Rut report

I killed a decent buck Saturday but, I've not seen any rut activity at all. When I killed him, he was eating acorns.
It may be warming up. I was doing some bush hogging this afternoon and saw an absolute stud out in one of the other fields. I have killed several in the same spot he was in, and it was always during the rut.
It's amazing how physically demanding the rut has to be for bucks. I hunt western Montgomery County and, while not the highest hills, there is a lot of steep terrain.

Our peak breeding seems to be occurring now as deer sightings have come to a screeching halt!
Deer sightings around here have pretty much come to a screeching halt here too. I heard a deer early before daylight, moving through the woods close to where I was sitting but, couldn't see it. Then I smelled it. Had to be a buck. He was pungent. That was day before Yesterday.
I harvested a nice buck Monday morning. 10 minutes after sunrise I had does running all through the woods with bucks chasing them. The buck I shot came in after everything settled down and was at full sneak after 3 doe. I saw 14-16 deer that morning before 7:45AM. Most deer I've seen in a while. I went back in the very next morning and it was like night and day. I sat from 5:50-11:00 and didn't see a single thing. This is Dickson County. Idk if the weather had anything to do with it but Monday morning was nice and cold and Tuesday was considerably warmer. I have decided to wait and let things settle back down I let the .50 ring through the woods. Going back in Friday morning because it's supposed to real cold that morning
What's everyone seen this weekend? I've seen the first chasing this weekend in Marshall County.
I got out this afternoon. Saw 4 does together in Rutherford. No bucks, no chasing. Last week when the cold front came in I saw a 7 pt locked in on a doe and he ran a 3 pt off. I thought it was about to bust wide open, but nothing came of it, and does were in groups again the very next day.
My land is in Sullivan Co and the activity has been crazy! we have about 17 acres and there are prob 30-40 rubs and 10-15 scrapes. Started about the 2nd weekend this month with chasing. We have taken 2 8pt and an 11pt so far, all within an 8day period. Been a great year!
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I'm the worst hunter in the world. Hunted my two best spots Saturday after work, Monday morning/afternoon and this morning, and didn't see a single deer. First time hunting this year. Not even seeing any while driving around like usual. Saw more deer in my area this summer than the last three so I know they are there, movement is just nil right now. I'm blaming the full moon and it being practically daylight out all night. I'll be out again in the morning so I hope things change...can't be any worse.