Rut report

I'm the worst hunter in the world. Hunted my two best spots Saturday after work, Monday morning/afternoon and this morning, and didn't see a single deer. First time hunting this year. Not even seeing any while driving around like usual. Saw more deer in my area this summer than the last three so I know they are there, movement is just nil right now. I'm blaming the full moon and it being practically daylight out all night. I'll be out again in the morning so I hope things change...can't be any worse.
I'm sure I could rival you for that title. I had 3 shells in my gun and missed all 3 shots on the biggest public land buck I've ever seen this last Sunday. I remember loading my gun up about to put a few more shells in and thought, "If I need more than 3 shots, I don't deserve this deer." Ouch.
I'm sure I could rival you for that title. I had 3 shells in my gun and missed all 3 shots on the biggest public land buck I've ever seen this last Sunday. I remember loading my gun up about to put a few more shells in and thought, "If I need more than 3 shots, I don't deserve this deer." Ouch.
🤔 Ok, you win;)

I will say as far as the rut goes in my area, it seems like chasing activity is from Thanksgiving on through the next week. I was just hoping I'd see SOMETHING to shoot.
Some traditional scrapes hot & some stone cold. Transition time I think. Lots of new rubs popped up this week including some big ones. Small bucks pestering & a few mature seen in daylight but none killed. Have yet to see lone fawns. Getting better every day, still about 2 weeks for prime for us. Wayne Co.


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Had 15 doe sightings from the stand this morning, with at least 9 of those (probably 11) being different deer. All came in as pairs or triples. I've not seen doe family groups break up yet, but my brother had serious chasing of lone does 5 miles away during ML season… go figure
My place is usually hot right now but I saw three little guys chasing one poor doe to death yesterday and maybe 4 other does. Today a small eight and a ten eating showing no interest in three does. All late afternoon.
I'm sure I could rival you for that title. I had 3 shells in my gun and missed all 3 shots on the biggest public land buck I've ever seen this last Sunday. I remember loading my gun up about to put a few more shells in and thought, "If I need more than 3 shots, I don't deserve this deer." Ouch.

I shoot a Tikka which takes a magazine. I hunt with the 3 rd magazine but keep a full 5 rd magazine in my pack. I've flung lead at coyotes before and never know when you might need more ammo. Also if I ever bump my scope I have extra ammo on hand to confirm zero.