Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

I agree with Catman, I'm starting to notice a trend on this page the past few years. All some of you guys do is complain about everything you don't agree with. Hunters use to have each others backs but that is not the case any longer especially on this forum. Some of you guys run other hunters into the ground simply because they use a tactic or hunt in a different situation than you do. It's pathetic honestly. What happened to this place? This page use to be awesome. It use to be a place one could celebrate a kill, a video, learn as a novice, etc... Where has the old TnDeer gone?
Since you don't like it, leave. Nobody makes you come here.
Hell I leave for long stretches myself.
No, not really! Just do what the law says you do! Lmao lost brain cells trying to comprehend this statement
No difficulty at all in understanding what Roost is talking about.

I've killed enough deer with a bow to know that shooting one on a small residential lot and having it die there is almost never going to happen.

Legally, you can't go off that lot to even look for the deer unless you have permission from every landowner you step onto to traverse through their property. If it is as hard as it is portrayed to get permission to hunt, the likelihood of having permission from enough of the neighbors is pretty slim.

It is piss poor ethics to shoot a deer you know is probably going to exit that yard without having the legal right to retrieve already lined up. Spending "20 minutes" on the phone after the fact trying to secure that permission is piss poor ethics.
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Hasn't ruined anything. This forum is just a bunch of people complaining. Back when I joined it was actually a place to learn about hunting, not read a bunch of complaints about other hunters. As GRIT said, people wouldn't be talking if it was a smaller deer. Kill a 180" and people are gonna get in their feels every time. If they killed it on public, everyone would find a different reason to complain. Assumptions, rumors and accusations start flying around whenever a really big deer is killed.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating it on camera and posting the video and pics online. People like to see it. Hunting shows are nothing new. They are for entertainment. Seek One is a hunting show, and a business, and they bust their tail year round to find and kill those deer and get it all on video. They're very successful at what they do, and it obviously bothers quite a few people. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Hasn't ruined anything. This forum is just a bunch of people complaining. Back when I joined it was actually a place to learn about hunting, not read a bunch of complaints about other hunters. As GRIT said, people wouldn't be talking if it was a smaller deer. Kill a 180" and people are gonna get in their feels every time. If they killed it on public, everyone would find a different reason to complain. Assumptions, rumors and accusations start flying around whenever a really big deer is killed.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating it on camera and posting the video and pics online. People like to see it. Hunting shows are nothing new. They are for entertainment. Seek One is a hunting show, and a business, and they bust their tail year round to find and kill those deer and get it all on video. They're very successful at what they do, and it obviously bothers quite a few people. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Like watching your videos, heck even enjoyed watching you grow as a hunter from the kid i sent the turkey choke to , to where you are now. But you cant honestly say that hunting shows, television and Internet personalities havent ruined the sport of deer hunting as we once knew it in its pure and unmolested way! Now its all for likes, subscribers, and money! Its done no matter the way, its kill at all cost and bump my chest and like and subscribe! We will just agree to disagree because cat i think your a fine young man no matter who you choose to hang out with😂
I've read every post. You can keep your smart attitude to yourself. It's not necessary
You act like people are mad because the guy killed the deer…. Not the case at all. The problem is the way these guys glorify what they do. Is it not possible to just go about your business without always looking for fame and fortune at the expense of a natural resource? These guys absolutely know the majority of the landowners in these areas do not want these deer hunted. If they did every yard would have a tree stand but then there wouldn't be any big bucks to draw the attention. ONCE AGAIN NOBODY IS MAD THAT A 180" DEER WAS KILLED. BTW I'm not hollering at you I'm just trying to say it so the ones in the back can hear.
No difficulty at all in understanding what Roost is talking about.

I've killed enough deer with a bow to know that shooting one on a small residential lot and having it die there is almost never going to happen.

Legally, you can't go off that lot to even look for the deer unless you have permission from every landowner to traverse through their property. If it is as hard as it is portrayed to get permission to hunt, the likelihood of having permission from enough of the neighbors is pretty slim.

It is piss poor ethics to shoot a deer you know is probably going to exit that yard without having the legal right to retrieve already lined up. Spending "20 minutes" on the phone after the fact trying to secure that permission is piss poor ethics.
Thank you!!! I knew you would understand where I was going with that. It's a shame some don't understand, or just won't understand.
You act like people are mad because the guy killed the deer…. Not the case at all. The problem is the way these guys glorify what they do. Is it not possible to just go about your business without always looking for fame and fortune at the expense of a natural resource? These guys absolutely know the majority of the landowners in these areas do not want these deer hunted. If they did every yard would have a tree stand but then there wouldn't be any big bucks to draw the attention. ONCE AGAIN NOBODY IS MAD THAT A 180" DEER WAS KILLED. BTW I'm not hollering at you I'm just trying to say it so the ones in the back can hear.
I think I addressed that very thing in my post?? I think they heard you loud and clear 😂👍👍
I love threads like these…everybody gives their opinions and nothing changes. Some get mad and some don't. Some don't really care either way but love to stir the pot.

Can't wait until next time. I guess I missed the one about legal shooting times/high dollar scopes.
There are a lot of opinions here but one thing that I think is interesting is the opinions of the people who support the urban-for profit-hunting and how they characterize the deer as weary and wild. I have a small place in Brentwood and I have nice bucks in my yard daily. To say they are remotely similar to the ones we hunt in the wilderness is false. I took a picture of a 4 year old buck a couple weeks back that stood up out of his bed and watched me get my phone out of my pocket for pictures at six steps.

You might say that I was no threat and he "knows the difference"... this is wrong. I had no earthly idea he was there while I had been shooting a x-bow, just a few feet from him, for 15 minutes prior to him standing up and revealing himself. I literally had to put down the x-bow to be able to take my phone out.

I have permission to hunt a 50 acre farm just 1/2 mile from my 3 acres. I can't bring myself to do it. The deer I would be killing are the same ones my wife talks to when they bedded in my yard.
I had a guy I worked with years ago killed a fawn with spots on it. I would never do that. PERIOD. Never. We gave him grief about, joking around. But, in the end, I support his right to kill a deer legally - PERIOD. If we are going to get into "this deer is easier to kill than that deer, so we shouldn't be killing them", we are going down a rabbit hole we will never get out of.

Urban deer are easier to kill than mountain deer. Well, by that logic, young bucks are way easier to kill than old, mature bucks - so, we shouldn't kill young bucks. Mountains bucks are harder to kill than swamp bucks. Shoot, I hunted for years a 1500 acre of mountain, timberland. We had a couple of houses on the main road that were a part of that property. The deer would come feed on the landowners rose bushes and stand in her yard in the evenings and all night. Does that mean I shouldn't hunt those deer? Who gets to draw these arbitrary lines of which legal deer we can hunt and which we can't. OR..which legal deer hunts we can celebrate and which we can't??

We used to strap deer on the hood of our pickup trucks and drive around town when we killed one. We stopped doing that because it started "offending" people. So, social media is our new "pickup truck hood". So, now we have to stop doing that for fear of offending someone. I, for one, never post deer pics, or anything else much, on social media...with the exception of occasional deer kills on TNdeer. But, if someone else wants to, more power to them. I don't care. And, I'm not walking on egg shells to keep anti-hunters happy. We've done that in large part for the last 40+ years. Has it worked? Do the anti-hunter like us now? NO!

Really, there are no "GREAT" accomplishments in deer hunting. You figure out a cure for cancer - that's a great accomplishment. You bring world peace about - that's a great accomplishment. You serve America in the sand of the Middle East, protecting our freedoms - that's a great accomplishment. You kill a 200" deer in the mountains...Congratulations. That's a good job. But, in the big scheme of things, it's not a great accomplishment. So, does that mean we shouldn't celebrate??? Heck no. Celebrate. Enjoy your deer kill - if it's a 100" mountain buck or a 200" urban buck. Celebrate and enjoy it. But, neither can be considerated a "great" accomplishment.

I say to each his own. If it's legal, and someone does it - while I may or may not like it, I'm going to support their right to do it. And congratulate them on a good kill. Now, I might privately, give them grief about it, like we did our spot killing coworker. LOL :D
Are there a bunch of 200" urban bucks? I didn't realize this was as common as it sounds like it is.
Name something positive, about anyone, who exploits a public natural resource for profit by trophy hunting neighborhood deer and sharing it on social media for the world to see.
They know how to point to the like and subscribe button with extreme accuracy. Even from inside my screen!
Since you don't like it, leave. Nobody makes you come here.
Hell I leave for long stretches myself.
I have zero plans leaving this forum. I've been on this forum since I was probably 10-12 years old. I use to get on my dad's account way back when with the original group. So no thanks, I'm not leaving. I know your kind, most of the time I ignore everything you have to say anyways.
I have zero plans leaving this forum. I've been on this forum since I was probably 10-12 years old. I use to get on my dad's account way back when with the original group. So no thanks, I'm not leaving. I know your kind, most of the time I ignore everything you have to say anyways.
It's a shame you can't ignore me now.
I guess if you don't like it, but can't stay away, then you shouldn't complain.

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