Rut report

WHAT!??? Running the numbers is half the fun! Actually, I like "running the numbers" more than the actual hunting!
That's interesting BSK. I like numbers too although I'm not that privy to all the information on Ames. That's a good baseline for measuring the impact of CWD. At 8% and an average of 36 bucks, you might have 2-3 mature (4 1/2 or older ). After CWD becomes endemic, that number gets cut in half, at least. We know that 50% of the bucks tested are positive. That doesn't count the ones that died from CWD or other causes. When you look at how few bucks make it to maturity then how few have above average racks the number gets pretty small. Throw CWD into the mix and those few above average mature bucks have one more obstacle to overcome. Just because people are still seeing "good bucks" doesn't mean CWD isn't having its effect.
That's interesting BSK. I like numbers too although I'm not that privy to all the information on Ames. That's a good baseline for measuring the impact of CWD. At 8% and an average of 36 bucks, you might have 2-3 mature (4 1/2 or older ). After CWD becomes endemic, that number gets cut in half, at least. We know that 50% of the bucks tested are positive. That doesn't count the ones that died from CWD or other causes. When you look at how few bucks make it to maturity then how few have above average racks the number gets pretty small. Throw CWD into the mix and those few above average mature bucks have one more obstacle to overcome. Just because people are still seeing "good bucks" doesn't mean CWD isn't having its effect.
Those are all EXCELLENT points fairchaser. CWD is and will continue to have an impact as it spreads.

And you are correct, normally we have 2-3 mature bucks on our place each year, although in the last 2 years, that number has ticked up just a bit (3-5).
I'm glad this thread exists! I haven't been able to get out in the woods at all this season so far. I'm taking a week off for vacation this month to hunt, but can't decide what week to take off, either the week before or the week after Thanksgiving. Going from the last two bucks I've killed, one was killed 11/18 and the other 11/20 over the course of the last 3-4 years. I've also started noticing deer activity in general starting to pick up some, especially at dusk, so I'm starting to lean more towards taking off the week before Thanksgiving. I'm hunting SW Madison County and Hardeman County for the most part. Any suggestions? Is the week before Thanksgiving usually when peak rut occurs in West TN?
Seen a 130s - 8pt hounding a doe this morning on my way to work in Tullahoma. Pulled over and watched for a couple minutes. They finally crossed the road and about caused a multi car wreck.
I believe just another by deer report in Tullahoma. Years ago one ran inside the Kroger and had to be of put down. This is first ha d knowledge and not her say.
I believe just another by deer report in Tullahoma. Years ago one ran inside the Kroger and had to be of put down. This is first ha d knowledge and not her say.
Meant to write:""
I believe just another by deer report in Tullahoma. Years ago one ran inside the Kroger and had to be of put down. This is first ha d knowledge and not her say.
Meant to type "I believe ANY deer report in Tullahoma" and NOT "just another deer report".
Starting the 22nd, this is what I'm seeing EVERY single night on my food plot cams.
Its Happening Ron Paul GIF
Over the last 15 years, the average number of unique bucks picked up on cam from Sept 1 to Dec. 31 is 36. However, we never have all of them using the property during a given month. The averages for unique bucks photographed by month are: September: 12, October: 21, November: 25, December: 15.

The percentage of bucks by age has averaged: Yearlings: 52%, 2 1/2 year-olds: 27%, 3 1/2: 13%, 4 1/2+ 8%.
Impressive record keeping.
I'm hunting SW Madison County and Hardeman County for the most part. Any suggestions? Is the week before Thanksgiving usually when peak rut occurs in West TN?
For SW TN, if I could only hunt 10 days, it would be Dec. 1-10. Generally speaking, last 10 days of November and first 10 days of December are must hunt days, especially if the weather is good. A lot of solid 3.5/4.5 bucks are killed last 10 days of November, but the bucks I really desire (4.5+) are typically killed in December, with the first 10 days being prime time for them to be walking in daylight. Of course, there are exceptions to any "rule of thumb" and some fine bucks will probably get killed this weekend with lows around 30 and rifles in most hunter's hands (Unit CWD).
Middle TN, 3.5 and under are working scrapes even in daylight. 1.5 and 2.5s chasing. Most 4.5s and up are still nocturnal on scrapes, although they have just started peeking out at first light and last light on scrapes today with the cold snap.

From what I've seen, my areas are right on time. End of next week should be the start of the first does coming into actual heat. peak breeding is usually Nov 18- 20th on my places.