who are able to take 2 or three old bucks per season right now? Do they just quit buck hunting after punching their first or second tag?
Or are the one buckers convinced that these successful mature buck tag punchers are either non-exietent or so few in number that it really doesn't matter?
even if we are already tagging 3 mature bucks a yr, a lower limit would give us incentive to screen those mature bucks even more closely. maybe instead of harvesting 3- 3.5 yr old deer each yr, we kill 2 - 4.5 yr old deer each yr.