Stupid questions while huntin or fishin...

I'm bad about sharing info but I learned not to later . Two different occasions I lead my friends to good bucks . One really didn't matter because it was a draw hunt at Yuchi . Let a really good 8 point get away from a spot I hunted during the bowhunt . Told a friend about the buck and area he used , sure enough he killed him on the next hunt a muzzleloader hunt . Told a friend about a really good buck I missed one year in Giles Co. Went to Lewis Co. next weekend and my friend hunted my spot and killed the buck which is now on his wall . Guess I'm just too friendly when it comes to hunting sharing my encounters .

Its different when its your friends.
Never share information. Don't speak until asked. When they do ask lie about it. No it isn't a competition but I want to keep what I worked for to myself if possible.
Ask some of these YouTubers if they still think it was good to share spots.

If I think I'm being spied on, I'll park my truck at one pull off and then begin walking on the road several miles just to trick people.
Never share information. Don't speak until asked. When they do ask lie about it. No it isn't a competition but I want to keep what I worked for to myself if possible.
Ask some of these YouTubers if they still think it was good to share spots.

If I think I'm being spied on, I'll park my truck at one pull off and then begin walking on the road several miles just to trick people.
I won't lie about it but if I don't want to tell something I just say it " noneya" !!
I don't even hunt public and I lie. My paw paw was an old school turkey hunter, of course I don't tell people crap. To each their own. Just like that giant east tn public land deer that place will be crawling with people next year and probably the rest of this year. No need for nosey people around me. Also only share trail camera pictures and also kill pictures with a very select few and don't even send them to people. Big deer make grown men do very stupid stuff, I want no part in adding to that. Work way to hard for it.
No use lieing just tell them it none of your business or just " nope" !
I'm not telling a stranger about spots or intel on anything. At some point it will ruin the spot you took all the time to scout. Few years ago I told a guy a spot that I found and was a great pinch point. And sure enough him a 3 of his buddy's. Put out cell cams killed everything that was brown. Public land deer take time and dedication to figure out. In order to see deer and especially routinely. You can't shoot everything you see. Especially doe's if you want a honey hole come the rut. That was the first and last I ever said a thing. Of course except close friends we share intel.
This is my 6th season on my local public. I dont readily share spots, but im friendly with folks I meet. I have 3 guys now that have become really good friends and I fully trust with my hunting information. in fact ive noticed most people overshare. I never ask them for anything but they always give WAY too much info in my opinion.
When you really love something it comes out of your mouth every time you open it.
There is a saying that goes like this for a reason "loose lips sinks ships". No idea where it came from or its original meaning. However, I understand the meaning and have found it to be very true. With that being said I don't lie to people because that is just wrong. Things can be said vague enough to get by and yet still be friendly to others.
We have a group of about 6 that fish in the fall together. One of them has friends from NC that come to fish in the fall. If one of us tells him where the fish are or the color plug they're hitting, you can bet there will be 10 boats trolling that area the very next night. He is an integral part of our group but we have to be careful how much info we share with him.
I loved being asked did you catch anything while deer hunting. I once responded yup caught a real nice buck but I let him go to grow bigger. Pretty sure I heard crickets and a blank stare after I said that.

I also love being asked you fishing when standing with a fishing rod in your hand at the edge of the water.

As for sharing information I will share with people I trust. Just this week I saw one of the bucks I have been after at my house hanging out at a neighbors place. I shared the info with him and he shot it a few days later. He said he hadn't hunted much since thanksgiving due to lack of seeing any bigger bucks. I was glad to help him out and he was able to get a nice deer.

As for trail cam pictures I will show someone a picture if I am talking to them but do not send them out as text so they can get spread around. I also keep tight lips on my public spots I go to. I work hard to find spots that receive little pressure and don't want others find those spots. My last two bucks have been public land bucks and most people think I shot them off private. I guess it is lying or telling a half truth but when talking hunting with coworkers or people from church I always talk about my 30 acre place in the city I hunt and most just assume that is where I take these deer from.
I've never had a problem telling somebody I couldn't give details. Everybody knows the value of a secret is in not sharing it. But if they persist or get pissy then I'll happily send them on a wild goose chase. Dang democrats always wanting something for nothing.

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I guess that I am different, I always share information on hunting spot on public land. I never hunt the same area year after years. I know where most of my buddy spots are and I won't Hunt it, he even told me to and I even help set up his tree stand. He will kill deer and see several in his spot.
I have made friends with a family that hunt closely to my area, we share information about movement and food. Didn't start off that way, we just talked about where we were at so no one would get shot or walk in on. Now we talked about how the hunting is, seeing anything and where other hunters are.
I used to never tell anyone, not even my wife knew exactly where I hunted. These days, I judge every book by its cover. If someone pulls up to me at an access and holds a genuine conversation, I tend to be more open with my details that I'll disclose. If a person pulls up and just want to know if I saw anything or if the hunting is good, nothing but lies comes out of my mouth.

With my friends, I have no problem discussing hunting spots and what I saw in detail. I'm just as happy to see them succeed as I am to have the success myself. It's also nice to be able to bounce ideas off them and see if they think I'm hunting certain areas the way I should be. If I pulled up and their car was in the spot I intended to hunt, I'd shoot them a text and let them know I'm in the area if they need help and would look forward to knowing how their hunt went.