Shooting one out of a tree??

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I never have. Would i? I have no idea. Im one of those guys setterman doesnt like. I want em to ride in the back of my truck. Ill call em or crawl em. Bout the only tactic i dont use is sit in a blind. Not for me. So yea if i can sneak close enough to a roosted gobbler yea id probably shoot him.
I have shot one in the afternoon, when i set up on the birds thinking I could get them coming into roost. they came in and i got caught off guard. I couldn't move and he flew up. I used that moment to shoulder my gun and get on him, rolled him right back off the limb. I'd do that again. It was daylight, he could have seen me. Just because he flew up don;t mean he's getting a free pass, plus I'd have bumped him, so i chose to get him.

I have not shot one in the morning by sneaking up on one on the limb. I don't think i'd do that, but if you want to, I will be happy that you are happy. Just because you don't/won't do it, doesn't make it wrong.
Roll em out. It tenderizes the breast when they bounce off the ground.
muddyboots said:
I never have. Would i? I have no idea. Im one of those guys setterman doesnt like. I want em to ride in the back of my truck. Ill call em or crawl em. Bout the only tactic i dont use is sit in a blind. Not for me. So yea if i can sneak close enough to a roosted gobbler yea id probably shoot him.

This is where you have me all wrong, I don't dislike you at all. We just enjoy a different approach to turkey hunting. It's that simple.

This is not personal, even though some seem to take it that way, or want to turn it into that.
Setterman said:
muddyboots said:
I never have. Would i? I have no idea. Im one of those guys setterman doesnt like. I want em to ride in the back of my truck. Ill call em or crawl em. Bout the only tactic i dont use is sit in a blind. Not for me. So yea if i can sneak close enough to a roosted gobbler yea id probably shoot him.

This is where you have me all wrong, I don't dislike you at all. We just enjoy a different approach to turkey hunting. It's that simple.

This is not personal, even though some seem to take it that way, or want to turn it into that.

Man im just messing with ya. I didnt take it personal.
Never have and never will. I've accidentally set up underneath a tom and could have shot him dead but didn't and watched him pitch down too far and never get him to come back. To me its about the hunt and not just killing it. I don't need the meat that bad. To each his own though. If you want to pull the trigger go for it.
Never have, not saying I wouldn't. I've seen and worked some wise old birds that I would like to shoot off the limb by the end of the day :crazy: .... But,,,, if I did I wouldn't tell nobody.. :)
I'm usually one of those if it's legal and makes you happy, then have at it. Not on this subject though. Shooting one on the roost is actually illegal in some states, and I think it should be in every state. I look at turkey hunting like a game and feel like if I shot one off the roost then I'd be cheating. I guess everybody has their own ideas.
I used to know a guy that hunted this way. He would follow the gobbler around and get close enough to see exactly wich tree he flew up in. He would then be sitting under the treee 2 hours before light. Told me he always waited till he gobbled before killing him..
darn2ten said:
I'm usually one of those if it's legal and makes you happy, then have at it. Not on this subject though. Shooting one on the roost is actually illegal in some states, and I think it should be in every state. I look at turkey hunting like a game and feel like if I shot one off the roost then I'd be cheating. I guess everybody has their own ideas.

I never have and I never will. Not that it would bother me that you do, whatever floats your cork. The reason that I never will, is that I am usually either still in bed or drinking coffee in my kitchen when they fly down. Mid morning to mid afternoon is my time.
here is a question for anyone.... why do so many turkey hunters get so intense about how you're supposed to hunt? It's worse than deer hunting I think. Just chill a bit, turkey hunting is about having a good time...
catman529 said:
here is a question for anyone.... why do so many turkey hunters get so intense about how you're supposed to hunt? It's worse than deer hunting I think. Just chill a bit, turkey hunting is about having a good time...

JMO, but up until the last few years it was one of the few forms of hunting that had avoided the kill at all costs mentality. Turkey hunters for generations believed in the enjoyment of the game rather than the simple gratification of a kill. Sure the kill was the goal, but the game was the best part.

Now a new generation of hunters has risen which is a kill at all costs type.

I believe it is a clash of a group who has done this for eons versus a new breed new to the sport who have entirely different perspectives on what turkey hunting is.
I won't roost shoot but if he flies to me and lands on a limb...he's a gonner!
Not shot one yet off roost. Not saying I never will but I like the challenge of calling and watching the action. But to each their own. If its legal then so be it. Hunters will always differ in method and opinion thats what makes it unlike other sports.
catman529 said:
here is a question for anyone.... why do so many turkey hunters get so intense about how you're supposed to hunt? It's worse than deer hunting I think. Just chill a bit, turkey hunting is about having a good time...

I couldn't agree more here after all all we really want is to put a boot on the head as long as its legal . Everybody wants to say its wrong to shoot one from a roost but will bushwack one in a heartbeat . In a since all you are doing is bushwhacking from the limb . I personally haven't done it because I like to roost them the note before but if given the chance you better not be standing under him or you will be hit with a split noggin from above.
catman529 said:
turkey hunting is about having a good time...
I think you're right here, catman...especially with the knowledge that one fellers idea of a good time can be quite different than another's. When the topic touches on what some consider "hunting ethics" I believe this is where the intensity begins to arise. These norms can vary widely by age, region, experience etc.

Folks don't get as fired up over what's fair or "sporting" when shooting some critters but for whatever reason, turkey hunting has several hot button items. I'm also of the belief that some of it could be just plain generational and simply about how each person learned to do it. That's where a style or tactic became accepted (or not) and it's deeply personal.
SX3Mike said:
I have in the past, not going to lie. But, once you get some under your belt you will regret doing that.

I shot one that hopped a tree around 0900 in the morning. me and this bird had played cat and mouse for about 3 straight days and everytime I would get on him, he would hop trees and gobble looking for me. he would roost in the bottom a of goat face ridge. If I went down he would bust me, so I stayed up top and finally got tired of his tree hopping.

I told myself that morning that if that sob hops trees I am going to roll him out, well he did; and I held true to what I set out to do. He was a good bird and he shouldn't have been killed that way.

But, long story short. To each their own; but I wont do it again..

That isn't the same as roost shooting..... As Rockhound & Setterman said.... a limb hopper is fair game. I have had them fly up into trees for a better vantage point.... looking for "that" hen....

I won't roost shoot one....
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