Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

I've been watching this discussion, and finally have to chime in. I think legal hunters should support legal hunters. Whether it be with dogs in SC or over bait in KY or suburban deer in TN. If they are legal I have no problem with their kills and I support them.

I would agree that we should be concsious of how things are portrayed on social media. Back in 2010 i thought the "right to hunt and fish" initiative was unecessary. But now, I'm sure glad we did it. The influx of transplants will for sure have a negative impact on TN. We best all be prepared for it.
I just wonder if they were killing 125 130in bucks if this would have ever been talked about.
If it were being celebrated like a big accomplishment for likes,subscribers and money yes it should be, its not the fact they killed thats all legal and fine , its what follows it and has ruined the hunting community that sucks
I've not seen anybody say hunters shouldn't hunt urban deer. What I've seen is hunters say they themselves would have no interest doing it. Big difference. The only thing I've seen anybody contest is the way the hunts are portrayed and made public, which plausibly causes backlash and outrage among non hunters.

If hunters should be supporting other hunters, then that sword cuts both ways. I won't have a problem with how you hunt so long as your tactics don't ruin hunting for me due to public backlash. As far as I can tell, that has been the sentiment of this thread.
Maybe they don't want to. Just like you don't want to hunt in urban environments. So what?

This thread is full of half truths…..
There is a lot of factors involved in this type hunting. Some have learned the hard way that you better have your ducks in a row if you are gonna participate. There is good reason they didn't retrieve the buck they could see laying 10ft across the property line until they got permission.

Anybody that says these deer are hard to hunt isn't being honest, and especially this time of the year when bucks don't travel much.

Why don't these guys ever hunt LBL?
I mean they don't mind working hard for deer, right???
Hmmm seems like I've seen THP encounter a similar situation where they killed a deer but it died 10 ft across the property line. They got permission and then retrieved the deer. Is that not what we are supposed to do or am I missing something?? I'm guessing they don't hunt LBL because they don't want to, just like you don't want to hunt Urban deer. Who cares...
If it were being celebrated like a big accomplishment for likes,subscribers and money yes it should be, its not the fact they killed thats all legal and fine , its what follows it and has ruined the hunting community that sucks
Hasn't ruined anything. This forum is just a bunch of people complaining. Back when I joined it was actually a place to learn about hunting, not read a bunch of complaints about other hunters. As GRIT said, people wouldn't be talking if it was a smaller deer. Kill a 180" and people are gonna get in their feels every time. If they killed it on public, everyone would find a different reason to complain. Assumptions, rumors and accusations start flying around whenever a really big deer is killed.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating it on camera and posting the video and pics online. People like to see it. Hunting shows are nothing new. They are for entertainment. Seek One is a hunting show, and a business, and they bust their tail year round to find and kill those deer and get it all on video. They're very successful at what they do, and it obviously bothers quite a few people. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
I'm positive LBL is harder to hunt which is why they aren't there. You could spend a lot of time in LBL for a 100" deer that wouldn't generate as many "likes" and the thread wouldn't be 16+ pages long with outdoorsman arguing about whether or not it's "real" hunting.
I have seen quite a few pics of the monsters living in LBL. If the seek one boys put in the effort to hunt LBL like they do all these big cities, I have no doubt they'd pull some monsters out of there too. But they don't, because they live and hunt in the city, and that's perfectly fine. I enjoy watching the urban hunts because I've done some of it myself. A deer is a deer at the end of the day. I don't care if it's from someone's trampoline or in the middle of Bankhead national forest, I'll kill a deer anywhere. Urban hunting can be a lot of fun when everything works out right. Some of those urban deer are extremely wary of hunters. Most of them are never hand fed and are not tame. But hell it doesn't matter. Still a wild deer legal to take during hunting season.
Hasn't ruined anything. This forum is just a bunch of people complaining. Back when I joined it was actually a place to learn about hunting, not read a bunch of complaints about other hunters. As GRIT said, people wouldn't be talking if it was a smaller deer. Kill a 180" and people are gonna get in their feels every time. If they killed it on public, everyone would find a different reason to complain. Assumptions, rumors and accusations start flying around whenever a really big deer is killed.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating it on camera and posting the video and pics online. People like to see it. Hunting shows are nothing new. They are for entertainment. Seek One is a hunting show, and a business, and they bust their tail year round to find and kill those deer and get it all on video. They're very successful at what they do, and it obviously bothers quite a few people. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
I agree with Catman, I'm starting to notice a trend on this page the past few years. All some of you guys do is complain about everything you don't agree with. Hunters use to have each others backs but that is not the case any longer especially on this forum. Some of you guys run other hunters into the ground simply because they use a tactic or hunt in a different situation than you do. It's pathetic honestly. What happened to this place? This page use to be awesome. It use to be a place one could celebrate a kill, a video, learn as a novice, etc... Where has the old TnDeer gone?
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Coming to a neighborhood near you. If you don't think all these Californians and Yankees are going to want to do this here, you're nuts.

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Hunters that live there can't even shoot their bows in their backyards. They have to go to a license range to do it. This is the stuff that follows Seek One around. If the guys hunting these places would just quit posting this stuff all over social media and keep their mouths closed, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

Buzzard breath your exactly right. There version of conservatism has been lived in a communist state. So when they get here and see real conservatives or just people that mind there own business and leave people alone. They want to make changes. When they get into local politics it's over for that county then state.
I agree with Catman, I'm starting to notice a trend on this page the past few years. All some of you guys do is complain about everything you don't agree with. Hunters use to have each others backs but that is not the case any longer especially on this forum. Some of you guys run other hunters into the ground simply because they use a tactic or hunt in a different situation than you do. It's pathetic honestly. What happened to this place? This page use to be awesome. It use to be a place one could celebrate a kill, a video, learn as a novice, etc... Where has the old TnDeer gone?

It's not this site specific. It's our entire culture. For whatever reason, people feel it's an attack if somebody disagrees with them. People on the side of the urban hunters feel attacked, and feel the need to defend the hunters. Then when they defend the hunters, the other side feels attacked. Pretty quickly it descends into name calling, personal attacks, accusations, etc. And for what? Because folks see thing differently? It baffles me. Just the other day I had some jerk unload on me here simply because I didn't agree with his point of view. He saw my opposing view as a personal attack against him, and flew off the handle with insults. Why? I've never intentionally insulted anybody on here nor ever meant any disrespect towards somebody else. Signs of the times I suppose. It's everywhere.
Martin, it's all psychological. You yell barracuda, everybody says, "Huh? What?" You yell shark, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.
@catman is right, Jealousy is an ugly thing ^^^^
I keep seeing people say this throughout the thread, but I just don't understand it. People can disagree on a variety of topics without jealousy being the root cause. I think I'm with the majority of folks on this site who aren't jealous because dude killed a high scoring deer, but rather disagree with the way its portrayed online as if it's some major feat. The hardest part about killing a high scoring deer is simply finding one, not actually killing it, even though that can also be tremendously difficult. When a deer only has 2 and 3 acre properties all strung together to hide on, it's impossible for him to hide from humans. So the hardest part of dude's hunt will always be getting permission, not actually finding the deer, because none of the deer he hunts can or will hide. Even if a large parcel of land is available to them, they've become so accustomed to people that they innately understand hiding in plain sight is their best survival tactic.
I had a guy I worked with years ago killed a fawn with spots on it. I would never do that. PERIOD. Never. We gave him grief about, joking around. But, in the end, I support his right to kill a deer legally - PERIOD. If we are going to get into "this deer is easier to kill than that deer, so we shouldn't be killing them", we are going down a rabbit hole we will never get out of.

Urban deer are easier to kill than mountain deer. Well, by that logic, young bucks are way easier to kill than old, mature bucks - so, we shouldn't kill young bucks. Mountains bucks are harder to kill than swamp bucks. Shoot, I hunted for years a 1500 acre of mountain, timberland. We had a couple of houses on the main road that were a part of that property. The deer would come feed on the landowners rose bushes and stand in her yard in the evenings and all night. Does that mean I shouldn't hunt those deer? Who gets to draw these arbitrary lines of which legal deer we can hunt and which we can't. OR..which legal deer hunts we can celebrate and which we can't??

We used to strap deer on the hood of our pickup trucks and drive around town when we killed one. We stopped doing that because it started "offending" people. So, social media is our new "pickup truck hood". So, now we have to stop doing that for fear of offending someone. I, for one, never post deer pics, or anything else much, on social media...with the exception of occasional deer kills on TNdeer. But, if someone else wants to, more power to them. I don't care. And, I'm not walking on egg shells to keep anti-hunters happy. We've done that in large part for the last 40+ years. Has it worked? Do the anti-hunter like us now? NO!

Really, there are no "GREAT" accomplishments in deer hunting. You figure out a cure for cancer - that's a great accomplishment. You bring world peace about - that's a great accomplishment. You serve America in the sand of the Middle East, protecting our freedoms - that's a great accomplishment. You kill a 200" deer in the mountains...Congratulations. That's a good job. But, in the big scheme of things, it's not a great accomplishment. So, does that mean we shouldn't celebrate??? Heck no. Celebrate. Enjoy your deer kill - if it's a 100" mountain buck or a 200" urban buck. Celebrate and enjoy it. But, neither can be considerated a "great" accomplishment.

I say to each his own. If it's legal, and someone does it - while I may or may not like it, I'm going to support their right to do it. And congratulate them on a good kill. Now, I might privately, give them grief about it, like we did our spot killing coworker. LOL :D
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I keep seeing people say this throughout the thread, but I just don't understand it. People can disagree on a variety of topics without jealousy being the root cause. I think I'm with the majority of folks on this site who aren't jealous because dude killed a high scoring deer, but rather disagree with the way its portrayed online as if it's some major feat. The hardest part about killing a high scoring deer is simply finding one, not actually killing it, even though that can also be tremendously difficult. When a deer only has 2 and 3 acre properties all strung together to hide on, it's impossible for him to hide from humans. So the hardest part of dude's hunt will always be getting permission, not actually finding the deer, because none of the deer he hunts can or will hide. Even if a large parcel of land is available to them, they've become so accustomed to people that they innately understand hiding in plain sight is their best survival tactic.
IDK people have to hate! just be happy for others
I had a guy I worked with years ago killed a fawn with spots on it. I would never do that. PERIOD. Never. We gave him grief about, joking around. But, in the end, I support his right to kill a deer legally - PERIOD. If we are going to get into "this deer is easier to kill than that deer, so we shouldn't be killing them", we are going down a rabbit hole we will never get out of.

Urban deer are easier to kill than mountain deer. Well, by that logic, young bucks are way easier to kill than old, mature bucks - so, we shouldn't kill young bucks. Mountains bucks are harder to kill than swamp bucks. Shoot, I hunted for years a 1500 acre of mountain, timberland. We had a couple of houses on the main road that were a part of that property. The deer would come feed on the landowners rose bushes and stand in her yard in the evenings and all night. Does that mean I shouldn't hunt those deer? Who gets to draw these arbitrary lines of which legal deer we can hunt and which we can't. OR..which legal deer hunts we can celebrate and which we can't??

We used to strap deer on the hood of our pickup trucks and drive around town when we killed one. We stopped doing that because it started "offending" people. So, social media is our new "pickup truck hood". So, now we have to stop doing that for fear of offending someone. I, for one, never post deer pics, or anything else much, on social media...with the exception of occasional deer kills on TNdeer. But, if someone else wants to, more power to them. I don't care. And, I'm not walking on egg shells to keep anti-hunters happy. We've done that in large part for the last 40+ years. Has it worked? Do the anti-hunter like us now? NO!

Really, there are no "GREAT" accomplishments in deer hunting. You figure out a cure for cancer - that's a great accomplishment. You bring world peace about - that's a great accomplishment. You serve America in the sand of the Middle East, protecting our freedoms - that's a great accomplishment. You kill a 200" deer in the mountains...Congratulations. That's a good job. But, in the big scheme of things, it's not a great accomplishment. So, does that mean we shouldn't celebrate??? Heck no. Celebrate. Enjoy your deer kill - if it's a 100" mountain buck or a 200" urban buck. Celebrate and enjoy it. But, neither can be considerated a "great" accomplishment.

I say to each his own. If it's legal, and someone does it - while I may or may not like it, I'm going to support their right to do it. And congratulate them on a good kill. Now, I might privately, give them grief about it, like we did our spot killing coworker. LOL :D
You obviously don't have a clue about what's going on here…. Have you even read ALL the comments?

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