The NWR turkey hunts

SKFOOTER":3lzw4kfp said:
Did you ever talk with anyone at the Refuge office today Andy?
I left a voicemail around 11, they called back at 2:20, but I could not answer due to being in a meeting at work. I'll try again tomorrow.
Andy S.":67lyp3na said:
The brochure states this exact verbiage:

"Indicate hunt preference (1st [Youth Hunt], 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) on the Turkey application."

The way it is worded leads me to believe you can only choose one hunt, due to the word "or" being used.

Along these same lines, does this card lead you to believe anything other than my first preference matters? For those not in the know, this is my rejection card for Lower Hatchie NWR making me aware I was not drawn. To help clue you in, the "2nd" was not circled when I mailed it in.

I just got my LH denial yesterday. My notification for being drawn at Reelfoot was delivered on Monday, but my friend that put in with me still has not received his. I told him I would give it until early next week before I inquire about it.
Andy S.":38qhb6if said:
Hunting Chickasaw late in the season with warm temps is one of the only places I literally felt like I could not sit still enough to kill a smart public land bird. There's been a few mornings where my hands looked like windshield wiper blades swatting them suckers, and that is with a half of can of deet and permethrin applied, and ONE thermacell running. Two thermacells may be an improvement, but I have never tried two at the same time.

The last time I hunted Chickasaw I noticed some movement through the undercover. Looking closer there was a shinning object associated with the motion. Turned out it was a shinny bald headed hunter walking through the woods swatching mosquitos with his cap and calling every few steps with a mouth call. :bash: Needless to say no birds came from that area.
I finally spoke with Joe today at the WTN NWR Complex. He was a super nice guy that was willing to help, but it is still clear as mud as to how they conduct their quota draw. I did not push the issue and told him thanks for his time. I guess I need to attend the draw one year to see if I can wrap my mind around their process.
Andy S.":1wonhs1y said:
I finally spoke with Joe today at the WTN NWR Complex. He was a super nice guy that was willing to help, but it is still clear as mud as to how they conduct their quota draw. I did not push the issue and told him thanks for his time. I guess I need to attend the draw one year to see if I can wrap my mind around their process.

Is the draw something the public can attend?
PickettSFHunter":1gd0taix said:
Got my LH and Reelfoot rejection cards yesterday.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Interesting, I haven't received a rejection card from Lower Hatchie.
SKFOOTER":37406ks1 said:
Was he able to explain how you and other hunters were drawn for hunts that you did not apply for???
Not really. I asked him to explain that, and also to explain why only my second choice was circled in pen by the office staff (see pic above), and when he attempted to explain them, I felt like he contradicted himself, and just confused the matter even more. He even paused one time and acknowledged it was hard to explain it all over the phone, then got back on track in his attempt. I just let it go after that and told him thank you for your time.
UpperTully":31hmwa96 said:
Is the draw something the public can attend?
Not sure how West TN does the draw these days, but I have attended a Hatchie "Brownsville" NWR deer draw back in the day. I do remember it being on a weekday, maybe a Friday if my mind serves me right. I would have to ask, but not sure why they would prevent you if they had the space to accommodate a few interested hunters.

Just copied this from the 2017-2018 Hatchie NWR Public Use Brochure for the deer gun quota draw:

"Applications will be accepted between July 1 and the close of business (4 pm) on July 31. The drawing will be held on August 1, at 9 am at the Refuge office. Applicants are welcome to participate in the public drawing."
Andy S.":2lekhw6r said:
I just got my LH denial yesterday. My notification for being drawn at Reelfoot was delivered on Monday, but my friend that put in with me still has not received his. I told him I would give it until early next week before I inquire about it.
My buddy received his Reelfoot award notification today, but still no denial for Lower Hatchie.
Andy S.":gk43tl2b said:
Andy S.":gk43tl2b said:
I just got my LH denial yesterday. My notification for being drawn at Reelfoot was delivered on Monday, but my friend that put in with me still has not received his. I told him I would give it until early next week before I inquire about it.
My buddy received his Reelfoot award notification today, but still no denial for Lower Hatchie.

I got my Reelfoot rejection letter yesterday. That was the only NWR hunt I put in for this year.
It's not even March and the big river is forecasted to hit 33ft at Osceola on March 5. Not looking good in the bottoms already
UpperTully":ma4axmyc said:
It's not even March and the big river is forecasted to hit 33ft at Osceola on March 5. Not looking good in the bottoms already
Agreed, not looking good at all for MS River bottom hunting. I suspect the Osceola crest could eventually be bumped up to 38' by middle of March once you factor in all of the rain the Ohio Valley is expected to get in the next 7-10 days. Many parts of Chickasaw NWR will be flooded for 2-3 weeks in March, if not longer. To make matters worse, some of the long range river forecasts are suggesting a two peak crest high water, one mid March, which is shaping up now, and another one that is likely later in the spring. If that holds true, the 2018 spring turkey season in west TN bottoms will be a wrap before it ever gets started.
Andy S.":2n4k9hb4 said:
UpperTully":2n4k9hb4 said:
It's not even March and the big river is forecasted to hit 33ft at Osceola on March 5. Not looking good in the bottoms already
Agreed, not looking good at all for MS River bottom hunting. I suspect the Osceola crest could eventually be bumped up to 38' by middle of March once you factor in all of the rain the Ohio Valley is expected to get in the next 7-10 days. Many parts of Chickasaw NWR will be flooded for 2-3 weeks in March, if not longer. To make matters worse, some of the long range river forecasts are suggesting a two peak crest high water, one mid March, which is shaping up now, and another one that is likely later in the spring. If that holds true, the 2018 spring turkey season in west TN bottoms will be a wrap before it ever gets started.

How about the projected stage @ Caruthersville? I have the second hunt @ Chickasaw and I can tell more about the water level from that gauge.
I expect C-ville to be 40' mid March, but it is still too far to put a mark on the next crest, assuming there will be another this spring.

Here is 7 day QPF that will drive the mid March crest.

Here is NWS Experimental forecast with 16 days of rain estimated. Notice how Caruthersville Gage hovers around 40' for 7-14 days mid March.
