Rut report

On Sunday I saw significantly more deer carnage on I24 between Nashville and Clarksville than I did a couple of weeks ago. That tends to be a signal that things are ramping up.
Yes it is. 7 dead deer on I-40 between Nashville and Dickson last Saturday. There had been none the previous two weeks.
Yes it is. 7 dead deer on I-40 between Nashville and Dickson last Saturday. There had been none the previous two weeks.
And, not trying to hijack the thread, but it is a good time to remind non-hunting spouses and children that aren't aware of the increased deer movement around the rut that they need to be extra careful wherever they are driving and be on the watch for deer crossing the road for the next few weeks. That includes in some very urban areas in Nashville, etc. It might save someone you love from a terrible crash.
Found my first 2 scrapes yesterday. In an area that I always find scrapes in Scott county. I am not see any new rub activity which has me a little puzzled. Around the neighborhood here in Knox County a very nice 8 and a Spike has made themselves known. I'm trying to pattern him now.
I know it's a bit early but thought I'd go ahead and start one. Post any chasing/rutting activity here. Location and experience please.

I'll start with this...had four does in my front yard yesterday morning. They moved one and 15 minutes later came running back thru with a nice 8pt chasing and grunting the whole time. I'm in Roane County.
I want the kill thread back and running.
Clay county: No rubs/scrapes this year where I usually find some good rub lines. A few videos of young bucks sparring on two separate occasions on a food plot, but nothing else of significance.
Wilson County: buck chasing a doe on my property on Monday, completely unconcerned that I'm sitting on a running tractor 10 steps away. This was a buck previously not seen on my place.

Davidson County: my son reported seeing a significant buck within sight of the Bass Pro building at Opry Mills yesterday, Tuesday.

Bucks are moving in our part of middle Tennessee.
I drive a lot in ETn , have started seeing a upswing in dead deer on the roads the last 2 weeks, 1 had the head cut off most didnt have horns or were torn up so bad I couldn't tell, also have seen 5-6 yotes so they may be pushing deer to do stupid stuff also
Rutherford County

Went out last night after work and about 30 minutes before dark I saw what appeared to be a 2.5yr old buck chasing a single doe all over the place. No ground sniffing, just the lowered head while he ran that one doe. The doe was in a group of about 6 or 7 other does and he singled her out and began the chase.

Due to work I haven't been able to get out and 'explore' so to speak so I haven't had a chance to look for any rubs/scrapes. It's just been a bee line to the final destination.
Haven't noticed any chasing in my travels around Williamson, Maury, Rutherford, and east Hickman, but I'm seeing dead deer everywhere on the roads, even smaller backroads, in the last week. Way more so than I usually see this time of year.
A yearling buck ran across aspen grove drive in cool springs (franklin) at 4am this morning. Never seen a deer there before. Also had another new buck show up on trail cam at 11:30 last night. Williamson county
I saw a buck harassing 5 does in Shelby county at Trap practice at Memphis Sports Shooting Association yesterday, then when we were leaving 2 bucks crossed the road in front of us. They are definitely active in West TN.

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