The rod-snapper Snapper is on the Grill


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Shelby County, TN
The rod-snapper Snapper throat is on the grill, along with 2 redfish.



TN Song Dog":bwkdesnh said:
Nice, looks delicious! How did you season it and keep from sticking or falling apart (personal struggle). Hope its as tasty as it looks.

I keep the skin/scales on and that helps keep things from sticking and falling apart. 2-3 minutes meat down then finish it scales down, the scales will char but the meat peels off the skin/scales easily when cooked. I also lubed the grill up with Canola oil, but that probably isn't really necessary.
That is a very very nice Snapper.

Congratulations on a great catch and a terrific meal. Red snapper is a great tasting fish.
WTM, yep, I bet he cut out the cheek also.

It also shows you is a country boy from the Coast
WTM":ukkxvt3k said:
so they have a lot of meat on the throat, huh. so is that cut under the gill plate and behind the pectoral fin?

Yea, if you look closely on the first picture you can see the fins (I think they are called pelvic fins) sticking out just above my left wrist. Those are the 2 fins you see on the 3rd picture on the Grill.
In some countries the cheeks/collars from some fish are highly prized table fair. Tuna collars are out of sight good eating when you can get them fresh.
cowhunter71":2ujifbnk said:
Fish throat is a fine meal, especially from thick/big headed saltwater fish

yeah, a big head or silver carp throat probably wouldnt be very good. or maybe it would. just may try it.

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