Until this thread I was in the same thought. Nothing made sense. CWD has been around at least 40yrs, probably forever, and is found in several countries around the northern hemisphere worldwide. It's not killing off animals at a rapid, measurable rate anywhere else but we're supposed to believe that it is in a couple west TN counties? Like most other folks I was calling BS. But this thread has made me raise an eyebrow to something I didn't consider before.
Up until now I was relating west TN to everywhere else. Some places have lots of deer. Some places have few deer. CWD is the same regardless. But then I read reports of just how many deer there were in west TN. Can you imagine seeing upwards of 100 deer in a 3hr sit? One poster claimed 40-50 deer seen in a day on a 180 acre property. That's a herd density of 142 deer/sq mile, or 4.5 deer/acre. It seems ridiculous but I outright asked if it was an exaggeration and it was corroborated by several other posters. There's no reason to think anybody is lying, so the only take away is that there used to be an astronomically high density of deer for a very long time in a relatively small area. Given what we know about how CWD spreads, it's only logical that in an environment like that it would spread like wildfire. And since conditions like that don't exist anywhere else on the planet, CWD hasn't been the big deal that it is there in west TN. It's akin to kids starting back to school in fall. They all get sick because suddenly they're all placed in a confined space together. That high density of individuals rapidly accelerates the spread of a contagen.
Which brings me to TWRA. Until now I have been an outspoken opponent of how they're handling the situation. I couldn't understand such a gross overreaction. Now I do. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Doesn't mean I am now on board with how they're approaching the problem, only that now I finally understand why they're taking such a dramatic approach. The why is what's been missing all this time. Now I get it. Of course they're going to see a gross amplification of what CWD can do because they have a gross amplification of what a typical herd density looks like. Does TWRA deserve criticism for they're handling of CWD? Probably. I think it's fair. I believe they've screwed some things up, and in light of recent legal issues it's plausible they screwed up real bad. But given the unprecidented circumstances I can longer criticize their decisions because they're dealing with a situation nobody aside from fenced deer farms has ever had to deal with before, so there were no examples for them to follow.
So I don't know. I couldn't figure out why west TN was so different, why TWRA was being so extreme when nothing like that was being done anywhere else. Now I know it was because of the population density, and it makes total sense. That would be the only plausible reason to handle things the way TWRA is doing it. And if the core issue that allows CWD to become so prevalent is population density, then wouldn't the logical approach be thinning the herd to more manageable, healthy numbers? I didn't mean to write a novel, just emptying some thoughts into words. I don't have any answers and won't pretend to. Going forward I think i'll withold judgement and just observe.