The end of things …

Yet another example of hunting for all the wrong reasons. DMD and Flintlocksforme seem to get it though. Good for them. Amazing these guys with all these cameras have not figured out that the biggest Bucks that frequent their properties are not on their cameras.😉
As soon as they implement them in the counties I hunt, I'm out. I'll spend my money in another state to hunt.
It may be a small sample size but I'm already talking with neighbors and others in our area...the opinions I'm hearing are the majority will not participate in the slaughter of the herd...Killing all the deer to prevent CWD from killing all the deer doesn't make sense to most folks I've spoken to...and slaughtering all you can obviously doesnt stop the spread...So I'm not sure what anyone else will actually do but I know I wont participate in the eradication efforts.
What we will do is eliminate four mineral sites...already have plans to fill them in and then pile several large cedar skeletons on top of each mineral site blocking access....several large cedars in the area need cutting anyway....other than that we will continue to manage the habitat for all wildlife and enjoy our time outdoors....and hey, maybe with CWD targeting a 5½ or 6½ year old buck will become a thing of the past? If so, the 3½ and 4½ year olds will become the new "most mature" bucks on the pyramid...Honestly I've seen plenty of 4½ years olds that will meet most peoples goals and standards....I could go on but Ill stop.
It may be a small sample size but I'm already talking with neighbors and others in our area...the opinions I'm hearing are the majority will not participate in the slaughter of the herd...Killing all the deer to prevent CWD from killing all the deer doesn't make sense to most folks I've spoken to...and slaughtering all you can obviously doesnt stop the spread...So I'm not sure what anyone else will actually do but I know I wont participate in the eradication efforts.
What we will do is eliminate four mineral sites...already have plans to fill them in and then pile several large cedar skeletons on top of each mineral site....several large cedars in area need cutting anyway....other than that we will continue to manage the habitat for all wildlife and enjoy our time outdoors....and hey, maybe with CWD targeting a 5½ or 6½ year old buck will become a thing of the past? If so, the 3½ and 4½ year olds will become the new "most mature" bucks on the pyramid...Honestly I've seen plenty of 4½ years olds that will meet most peoples goals and standards....I could go on but Ill stop.
If they implement CWD rules in my area, I will change nothing. I already got rid of my salt licks years ago in preparation for this. I knew it was coming. I no longer do baited censuses in the CWD area. Other than that, no changes.
I'd love to find a place to take my grandsons hunting. Maybe it's time to transition to a more kid friendly place.
If I lived in the Memphis area, I'd probably totally forget about deer hunting in TN.

You are so close to many other states, where their game agencies aren't going so crazy with CWD regulations. And all the TN counties, including Stewart & Humphreys, have lost much their former luster, just by being so close (and "NEXT") with the CWD regs. IMO, CWD is already there, just no one in the know wants TWRA to know.

Also, in the case of Stewart, the feral pigs continue to expand southward, despite the efforts at LBL to contain them. In this case, it's not just going to be CWD regs of the near future harming the deer management, but the pigs displacing both the deer & the turkey.

I've been fortunate to have a large private area to hunt in Stewart County now for decades, yet found myself doing as much or more hunting on public lands (albeit not so much in TN) this year. The reasons have been many, but truth is, there is often less antler high grading on public lands than very intensely managed private lands under "trophy" buck management.

If the 18,000-acre Ames Plantation couldn't prevent excessive antler high-grading by "trophy" buck management hunters, no surprise most with a fraction this acreage can't prevent it.
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If they implement CWD rules in my area, I will change nothing. . . . . Other than that, no changes.
YOU may change nothing, but what you see while hunting will dramatically change.
Your 4 1/2 & older bucks will be largely replaced with 2 1/2's.

You will still enjoy hunting with your family,
but the former rewards of being a hunter-manager may greatly change.

And Lord have mercy on you if the pigs make to your place.
If they implement CWD rules in my area, I will change nothing. I already got rid of my salt licks years ago in preparation for this. I knew it was coming. I no longer do baited censuses in the CWD area. Other than that, no changes.
This seems to be the consensus of the majority I've spoken to..."Im changing nothing"...I guess people in our area have the advantage of seeing what didnt work....we are not going to shoot CWD out...we are not going to stop the spread...stop the slaughter and manage the habitat...control what things we can control...or in other words...I'm not changing anything either.
This seems to be the consensus of the majority I've spoken to..."Im changing nothing"...I guess people in our area have the advantage of seeing what didnt work....we are not going to shoot CWD out...we are not going to stop the spread...stop the slaughter and manage the habitat...control what things we can control...or in other words...I'm not changing anything either.
Between us & adjacent lease we control over 10K contingent acres. They had that lease for 6-7 years and basically used our management plan from the start. I don't plan to do anything different than we've done the past 21 years & they've told me the same. We too did away with mineral sites & baited census 4 years ago. Surrounded by lots of 100-200 acre private tracts that don't allow hunting to start with. Feel pretty good that we'll continue to have 4yr + bucks to hunt for foreseeable future.
It may be a small sample size but I'm already talking with neighbors and others in our area...the opinions I'm hearing are the majority will not participate in the slaughter of the herd...Killing all the deer to prevent CWD from killing all the deer doesn't make sense to most folks I've spoken to...and slaughtering all you can obviously doesnt stop the spread...So I'm not sure what anyone else will actually do but I know I wont participate in the eradication efforts.
What we will do is eliminate four mineral sites...already have plans to fill them in and then pile several large cedar skeletons on top of each mineral site blocking access....several large cedars in the area need cutting anyway....other than that we will continue to manage the habitat for all wildlife and enjoy our time outdoors....and hey, maybe with CWD targeting a 5½ or 6½ year old buck will become a thing of the past? If so, the 3½ and 4½ year olds will become the new "most mature" bucks on the pyramid...Honestly I've seen plenty of 4½ years olds that will meet most peoples goals and standards....I could go on but Ill stop.
In areas where you have large agriculture tracts nearby it will devastate the older age classes. Allowing rifle hunting during archery and velvet is BS. I watch most of our target bucks over a mile from our hunting tracts in agriculture areas before they return. When your only hunting 4.5 year old deer or older this plan by TWRA is total BS. It's complete BS for the herd in general, why any deer hunter would ever back it or support it, and not fight against it is beyond me. I would refuse to pick up a rifle and hunt a deer in velvet but that would not be the norm around me.

I've heard enough from the guys in CWD zones to already know that if they designate our farms areas as CWD I will move my and my familes efforts to another state. We have already had multiple conversations about this already. We will still hunt TN for convenience but I'm not going to buy a license. I'll claim landowner exception and I will cease habitat improvements in TN.
I am sorry to hear this and I fear our county is not far behind.. Although from what I am reading it seems like more of the issues are created by humans (including TWRA) and less CWD? What I mean is if the antler restrictions were still there and seasons went back to pre CWD do think it would really be this bad? What if Ames was in a vacuum and no one knew about CWD in the herd how many mature deer do you think would be lost?
That's an excellent question Bgoodman! Truthfully, we've backed off shooting as many does but seems it's too little too late. The does are scared to death and are more nocturnal than the bucks. Fifteen hunts and only had one, yes one chance to kill one. I passed. We are killing younger bucks with no antler restrictions present but overall we have killed fewer bucks too. In fact, we have killed fewer deer overall by 30-50% than in prior years to CWD. One thing that has changed is the kill ratio of bucks to does. Used to be 2 to 1 and more like 1 to 1 now.

I still think it would be bad because we just haven't slaughtered deer as the TWRA wanted. The only thing I can blame on the lower population is CWD and the early practice of killing too many does. I think this was a management mistake and the population just hasn't bounced back with CWD now weighing on the herd.

I just don't see how anything can get any better from here. But I do think we could go 3 years and not shoot a single doe.
In areas where you have large agriculture tracts nearby it will devastate the older age classes. Allowing rifle hunting during archery and velvet is BS. I watch most of our target bucks over a mile from our hunting tracts in agriculture areas before they return. When your only hunting 4.5 year old deer or older this plan by TWRA is total BS. It's complete BS for the herd in general, why any deer hunter would ever back it or support it, and not fight against it is beyond me. I would refuse to pick up a rifle and hunt a deer in velvet but that would not be the norm around me.

I've heard enough from the guys in CWD zones to already know that if they designate our farms areas as CWD I will move my and my familes efforts to another state. We have already had multiple conversations about this already. We will still hunt TN for convenience but I'm not going to buy a license. I'll claim landowner exception and I will cease habitat improvements in TN.
I agree...except for ceasing habitat they say "I've come to far down river to paddle back now" and I enjoy the habitat work about as much as the actual hunting...but I totally get and understand your frustration....Rifle during the velvet hunt and archery season is absolutely ridiculous.
Dang David, hate to hear those thoughts. Hopefully you can find a place to hunt with grandson as it puts a whole new perspective on it. Have been very blessed to be able to hunt with and pass on knowledge to 3 of mine. Now have a 4 month old great grandson that I hope to be able to get a couple years in with before I get too old.

One suggestion that I would make is to start buying him WY preference points for antelope. Only $10/yr until he reaches 16. It's a great experience for both of you and easy to do diy. I did it with my two older ones when they were mid teens and plan on doing it with my 12 yr old as soon as herds get built back up. Right now he has 2 PP's in his pocket.
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That's an excellent question Bgoodman! Truthfully, we've backed off shooting as many does but seems it's too little too late. The does are scared to death and are more nocturnal than the bucks. Fifteen hunts and only had one, yes one chance to kill one. I passed. We are killing younger bucks with no antler restrictions present but overall we have killed fewer bucks too. In fact, we have killed fewer deer overall by 30-50% than in prior years to CWD. One thing that has changed is the kill ratio of bucks to does. Used to be 2 to 1 and more like 1 to 1 now.

I still think it would be bad because we just haven't slaughtered deer as the TWRA wanted. The only thing I can blame on the lower population is CWD and the early practice of killing too many does. I think this was a management mistake and the population just hasn't bounced back with CWD now weighing on the herd.

I just don't see how anything can get any better from here. But I do think we could go 3 years and not shoot a single doe.

Have you found the bucks dead from CWD? Are your neighbors slaughtering them? From what I heard it does sound like a slaughter over there…. I hope you guys go back to prior restrictions and let the does bounce back and see what happens.
I agree...except for ceasing habitat they say "I've come to far down river to paddle back now" and I enjoy the habitat work about as much as the actual hunting...but I totally get and understand your frustration....Rifle during the velvet hunt and archery season is absolutely ridiculous.
100% if the velvet hunt wasn't ridiculous enough…
Have you found the bucks dead from CWD? Are your neighbors slaughtering them? From what I heard it does sound like a slaughter over there…. I hope you guys go back to prior restrictions and let the does bounce back and see what happens.
We've found a few dead heads. Not as many as you would think. But a CWD deer is 5 times more likely to die from other unrelated causes.
It could be just the seasons of life
Yep that's what I've always said. Watching my dad go through it now and as bad as I want him out there everytime he's content with just going when he feels like it. I think it bothers me more than it does him lol. My cousin who is 26 and 10 years younger than me brings it up a lot and just can't figure out why he doesn't go. I told him I've seen it in a lot of people and it's a season of life as we all get older. Some lose it and some don't and that him and I will be there one day too. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Sit back, go when you want and think about all the memories over the years.
Watching my dad go through it now and as bad as I want him out there everytime he's content with just going when he feels like it.. . . . . . Sit back, go when you want and think about all the memories over the years.
As we gain age, most of us will come to value the quality of the experiences over the quantity of those experiences.

We also tend to become more knowledgeable as to what conditions & circumstances produce the highest probabilities for those higher quality experiences.

And this mindset is not limited to just deer hunting, as it's with everything.
The thought processes of a typical 18-yr-old tend to be far different than those of a 38-yr-old.
And those changes in one's "thinking" will continue with age.

Personally, I'm truly enjoying every day afield, perhaps more than ever, regardless whether my multi-tasked focus is more on deer hunting, or other things.
This seems to be the consensus of the majority I've spoken to..."Im changing nothing"...I guess people in our area have the advantage of seeing what didnt work....we are not going to shoot CWD out...we are not going to stop the spread...stop the slaughter and manage the habitat...control what things we can control...or in other words...I'm not changing anything either.
Yep, we are taking advantage of the early rifle hunting, but aside from that really haven't changed anything with how we hunt. I have been more cautious with cleanup after processing deer though.
We're just east of Ames and it's the same for us. As it was, it was not unusual to have 80-100 sightings of deer a day. I doubt that I have seen 20 all year

Please tell me that's exaggerated. 80-100 deer sightings in one day is an incredibly condensed herd. It's hard for me to even imagine seeing that many deer in a single hunt.

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