Rut information

Southern Wayne is ramping up right on time. Lots of serious scrapes, young bucks very active in daylight with a few 3yr olds being seen on our place. Doe aggravation underway by juniors.

Switch flipped from night activity on scrapes Nov 22. Have 3 cell cams on scrapes set to "instant" send & they have been blowing up during daylight for past 3 days with only 2-3 night pics. I've never been a believer of activity per solunar tables but for some reason I decided to check what I've been seeing the past few days, and they have been spot on with lots of pics 7:30-11:00am & 2:00-4:00pm. Way too early for me to be convinced at all, but going to try & remember to check my daytime pics against tables rest of year & see how it washes out.

Have several non cell cams on scrapes that have been soaking for past 3 weeks. Gonna check them today & see how they compare.

Mature bucks activity should really ramp up next couple of weeks for us. At camp for rest of season with exception of a couple days at Christmas, so should have my finger on pulse of rut this year.
Southern Wayne is ramping up right on time. Lots of serious scrapes, young bucks very active in daylight with a few 3yr olds being seen on our place. Doe aggravation underway by juniors.

Switch flipped from night activity on scrapes Nov 22. Have 3 cell cams on scrapes set to "instant" send & they have been blowing up during daylight for past 3 days with only 2-3 night pics. I've never been a believer of activity per solunar tables but for some reason I decided to check what I've been seeing the past few days, and they have been spot on with lots of pics 7:30-11:00am & 2:00-4:00pm. Way too early for me to be convinced at all, but going to try & remember to check my daytime pics against tables rest of year & see how it washes out.

Have several non cell cams on scrapes that have been soaking for past 3 weeks. Gonna check them today & see how they compare.

Mature bucks activity should really ramp up next couple of weeks for us. At camp for rest of season with exception of a couple days at Christmas, so should have my finger on pulse of rut this year.
Tellico, what county you hunting in?
Peak chasing on my place in Humphreys County (western Middle TN) was right on time. Peak dates were the 11th and 18th, just like most years.
Yep exactly what I was seeing killed my possible biggest friday morning he was the second mature deer of the morning glad i didn't shoot the first one. But they both were 10-20 min behind a group of does . On the way home and seen 6 different big deer chasing hard.
I've been off work all week hunting and I have seen no rut activity. Seen plenty of does and only 2 small bucks. None of them acted like the rut was going on. First 2 weeks of muzzleloader was pretty busy.
Ya it's been kind of strange. Hunted Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and didn't see one deer. Getting back after it tomorrow-Thursday.
Ya it's been kind of strange. Hunted Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and didn't see one deer. Getting back after it tomorrow-Thursday.
Been out most the weekend, Loudon county. Saw some lone bucks cruising (6point and small 8) Friday afternoon. Sitting on a field now watching 3 does and no bucks in sight…

Was going to take off tomorrow to hunt but will likely wait till I see confirmed rut action.
Anderson County, The last day I saw chasing was Monday, 11/20 where every deer i saw was hauling the mail. Although I didn't hunt again til Fri 11/24 where I didn't see anything. I hunted today, 11/26 and killed an 8 point that was being followed by what appeared to be an antlerless deer of unknown sex. I think he was tending and lockdown has begun.

I bought an app several years ago that isn't updated anymore but the solunar part still works good. It predicted exactly what I've seen. High daytime activity thru Thanksgiving day, then drop off. BTW, the app shows another peak 12/6-8 and 12/17-22
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Does anyone have knowledge of when the peek rut starts and ends in Lawrence County Tennessee?
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Loudon County here, took a nice 8 point on 11/10 that was cruising in the morning rain and upper 40's at 8am. Since, haven't seen much activity this weekend at all. I recall 11/26 last year there were 2 bucks fighting over a doe and the bigger one was nose to the ground chasing.

This weekend and the next ought to be ideal with the cold weather rolling in! Good luck!
I took a nice 9 point in East TN on 11/11. Seems like this year the first 3 weeks of November were good and now it seems to have shut off. Haven't seen a deer on my cameras all week...
West Point
Anytime from thanksgiving- Christmas can be really good just have to put the time in. My favorite out of that time frame is Dec. 5th- 15th. There's been some sure enough trophy bucks fall on those days. I have a farm in Westpoint, I got pics sent to me from my cell cam on Dec. 5th of a mature buck I haven't had any daylight pics of since velvet running a doe around in a cut corn field.
Giles Co. I had 11 does in the backyard yesterday afternoon feeding and not a single buck. This morning I've had an 8 with his nose to the ground back and forth across the backyard several times. When he's not around there's a 4 point doing the same. The 4 point did chase a pair of does into the woods.