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Specific bucks


This guy i deen him last year with a bow to far to shoot
I love hunting specific bucks. It makes it so awesome to get pick after pic and then be able to see the beast that you have been lusting after for months. I have been very fortunate with hunting specific bucks in the past. I believe if you put in the hard work and be smart with studying his habits, you can kill him. I am a firm believer on patterning your deer to a tee and with hard work, and patience maybe you will have your opportunity to breath the same air as him for long enough to get the job done. By the way those are some awesome bucks in any area.
Since moving to a new area last season, I have not had time to FIND a specific deer, unless you count the one buck that I previously thought dead, that now seems to be alive. A huge eight pointer that the wife and I saw while watching a field with a spotting scope and then the next afternoon while bow hunting, MAY still be around. I had once thought that he was killed by a youngster close by, but found out later that may not be the same deer....Not much pressure in and around where I hunt now, so this deer may sit up during the daylight and only come out at night, especially if he suspects that he's got company...me! he has a huge body and appeared to be around 130-135" last year.

Maybe I can get some pics of him when the season gets closer.....

only time will tell.....good luck to all.
I have one buck on my place that I have yet to see, but the past two years he has placed a scrape in the exact same spot (even used the same licking branch). He has been elusive so far, but I am interested to see what he looks like. I might throw a camera up near his usual scrape area this fall and see if I can at least get him on film.
Not even close to one of the best bucks antler wise on my property but I would love to kill this deer over any other one around. I found his shed this year so I know he is still out there.




Unless of course this guy is still around. Not sure if he is still out there.
Bayou Buck,

Those two bucks are perfect examples of how widely older bucks' antler sizes can vary. Just because a buck is old doesn't mean he will have large antlers. In most parts of TN, a few older bucks will grow large antlers, but most won't.
BSK said:
Bayou Buck,

Those two bucks are perfect examples of how widely older bucks' antler sizes can vary. Just because a buck is old doesn't mean he will have large antlers. In most parts of TN, a few older bucks will grow large antlers, but most won't.

Love that statement BSK, I agree, you should make it again an start in its own post, watch the fireworks fly...
This is one thats on the list for sure. Past him last year twice and my dog found me both his sheds from last season so I've got a lot of history with him.

BSK do you think he is 2.5 or 3.5 in the pics?

landman said:
BSK said:
Bayou Buck,

Those two bucks are perfect examples of how widely older bucks' antler sizes can vary. Just because a buck is old doesn't mean he will have large antlers. In most parts of TN, a few older bucks will grow large antlers, but most won't.

Love that statement BSK, I agree, you should make it again an start in its own post, watch the fireworks fly...

Let me also point out that most TN hunters will be thrilled with the size antlers produced by the "average" mature buck in TN. What percent of TN hunters would turn up their nose at a 110-130 class buck? It is just the few true trophy hunters that aren't going to be pleased with the average mature buck in TN.
BSK said:
landman said:
BSK said:
Bayou Buck,

Those two bucks are perfect examples of how widely older bucks' antler sizes can vary. Just because a buck is old doesn't mean he will have large antlers. In most parts of TN, a few older bucks will grow large antlers, but most won't.

Love that statement BSK, I agree, you should make it again an start in its own post, watch the fireworks fly...

Let me also point out that most TN hunters will be thrilled with the size antlers produced by the "average" mature buck in TN. What percent of TN hunters would turn up their nose at a 110-130 class buck? It is just the few true trophy hunters that aren't going to be pleased with the average mature buck in TN.

Well I would say not many would turn one down, but at the same time, 60% of them think a 130" Gross is a 150", IMO

Oh if I had a dollar for every time I have heard some TV "pro" say this buck scored this or that as I sat there looking at the tube KNOWING there was NO FREAKIN WAY that buck scored anywhere near that high.

And in person...at checking stations (or gas stations)from here to Illinois, good grief people sure are generous with their inches of score.

In fact, someone on here mentioned a score of 115 inches that looks a little high but hey, it IS an OLD bruiser and still a trophy!

Point is, MEDIA is RUINING our beloved sport.
102 said:
In fact, someone on here mentioned a score of 115 inches that looks a little high but hey, it IS an OLD bruiser and still a trophy!

:D was that refering to me 102? If so (and if you re-read), I was refering to him (hopefully) scoring 115" THIS YEAR in 2012. If not, sorry and just wanted to be clear. I'm not a "add inches here" type guy. But I agree, many do let media overtake their mindsets. It is killing this sport in that they are driving people to care more about inches, rather than simply enjoying being outdoors and everything hunting entails.
This thread makes no sense. All I have heard on here is Tennessee can't grow those bucks, age makes no difference, age is not important in growing bucks, etc. Here is a thread in comlete contradiction to what was posted in most of the other threads. I thought from what I have read on here age is a NON FACTOR in Tennessee.
And the majorityy of hunters in this state get no excitement from chasing a particular buck. What is the meaning of all this?
102 said:
In fact, someone on here mentioned a score of 115 inches that looks a little high but hey, it IS an OLD bruiser and still a trophy!

:D was that refering to me 102? If so (and if you re-read), I was refering to him (hopefully) scoring 115" THIS YEAR in 2012. If not, sorry and just wanted to be clear. I'm not a "add inches here" type guy. But I agree, many do let media overtake their mindsets. It is killing this sport in that they are driving people to care more about inches, rather than simply enjoying being outdoors and everything hunting entails.

I can't speak for everyone, but a point I would like to get across to hunters is that there is good balance in age structure all across Tennessee, right now, with a three buck limit.
But, as the pictures tend to indicate, an older age class buck in Tennessee does not necessarily equate to a big antlered buck.

So, cutting down on buck tags, in an effort to grow older, larger antlered bucks, is NOT going to help grow larger antlered bucks. Age will not necessarily mean MORE larger antlered (more easily accessable and killable) bucks in Tennessee.


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