Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

We are a 6.5 Creedmoor and a turkey reaping reference away from having a nightmare on our hands.
celebs GIF
Wrong! I could care less what deer they kill, how many, how big, or how they kill them, I don't care if they team up and kill deer with a pocketknife. Killing deer where they are basically pets, is just that, killing deer. Nothing to do with hunting.
I'd like to see you go shoot a 190 inch pet.
Killing a spike on vast public or a spike in the countryside where everybody hunts on their small parcels is harder to kill.

And if it was some guy happy he killed a spike in velvet with a bow in a bean field on just regular private land id have no problem with him being happy about it.

But acting like because you killed a 190 pet is an accomplishment is crap. I'm not jealous at all. I'm glad I'm not him. I'm glad that I can happily not care. I'm just mad about the people that look up to this tard.

Im glad that I can hunt with my bow and challenge myself to kill something tough to kill.
I'm glad that I hunt turkeys with a shotgun and a call and don't use decoys to cheapen the hunt.

It isn't the new age hunters. It's the hunters not matter the age that hunt to glorify themselves as being elite that bothers me. I don't care how old they are or how long they've been hunting.

Hunting is a competition between you and the animal. Not you and others.
As I replied above I hate to knock and ask because some people will chew you out. Some are nice. I've tried to find suburban areas locally but no luck some people would hunt them some would not hunt city deer. I personally have great respect for seek ones crew. As someone mentioned above alot of these giants will die of old age and meat and horns waste. Why not hunt and harvest such trophies.
From the road I kept spotting a mature buck by a TVA power line. So I ask the lady with property butting up if she minds me hunting. Her exact words were, "Why do people feel it's ok to kill harmless deer? People are much more cruel than deer. Some of them I want to kill but until the law lets me shoot them you can't hunt my deer." The crazy bat later spray painted cats (with names) on her trailer.
New Sitka for urban hunters


Who needs camo or stands? Just wear this! They'll think your a neighborhood landscaper and let their guard down. #smokedhim #BBD #cantwaittoputmyhandsonhim

What has happened to hunters???? Skinny jeans, pink unicorn looking flat bills, glowing trucks, etc. I feel sorry for everyone under 30. Maybe even 35. You missed out.
I saw this picture and it reminded me of this whole thread. " you know those are not real". " you just want attention". " why show them off". "Your money bought those "

Those two were something to see.

Jane Mansfield is one of em. The other Sophia Loren??

Seek One Hell… I'd seek both of em.
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No dog in this fight but it is odd that this subject has gotten folks so upset and angry. We literally have members that proudly voted for this administration that are now sending the ATF to homes to check on legal gun purchases and that's just the beginning. They voted for an administration that has opened the borders to let anyone in with all kinds of diseases but fired American citizens over not getting a shot. Voting in demonrats is by far a bigger threat to our sport and gun rights than internet hipster guys flinging arrows in subdivisions.
It's not just the Democrats or the people that voted for them. After reading this entire thread it's obvious we are all the problem in this country. Our division is not sustainable.

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