Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Just so there is no misunderstanding, I'm kidding. I have a place in the sticks, and I can't make myself hunt and kill the deer and turkeys that I see regularly. They're not pets, but I can't do it.
You must live in the sticks up against the park because that county has 135,000 people and probably in top 20 in state!
I killed a fawn with spots at Fort Campbell years ago.
I had a buddy that I hunted with, and he shot a 50 pounder at Ft. Campbell that amazingly still had spots. I still laugh when I think about how he cussed as we walked up on it and he saw them.

The trick to hiding the spots is to drag them by the hind legs, (against the hair) down the firebreaks. Dirt and mud will hide those spots lol.
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I had a buddy that I hunted with, and he shot a 50 pounder at Ft. Campbell that amazingly still had spots. I still laugh when he cussed as we walked up on it and he saw them.

The trick to hiding the spots is to drag them by the hind legs, (against the hair) down the firebreaks. Dirt and mud will hide those spots lol.
I did that, twice. The first, was with my recently zeroed 30-30, had forgot to dial the scope back down to 4 from 9 and the deer looked bigger in the scope, most was behind a bush, so only seen the front shoulder. As I squeezed off the round, I seen the spots and tried to pull up, but too late. The second, in another season, a deer was in a rut, and could not see the legs at all, until I walked up to it. Didn't weigh them, but they were light, and very tasty BTW. That was back in the late 80s' early 90s', now I do like young deer, but spots is my line.
I did that, twice. The first, was with my recently zeroed 30-30, had forgot to dial the scope back down to 4 from 9 and the deer looked bigger in the scope, most was behind a bush, so only seen the front shoulder. As I squeezed off the round, I seen the spots and tried to pull up, but too late. The second, in another season, a deer was in a rut, and could not see the legs at all, until I walked up to it. Didn't weigh them, but they were light, and very tasty BTW. That was back in the late 80s' early 90s', now I do like young deer, but spots is my line.

I killed one once that the spots were fading but you could still barely see them. I felt bad.... until we ate it. I cut the whole thing up in stew meat chunks. In the crock pot with stew seasoning, potatoes, carrots, onions and celery. That was the best tasting and the most tender deer meat I'd ever eaten.

I think I'll shoot another one this season!
Watched a couple other seek one videos just to see…never again. He took horrible shots both times that no bow hunter should ever take, then said he "had to take the shots". Video taped the hunts, and the shots, and put them out for all to see. Horrible shots are legal but not ethical. Really wish people could stop orienting themselves to the law instead of what's right. Absolutely disgusting. I was utterly shocked when I saw the shots taken…but hey, all that matters is he got the deer and it was legal and he got it on camera right?
Accomplishment? That's like saying Nickleback is a good rock band because they produced a CD.
Yes it is an accomplishment whether you LIKE it or not, especially to the hunter obviously. Here is the definition of Accomplishment as you obviously do not know what it is.:
1.) something that has been achieved successfully
2.) the act or fact of accomplishing something

And see even you Accomplished something here. You demonstrated you really dont know much, Not even the definition of the word.🤣
Or, I guess youre like Biden...youre going to change the definition of ACCOMPLISHMENT now to "Fit" YOUR meaning.

Sorry there champ. Youre not in charge of the dictionary.

So Yes, the hunter did indeed accomplish the feat of killing a very nice buck with archery equipment legally in an archery only area. Pretty simple aint rocket science !
No reason to argue about this anymore. We all got one another's back on here. At least we used to.I use another name on here now. Last year I got kicked off for some reason. The next time will be my last attempt.speak your mind we can disagree. In the end we move on and argue about something else.we kill what we feel comfortable killing. And celebrate when we feel accomplished. Not all will see eye to eye.
Accomplishment? That's like saying Nickleback is a good rock band because they produced a CD.
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and changed my name
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses, driving 15 cars
The girls come easy, and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny, 'cause we just won't eat

Why can I picture you jamming to this? 😂
I have always taken pride in doing it myself even if it's on public land. I don't want to owe anyone a favor, that's just me. I have had some good DYI hunts over the years.
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and changed my name
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses, driving 15 cars
The girls come easy, and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny, 'cause we just won't eat

Why can I picture you jamming to this? 😂
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
I'd even cut my hair and changed my name
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses, driving 15 cars
The girls come easy, and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny, 'cause we just won't eat

Why can I picture you jamming to this? 😂
Did you ever get that Backstreet Boys tattoo removed? I remember the story about you @Hduke86 wanting to get matching boy band tats, but he got mad and stomped out when the tattoo guy wouldn't do NYSNC.
#karen86 #karen270