Saddle hunting?

Another saddle option from TN is Custom Gear Modification. Located in Powell, TN. I prefer their saddle over Cruzr and Tethrd. I have the cobra and love it. Little stiff until broke in. Saddle hunting has helped me stay logger in a tree with my back issues.
Well i just ordered the cruzer xc , now what is a good tree stick, not gonna use aiders as im kinda clumsy lol probably order 4 , thanks for the help
Another saddle option from TN is Custom Gear Modification. Located in Powell, TN. I prefer their saddle over Cruzr and Tethrd. I have the cobra and love it. Little stiff until broke in. Saddle hunting has helped me stay logger in a tree with my back issues.
CCm is awesome and a great guy!
Well i just ordered the cruzer xc , now what is a good tree stick, not gonna use aiders as im kinda clumsy lol probably order 4 , thanks for the help
So many options!!
You cannot go wrong with tetherd sticks. They made some that angle away from the tree that are pretty great.
Hawk heliums are best bang for the buck. But if you want to spend some money buy beast sticks or EWO sticks(you have to build them)
Well i just ordered the cruzer xc , now what is a good tree stick, not gonna use aiders as im kinda clumsy lol probably order 4 , thanks for the help
Good decision on the saddle. Love mine and good folk to deal with.

I use Tethrd Skeletor sticks, not suggesting they are the best but I like em and they basically concrete themselves to the tree. Pretty happy for the price.
Good decision on the saddle. Love mine and good folk to deal with.

I use Tethrd Skeletor sticks, not suggesting they are the best but I like em and they basically concrete themselves to the tree. Pretty happy for the price.
Once you set them with the rope you can nearly take the rope off on some trees! They stick.
Well i just ordered the cruzer xc , now what is a good tree stick, not gonna use aiders as im kinda clumsy lol probably order 4 , thanks for the help
Whatever is the lightest and most stackable cause there's few things more aggravating than heavy climbing sticks that don't stack well. Not cheap but the Tethrd One-sticks look good and don't weigh much. From MY personal experience I only take 3 sticks and it's always been plenty.
@rem270 is a well-known saddle hunter and he's kind of a big deal………well around midgets he's kind of a big deal if that counts.
For you that do, i had back surgery in January with two rods and 9 screws installed, i have some soreness towards end of the day. Will i be able to use a saddle comfortably or should i just stick to my turkey chair.
Opinion: You will do well testing a few saddles (one and multi panel varieties) to determine comfort.
Absolutely, the problem is which saddle! The market is saturated with saddles. Many of them very comfortable!! Many made in Tn or based in Tn. Check them all out. If you get the opportunity sit in as many as you can. Get a good feel for them for as long as you can. Prior to purchasing.
A jx3 is very comfortable and very good for back support.
I have a kestrel, Tethrd, jx3 and honestly I still use my very first sitdrag occasionally (well not the original Catman still has it.)
Check out and archerytalk
I made a saddle out of a sit drag a few years ago. Sewed loops on it for a belt to hold it up. Molle loops to put army surplus pouches for storage. But I also use mine but over a rock climbing harness.very comfortable I must say. I don't use it all the time. As I also use summit climber sometimes and my M7 Microlite hang on with sticks. Weirdly enough I never tried a real saddle. If i was gonna buy anything it would be the JX3. It looks comfortable and portable.
Well i just ordered the cruzer xc , now what is a good tree stick, not gonna use aiders as im kinda clumsy lol probably order 4 , thanks for the help
I have that one but haven't used it in a hunting situation yet. I bought the Tethrd Skeletor sticks and they feel lightweight to me and grip the tree really well.
I will add one thing that has really improved my saddle setup for me: suspenders. It was always a pain when putting on the saddle with all my gear stashed in pouches on the side. The saddle would try to ride down, drop, and sag while I was putting it on. Just frustrating in the dark. I finally added cheap suspenders from Tethrd to my Cruzr XC. Now I step into the saddle, throw suspenders over my shoulder and I can fiddle around as needed without it dropping. Outside of my ascender, it's the best thing I've added to my setup.
I have that one but haven't used it in a hunting situation yet. I bought the Tethrd Skeletor sticks and they feel lightweight to me and grip the tree really well.
I think they are heavy and heck!!! Lol. I was sooooooo disappointed they copied an early design of sticks that was imho quite a bit lighter. But I have to add the other company is out of business and they had failures On the step.

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