Rut report

Any reports of chasing around Natchez Trace / Carroll County side?
I haven't been out since last weekend but I think it is getting ramped up. I'm 10 miles west/nw of their.

Been seeing lots of bucks cruising on camera at night and small bucks chasing does over the last week. Hopefully now is the time for the big boys. Ruger and myself gonna try em in the morning but I'm afraid they will be huddled up early morning from the cold blast. Will hunt until he says let's go
Still not seeing much in Sequatchie county. Pulled cameras today and does are still with fawns, and a couple of small bucks coming through in the middle of the night.
Saw 6 does this morning. One single, and 5 in a group. No bucks trailing either. Waited a good while too. Love to see some chasing. I was seeing chasing last year during MZ season.
For SW TN, if I could only hunt 10 days, it would be Dec. 1-10. Generally speaking, last 10 days of November and first 10 days of December are must hunt days, especially if the weather is good. A lot of solid 3.5/4.5 bucks are killed last 10 days of November, but the bucks I really desire (4.5+) are typically killed in December, with the first 10 days being prime time for them to be walking in daylight. Of course, there are exceptions to any "rule of thumb" and some fine bucks will probably get killed this weekend with lows around 30 and rifles in most hunter's hands (Unit CWD).

Identical to us in Wayne.

Some years it extends to about the 13th in older bucks but those first 10 days are it
Getting started here in sevier co. Early in my opinifor what I see most years. I personally believe we're later than the rest of the state. I've killed almost all my big bucks after the first week of December.
Hunted laurel hill this morning. Saw 8 deer with some being chased by a buck but another hunter got him before he made it up to me. Nice 8 point. Scouted another spot heard a loud grunt on the next ridge and caught glimpse of another buck on a mission. Hopefully tomorrow is the day
fayette co....does still grouped but we took an 8 today with stained smelly tarsals and cedar in his tines where he'd been busting a tree...saw some mature bucks roaming from road driving home...very close to wide open...
Haven't seen any chasing in several days. Been watching a doe being followed, but not chased by a little 5 most of this morning. Both just bedded on a hillside about 40 yards from me. Little bucks left eye is wounded, and he was acting really skittish. Was hoping a good buck would come around.
Saw a lone button today. Then a doe with fawn and small four point with her. Later saw a small 6 pointer with his nose to the ground that came in alone. This is in Putnam county.
Jackson County young bucks cruising alone, does grouped up this past week.
Rutherford fawns alone this morning 11/27. Mature bucks seem to be moving alone right before shooting light headed to bedding did the samea week ago, shot a 3.5 year old that split off from 2 fawns checking scrapes.
This morning I had a 5 and a 7 come through about 20 minutes after 2 does came through. They looked liked blood hounds sniffing the ground. They were both grunting every couple of steps. Went the exact route the does went. This was in Knox County.
Think the primary rut in this part of West Tennessee is for the most part over. Should start seeing secondary rut action here towards the start of the second week of December.
Lawrence County- Lots of young bucks cruising and pestering does. Older deer are starting to be more active according to my cameras. Look for some big deer to be killed in the next 2 weeks.
Same here in Wayne. Saw my first lone yearlings yesterday & just had a big doe saunter by all alone a few minutes ago. Really nice 3 yr 8pt trailing behind her by 30 minutes, totally oblivious.
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