Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

I quit reading when you said harvest. I kill deer I don't harvest the

That's it right there, and the fact so many are defending it is disturbing.
And I find it funny that
@big buck hunter have you received your seek one t-shirt yet? 😛

As for jealousy, not I. I have all I need in life, I am blessed. Killing backyard pets and gloating over them on social media doesn't make me envious of anyone.
I guess reading comprehension is not your strong suit? I clearly stated I dont like their videos but I still dont try to diminish their accomplishment. Pretty sorry IMO other hunters putting down others over a LEGALLY HARVESTED FREE RANGE DEER. It is pathetic actually and shows yalls pettiness.
Kind of like folks calling them Social Media Attention whores...all while they themselves post over 30,000 times on a Social Media Site. LOL...the Hypocrisy here obviously know no bounds. How freaking rich!
Wow do Yall need any Peanut Butter to go with all this Jelly? If it is so easy to kill a "Tame deer" why havent any of yall got one? SMH. If you think a deer is tame because it lives near houses you obviously dont know much about both deer and suburban hunting

Are you the guy in the white truck that shot the strutter out of the people's yard? Sounds like it was you. Can you post the after pics?

Hasn't ruined anything. This forum is just a bunch of people complaining. Back when I joined it was actually a place to learn about hunting, not read a bunch of complaints about other hunters. As GRIT said, people wouldn't be talking if it was a smaller deer. Kill a 180" and people are gonna get in their feels every time. If they killed it on public, everyone would find a different reason to complain. Assumptions, rumors and accusations start flying around whenever a really big deer is killed.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating it on camera and posting the video and pics online. People like to see it. Hunting shows are nothing new. They are for entertainment. Seek One is a hunting show, and a business, and they bust their tail year round to find and kill those deer and get it all on video. They're very successful at what they do, and it obviously bothers quite a few people. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
I have GPS coordinates for helping with your out of state hunt
Are you the guy in the white truck that shot the strutter out of the people's yard? Sounds like it was you. Can you post the after pics?

Wow..yea sure dude. Sounds like me. WTH is wrong with you? Your mama drop you on your head when you was young? Purposely most likely. It sure didnt help obviously.

Yea because I dont agree with people putting down another hunter for LEGALLY SHOOTING a Big buck with archery equipment in an archery only area I condone Poaching. You sir are a moron. You make absolutely zero sense.
I get a real laugh out of elitists. Even a bigger one out of people who think anyone who disagrees with them is bad. Kind like Ole Joe Biden are not you all? SMDH at your hypocrisy and stupidity to be honest. Quite sad. And this explains the state not only our country is in but our sport.

People who think THEIR way is the ONLY way. And THE RIGHT WAY. Just like Ole dementia Joe.🤣

Guess this makes me the Biggest threat to democracy and HUNTING now? Because I think it is petty to put down someone hunting legally and shooting a World Class Whitetail with Archery gear and disagree with the " In Clique" here? How rich. If it wasnt so pathetic it would be funny.
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The same people crying about SEEKONE posting are quick to post their 100 inch deer for likes on here and TDH facebook lol America is full of hypocrisy right now! Y'all know dang well anybody would hunt theway he does if you could get the same results.
Do you have a problem with someone killing a 100 inch deer?
Are you the guy in the white truck that shot the strutter out of the people's yard? Sounds like it was you. Can you post the after pics?

There are so many things wrong with that turkey poaching story.

However, I hope nobody thinks that legal hunting in the area of West Webb Road in Eagleville is not wild enough, or a lot of Tennesseans will not have a place to hunt.
I am glad this thread has not been locked or deleted.

In the past, a couple of the folks involved now had that authority and would just shut down almost any discussion which they did not agree.
I guess reading comprehension is not your strong suit? I clearly stated I dont like their videos but I still dont try to diminish their accomplishment. Pretty sorry IMO other hunters putting down others over a LEGALLY HARVESTED FREE RANGE DEER. It is pathetic actually and shows yalls pettiness.
Accomplishment? That's like saying Nickleback is a good rock band because they produced a CD.