Spring Turkey WMA Draw

I appreciate all the input and help! Being my first year and entry, I figured it'd be unsuccessful and I was right. Good luck to those that were successful, and I'll see the rest of yall out on public land!
A large portion of my family work at K25 and ORNL. For those of you (including myself since I got drawn for Oak Ridge also) I will stay in contact with them and keep you updated if I hear anything either affirmative or negative on the hunts.
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Unsuccessful as well and I'm now up to three points.

For some reason I never expected point creep to enter the drawing for the turkey quota hunt.
They draw 50 people for 1800 acres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That tells you all you need to know.
When that hunt first started, I tried to talk to TWRA about how insane that was but they have just stuck with it. Just insane. I play the quota game all over the country and I don't know another wildlife agency in the country that would do that.