I agree. If you hunt urban/suburban deer, you should shoot everyone that comes by in the order they come by. I know you only get so many buck tags, so if you just want to shoot does and BBs, do that. If you get lucky and a 150"+ comes by shoot it. Do what you want with it, but do not expect hunters to pat you on the back and tell you, "you're a great hunter", because the kill will be more a product of where you hunted vs. you knowing how to hunt.One thing I know for sure is there are way too many urban/city deer. Harvest as many as you can. They have no predators and eat everyone's flowers and get hit by cars. If it turns out to be a trophy buck so be it, eat it.
For the record, I see nothing wrong with shooting urban/suburban deer (It's just not for me personally). If a person does so and posts a picture of a big buck, just be honest and admit that you shot it in a backyard and know it wasn't as hard as getting one in a more natural environment, but you wanted to show the buck. Some will hate no matter what you say, but overall I think most will just say nice buck and some will even commend you for realizing and admitting it is not the same.