The ROY smokes a bomber!!!

If you have permission to hunt on a property no one can control how far an animal travels before expiring. There should be some sort of law for retrieving that animal.
If you only owned 1 acre but are surrounded by PETA supporters….. are you just expected to not hunt for fear of the animal crossing your property.
Not for or against his hunting. Just a question
If you have permission to hunt on a property no one can control how far an animal travels before expiring. There should be some sort of law for retrieving that animal.
If you only owned 1 acre but are surrounded by PETA supporters….. are you just expected to not hunt for fear of the animal crossing your property.
Not for or against his hunting. Just a question
Trespassing is wrong, period.
If you only have one acre to hunt you don't need to bowhunt, period.
"I applaud legal success."

And, therein lays the issue. When time after time this group shoots deer with a bow where they have almost no chance of keeping the deer on the property where they are LEGAL and no pre-done retrieval permission, it shows terrible ethics. You might think that they would learn from their mistakes, but, it hasn't seemed to change their mode of operations. Their goal is to kill the back yard pet with a lot of bone on its head, and to heck with legally getting him retrieved.

ZERO envy and jealousy on my part. The back yard pets need to be killed to keep down a lot of the problems they cause in urban settings. But, it needs to be done legally and ethically. That doesn't seem to be their goal.

But, he got another nice grip and grin!
^^^^2nd that
If you have permission to hunt on a property no one can control how far an animal travels before expiring. There should be some sort of law for retrieving that animal.
If you only owned 1 acre but are surrounded by PETA supporters….. are you just expected to not hunt for fear of the animal crossing your property.
Not for or against his hunting. Just a question
Simply put IMO yes, not hunting it.

Even a hour drive for no issues is better than what came become of the situation you described
Trespassing is wrong, period.
If you only have one acre to hunt you don't need to bowhunt, period.
That was one of the reasons I mainly hunt gun on my 7.2 acres, even though I do have permission from all landowners around it, I would rather a deer stay on my property or not too far out of it. On my new plot it's almost 30 acres, but still want to keep them close, so probably will only gun hunt.
If it is at the top of his list, then why does he continue to shoot deer that he can't legally retrieve? It isn't a mistake he has only made once.

The legal aspect of the hunt doesn't end when he turns loose of his arrow or pull the trigger on property where he is legal. His mode of operation for years here in TN has shown that he intends to concentrate on the kill, and worry about the retrieval part after the fact. To me, it is piss poor ethics.

His recent debacle over on the river was a black eye for all ethical hunters.
That river buck video popped up on YouTube last week. Anyone else see it? The video ended about 3 mins after he loosed the arrow. Obviously no retrieval footage. When you see the truth posted here in pics, read all the comments, listen to their podcast, then watch the video, well let's just say I'd doesn't paint a pretty picture.
If you have permission to hunt on a property no one can control how far an animal travels before expiring. There should be some sort of law for retrieving that animal.
If you only owned 1 acre but are surrounded by PETA supporters….. are you just expected to not hunt for fear of the animal crossing your property.
Not for or against his hunting. Just a question

My opinion is that nothing you do on your property should spill over onto your neighbors. I don't want your dog pooping in my yard. I don't want your lawn clippings blown 8ft into my yard. I don't want a branch from your tree falling on my truck in my driveway. And I don't want a dead deer lying in my flower garden with strangers with headlamps begging to retrieve it. I'm a hunter and that would tick me off.

The common courtesy of trying to avoid inconveniencing other people has all but disappeared in our self centered world. What used to be considered respect and common courtesy is an now an alien concept. It's the epitome of society, being socially cognizant, and I don't mean liberal BS. Exactly opposite. I mean going out of your way to NOT force your personal choices onto others as to not disrupt peace. Like I said, alien concept these days. Again again, just my opinion.
If you have permission to hunt on a property no one can control how far an animal travels before expiring. There should be some sort of law for retrieving that animal.
If you only owned 1 acre but are surrounded by PETA supporters….. are you just expected to not hunt for fear of the animal crossing your property.
Not for or against his hunting. Just a question
If you shoot a deer where you have a very small chance for a legal retrieval, IMO, it is piss poor ethics.

And, no, there should not be a law that allows a hunter to trespass on land where they don't have permission.
That river buck video popped up on YouTube last week. Anyone else see it? The video ended about 3 mins after he loosed the arrow. Obviously no retrieval footage. When you see the truth posted here in pics, read all the comments, listen to their podcast, then watch the video, well let's just say I'd doesn't paint a pretty picture.
He got real lucky. his buddy was on the general jackson steamboat, saw a slammer swimming across the cumberland with an arrow sticking out of it. Almost drowned in the river apparently. He called him and they went and found the deer. If the buddy hadn't seen it they would not have recovered it, it went a little over a mile and crossed the cumberland.
He got real lucky. his buddy was on the general jackson steamboat, saw a slammer swimming across the cumberland with an arrow sticking out of it. Almost drowned in the river apparently. He called him and they went and found the deer. If the buddy hadn't seen it they would not have recovered it, it went a little over a mile and crossed the cumberland.
Nah. Maybe go listen to the podcast. THE ROY himself said it went maybe 300 yards. Also look up the thread about it on here. Probably whatever you heard isn't true.
I think this is the first time I've posted on this or any other debated topic. For the record, I'm in the camp with all those who are not fans, for ALL the reasons stated.

I was curious and listened to the podcast, just to hear his side of it. It's insulting. I watched the actual video yesterday. I was curious about how much retrieval footage they showed. As mentioned above, there was zero. JT here was a quick video clip of Catmsn boating in for the river bank pickup.

Here's something I've not seen mentioned by anyone. Before the hunt, at the Airbnb, they play a game they called "dice". Basically they use a dice like archery target, roll it out into the yard and shoot at the dots. They score by hitting a dot and getting the number of points based on how many dots are on that side of the target.

Here's the disturbing part. They are doing this in the backyard of the Airbnb. The back drop is a row of unkept bushes. It's very easy to see the house just behind the bushes. One miss would have likely skipped or skirted through the bushes to no telling where. I have no idea if people were living there or not, but that's very irresponsible. To me that was as disturbing as everything else not to like about them. 🤦🏻‍♂️
I wouldn't fault someone a bit for shooting a great buck in their suburban neighborhood. They are fair game, no pun intended.

I'm not sure how I feel about someone who tries to build a reputation as a great hunter by doing so, though.

"ThIs DiDnT eNd WeLl (CoPs CaLlEd) is the title of his latest video.

No ethical hunter would celebrate controversy with the future of hunting in mind.