Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

There has been monster deer killed on here by members from simular circumstances and everyone was all for it. I don't understand how one is ok and the other isn't. I have never hunted near a subdivision, i am just trying to understand the difference
The way I understand it the big uproar is how they acted after the kill.
Like they accomplished something that was near impossible.
what do ya'll think about zeiss scopes? when should you call it quits on the evening hunts?
Good scopes and the caps go on when my phone beeps end of legal shooting light! After legal shooting light you are poaching dont care what any of the till i cant see through my scope yahoos say!
In someone's backyard, that has no fear of most anything, the hardest part is to just either get permission or have enough money to buy access to those pet deer.

I know where 3 really good bucks are bedding in a backyard in Hendersonville. I have pics from a friend, One of them is is in the 170's if he is not in the 180's. If you are good at throwing, any one of them could be killed with a spear. The person that owns the house goes out and feeds his dog and the bucks lay there and watch him. I don't know if anyone could get permission, but they have been bedding in the backyard most every day. Would it be hunting? Nope. Would I post videos or even make a video of myself in a manicured yard shooting deer? Nope, never.

As far as the buck talked about in this post goes, I know nothing. I have never seen their videos, don't care to. And this deer may be a legitimate kill. Except that in August here, the hardest part of killing a good buck is finding him, not always but even large bucks can be easily patterned in August and to me that takes away from the hunting.

I have read where they shoot deer in backyards, those are pet deer. While I don't have anything against it, population control and eating those deer are 2 great things. Bragging about it, making videos, the fact that people even pay attention to someone shooting "pet" deer, especially ones that are almost tame, nah, could care less and I for sure don't think it helps anything other than their ego.

And some are correct, I have wasted to much time on this. For sure won't waste anymore.
For someone that claims to know so little about SEEKONE, you sure do assume a lot.
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There has been monster deer killed on here by members from simular circumstances and everyone was all for it. I don't understand how one is ok and the other isn't. I have never hunted near a subdivision, i am just trying to understand the difference

I've seen an exchange of opinions about who would, who wouldn't, and why. Just folks who think it's an accomplishment to kill a big urban buck, and folks who don't. What I don't understand about this topic or any other is why folks get emotional or find it offensive that somebody disagrees with them. I personally enjoy others' perspectives because it helps me broaden my own understanding of a subject. It let's me see things from a point of view that I wouldn't have otherwise.
Simple, Reprobate minds. No love for the Father through Christ Jesus, therefore no love for thy neighbor, hardened hearts. Blinded to their own self seeking pleasure, joy for no others.

I've seen an exchange of opinions about who would, who wouldn't, and why. Just folks who think it's an accomplishment to kill a big urban buck, and folks who don't. What I don't understand about this topic or any other is why folks get emotional or find it offensive that somebody disagrees with them. I personally enjoy others' perspectives because it helps me broaden my own understanding of a subject. It let's me see things from a point of view that I wouldn't have otherwise.
I've seen an exchange of opinions about who would, who wouldn't, and why. Just folks who think it's an accomplishment to kill a big urban buck, and folks who don't. What I don't understand about this topic or any other is why folks get emotional or find it offensive that somebody disagrees with them. I personally enjoy others' perspectives because it helps me broaden my own understanding of a subject. It let's me see things from a point of view that I wouldn't have otherwise.
The real world has invaded tndeer.
Sickening really.
Can't disagree with anyone about anything.
Coming to a neighborhood near you. If you don't think all these Californians and Yankees are going to want to do this here, you're nuts.

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Hunters that live there can't even shoot their bows in their backyards. They have to go to a license range to do it. This is the stuff that follows Seek One around. If the guys hunting these places would just quit posting this stuff all over social media and keep their mouths closed, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

This is what gets my attention.

This attitude that's following the Mass Exodus will permeate everything around us like one big sulphur fart.
There has been monster deer killed on here by members from simular circumstances and everyone was all for it. I don't understand how one is ok and the other isn't. I have never hunted near a subdivision, i am just trying to understand the difference
This is just my opinion and I'm only speaking for myself. I have no problem with people hunting in these subdivisions and killing deer. I'm actually glad that they do and it's hunters that are helping to control the populations instead of paid sharpshooters.

I also really don't care if the guys hunting there portray it as some big accomplishment because for some of them, it is. They may live in these areas and that's all they have to hunt. A wife and a couple kids in sports can eat up a bunch of time and quick hunts in the local neighborhood may be all they can get in.

What I don't like is when someone does and blasts it all over social media. Like I mentioned 10 +/- pages ago (I don't expect anyone to have followed along through this whole thread, so I quoted it below)

"The residents of these developments consider these deer their pets. It's wrong of them to think that way, but that's what they consider them.

A lot of these residents don't have any contact with hunters and are pretty neutral about the whole thought of hunting. When they find out the reason "Old Henry" quit visiting their bird feeders was because he was shot and videos of it are on YouTube, their feelings towards hunters instantly become negative. These neutral people are far more important to the future of hunting than a bunch of yahoos shooting big deer for YouTube."
Catman begged me to let him hunt the spot I had access to in Belle Meade. I told him nope, never. He sent me several pm's on here.

The place I had access to was in no way hunting, it would have been shooting pet deer. It is across a street from Percy Warner.
That is a bold faced lie and you know it. I have not messaged you in years, and last time I did, it was a reply to you calling me several names.
Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live
I've seen an exchange of opinions about who would, who wouldn't, and why. Just folks who think it's an accomplishment to kill a big urban buck, and folks who don't. What I don't understand about this topic or any other is why folks get emotional or find it offensive that somebody disagrees with them. I personally enjoy others' perspectives because it helps me broaden my own understanding of a subject. It let's me see things from a point of view that I wouldn't have otherwise.
I agree.
Good post
This is just my opinion and I'm only speaking for myself. I have no problem with people hunting in these subdivisions and killing deer. I'm actually glad that they do and it's hunters that are helping to control the populations instead of paid sharpshooters.

I also really don't care if the guys hunting there portray it as some big accomplishment because for some of them, it is. They may live in these areas and that's all they have to hunt. A wife and a couple kids in sports can eat up a bunch of time and quick hunts in the local neighborhood may be all they can get in.

What I don't like is when someone does and blasts it all over social media. Like I mentioned 10 +/- pages ago (I don't expect anyone to have followed along through this whole thread, so I quoted it below)

"The residents of these developments consider these deer their pets. It's wrong of them to think that way, but that's what they consider them.

A lot of these residents don't have any contact with hunters and are pretty neutral about the whole thought of hunting. When they find out the reason "Old Henry" quit visiting their bird feeders was because he was shot and videos of it are on YouTube, their feelings towards hunters instantly become negative. These neutral people are far more important to the future of hunting than a bunch of yahoos shooting big deer for YouTube."
I dont have social media, other than tndeer, but isn't that exactly what social media is for?
So city deer can't be killed by anyone or they are trash but city boys can come kill our country deer!?!? That's a double standard! 🤣🤣
I had rather city boys kill city deer any day of the week and leave the others to us poor country boys that actually live in the woods! 🤣
I thought you grew up in Knoxville?