The NWR turkey hunts

Andy S.":xnli5ux1 said:
UpperTully":xnli5ux1 said:
It's not even March and the big river is forecasted to hit 33ft at Osceola on March 5. Not looking good in the bottoms already
Agreed, not looking good at all for MS River bottom hunting. I suspect the Osceola crest could eventually be bumped up to 38' by middle of March once you factor in all of the rain the Ohio Valley is expected to get in the next 7-10 days. Many parts of Chickasaw NWR will be flooded for 2-3 weeks in March, if not longer. To make matters worse, some of the long range river forecasts are suggesting a two peak crest high water, one mid March, which is shaping up now, and another one that is likely later in the spring. If that holds true, the 2018 spring turkey season in west TN bottoms will be a wrap before it ever gets started.

Its starting out like it did in 2011. I figured it would be 2 flood events this season, first will be the rain water, second will be the melt.

As much as I love hunting those bottoms, dealing with the effects of these floods and the states mismanagement in the flood zone really gets old. Looks like I might be spending most of my turkey season in N Miss.
Middle MS River got pounded earlier today with high intensity rainfall, and now the system is tracking east. This will likely extend high water coming out of the Ohio river and the inundation for the lower MS river bottoms in March.

Ol muddy Mississippi isn't letting up. For those unfamiliar with the area, the big block of bottomland hardwoods in the lower center covered by blue is Chickasaw NWR, with the majority being inundated already, and will continue to be for some time. Not good for the turkeys, rabbits, or the deer.

Has everyone sent in your $15 for the West TN NWR hunts? Just wondering how this high affects others, and their intent, if any at all.
Andy S.":2ilyqcmv said:
Has everyone sent in your $15 for the West TN NWR hunts? Just wondering how this high affects others, and their intent, if any at all.

I sent mine in earlier for Chickasaw. Sorta wish I had not but a lot can change between now and the hunt.

I really do not understand what you are asking..
Andy S.":1q6m04z0 said:
Has everyone sent in your $15 for the West TN NWR hunts? Just wondering how this high affects others, and their intent, if any at all.
My son and I got drawn for Chickasaw and Lower Hatchie. That's $60 for ol Dad. For hunts that are probably not going to happen. I don't know what to do.

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Hawk":s3fni07k said:
I really do not understand what you are asking....
Just wondering if everyone "blindly" sends their money in regardless of river stages and conditions in the bottoms, if some track the river, if some say the heck with it with the higher than likely probability of flooding again, etc.

I sent in Reelfoot, but I am on the fence about Chickasaw 4th hunt. I still have a few days to decide and was just wondering what other's thoughts are, that's all.
Spurhunter":sacpoj44 said:
My son and I got drawn for Chickasaw and Lower Hatchie. That's $60 for ol Dad. For hunts that are probably not going to happen. I don't know what to do.
Exactly what I was pondering on my end as well.......time will tell. I hope you two get to enjoy the hunts, but you never know what the climate and big river have in store for us. Good luck!
Andy S.":2urd8qx7 said:
Hawk":2urd8qx7 said:
I really do not understand what you are asking....
Just wondering if everyone "blindly" sends their money in regardless of river stages and conditions in the bottoms, if some track the river, if some say the heck with it with the higher than likely probability of flooding again, etc.

I sent in Reelfoot, but I am on the fence about Chickasaw 4th hunt. I still have a few days to decide and was just wondering what other's thoughts are, that's all.
I almost made this same post. I was curious if I was the only one pondering the probability of flooded out hunts.

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Is it possible the 1st couple of Chickasaw hunts could flooded out but the 4th be okay and therefore the better hunt? Or maybe the birds vacate for awhile when flooded that bad?

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PickettSFHunter":1slygz2b said:
Is it possible the 1st couple of Chickasaw hunts could flooded out but the 4th be okay
Very possible, but talk about a rotten mucky mess of a bottom to traverse.

PickettSFHunter":1slygz2b said:
......and therefore the better hunt?
Debatable on whether the birds stayed, vacated, died, etc.
Andy S.":1klybsws said:
Hawk":1klybsws said:
I really do not understand what you are asking....
Just wondering if everyone "blindly" sends their money in regardless of river stages and conditions in the bottoms, if some track the river, if some say the heck with it with the higher than likely probability of flooding again, etc.

I sent in Reelfoot, but I am on the fence about Chickasaw 4th hunt. I still have a few days to decide and was just wondering what other's thoughts are, that's all.

I sent my $ in knowing that Chickasaw would likely be flooded. I feel better knowing I can hunt if conditions change.
Andy S.":3016uio0 said:
Hawk":3016uio0 said:
I really do not understand what you are asking....
Just wondering if everyone "blindly" sends their money in regardless of river stages and conditions in the bottoms, if some track the river, if some say the heck with it with the higher than likely probability of flooding again, etc.

I sent in Reelfoot, but I am on the fence about Chickasaw 4th hunt. I still have a few days to decide and was just wondering what other's thoughts are, that's all.

I always send in. You never know what that river is going to do.
Andy S.":1pm44pd7 said:
PickettSFHunter":1pm44pd7 said:
Is it possible the 1st couple of Chickasaw hunts could flooded out but the 4th be okay
Very possible, but talk about a rotten mucky mess of a bottom to traverse.

Nasty and it seems the snakes are more scattered about.
UpperTully":38scjuiu said:
I always send in.
This has been me in the past, just thinking through it little more this year. With me and my friends lack of success on the 4th hunt (that I did not apply for on purpose), coupled with the high likelihood of a major flood, I have took a long hard look at it this year. I will most likely send it in to have the option if big muddy allows access and no other options are on the table.
Stlbaseball1":21b4fa4z said:
Andy, what are your thoughts on the upcoming hunts at Chickasaw?
Based on the forecasts I am seeing, I expect vehicle access will be cutoff by Tuesday (April 3rd), with the majority of the bottom under water, and likely remain that way for a few weeks, if not the entire month of April. This is very unfortunate for the hunters that were drawn and sent in their money (like myself).

Furthermore, it looks like Caruthersville Gage will be at a 34' by end of next week, which is the trigger point for TWRA to issue emergency closure to all turkey hunting in the Mississippi River Floodwaters Zone. See the link below. ... 70/?type=3
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That's all I have to say about that!