Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

No jealousy here. Why would I be jealous of a turd who shoots pet deer and then has the audacity to show off as if he's done something great and impressive? He's an embarrassment to hunting.

I find it interesting - and I saw it in a post earlier - that whenever a hunter has no moral ground to stand on, they always go back to the "food plot" thing. YES, killing a WILD wary old buck out of a food plot is far, FAR more of an accomplishment that shooting a pet suburban deer. Deer in the wild see Man as their greatest threat. Man is the #1 predator of deer, and deer avoid Man at all costs. In suburbia, Man is seen as a protector and provider. Man is no threat. Shooting a suburban deer is as difficult as me shooting my cat while it lays in my lap.

The other old argument when one has no ground to stand on, "Don't attack one of our own. We need to stick together." Sorry, we need to police ourselves and call out bad behavior when we see it. Taking the opportunity to hunt suburbia is one thing. Championing yourself as if you've done something worthy of praise is another.
Well if a hunter is hunting legally, harvesting a deer legally and recovering it legally what is the problem? It is LEGAL. Just because you dont like it does not change that.

Self righteous indignation over what another hunter does legally just because you may not hunt that way does not make them wrong. It does make you look pretty petty however. Just sayin....

And shooting bucks of the caliber they are with archery equipment is not easy period.

People carrying on about them like they did something WRONG is nothing short of ridiculous. Yall need to take a long hard look at yourselves. It truly appears to me as petty jealousy and acting like real "Karens" IMO.

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