The ROY smokes a bomber!!!

What debacle over a river? I'm curious
The recovery of the river bank deer led to the seek one boy making assinine and disparaging remarks about the boaters, and Tennesseans. He showed arrogance and zero humility. He admitted taking a poor shot due to camera, when he passed on a good shot. He shot the deer in the hind end, not a fatal shot, and poor penetration, as pics showed the arrow sticking out of the deer as it lay upright and alert on a river bank. Seek one star called it a fatal hit multiple times, attempting I guess to lead those who know no better, that the deer was going to die. The podcast was terrible. I couldn't listen to it all.

Anyway, the dude is a douche.
Everybody answers like they are high and mighty, I was just noting a scenario for deer recovery.
If any of you shoot a record book quality deer and it's 5 feet off your property just stand and watch it rot.
I wasn't saying trespass but if TWRA was involved recovery should be allowed somehow.
It isn't TWRA's place to be involved. They cannot make a landowner allow retrieval.

The hunter should secure permission to retrieve before he/she takes the shot. If you are stupid enough to try to kill a deer on a one acre lot without that permission, you certainly don't deserve the deer.

It's official, Kimbo is our biggest buck to date! Roughed him twice at 215" and change. A few details of the story: @the_roy had Kimbo in front of him on opening day. The plan was to sit all day, but around 1pm we had to climb down to go #2... We ran to the store hoping to be gone for only 20 minutes, and at 1:10pm Kimbo came in. We were able to get back in the stand and sit the rest of the day hoping he would come back to check his primary scrape before dark. That night he exited the back side of the property and vanished. 7 days went by with no sign of him at all. We knew a lot of people were trying to hunt this deer and thought he may have already been killed. On day 8, we found him 4 miles away in a place that was totally unhuntable. After seeing him a couple days in a row at this new location, he went missing again. 2 days later he showed back up at the original spot we had our encounter. We had already hung another set on his exit route, and this time caught him trying to slip out the back once again. As with most urban hunting scenarios, this story had more than its fair share of drama. The area we were hunting probably has one of the highest crime rates in the state. Every sit on the property, we saw people smoking crack and doing other nefarious activities. To be honest, this is the most unsafe we've ever been hunting the burbs, and we're thankful it's over. We can't wait to share all the rest of the details in the YouTube video…which we are working on now and will get out for y'all ASAP!This will no doubt be one of craziest hunting stories we've ever had.
I think

It's official, Kimbo is our biggest buck to date! Roughed him twice at 215" and change. A few details of the story: @the_roy had Kimbo in front of him on opening day. The plan was to sit all day, but around 1pm we had to climb down to go #2... We ran to the store hoping to be gone for only 20 minutes, and at 1:10pm Kimbo came in. We were able to get back in the stand and sit the rest of the day hoping he would come back to check his primary scrape before dark. That night he exited the back side of the property and vanished. 7 days went by with no sign of him at all. We knew a lot of people were trying to hunt this deer and thought he may have already been killed. On day 8, we found him 4 miles away in a place that was totally unhuntable. After seeing him a couple days in a row at this new location, he went missing again. 2 days later he showed back up at the original spot we had our encounter. We had already hung another set on his exit route, and this time caught him trying to slip out the back once again. As with most urban hunting scenarios, this story had more than its fair share of drama. The area we were hunting probably has one of the highest crime rates in the state. Every sit on the property, we saw people smoking crack and doing other nefarious activities. To be honest, this is the most unsafe we've ever been hunting the burbs, and we're thankful it's over. We can't wait to share all the rest of the details in the YouTube video…which we are working on now and will get out for y'all ASAP!This will no doubt be one of craziest hunting stories we've ever had.
Look you might be an alright guy, but seek one is not. Nobody cares. How many does you think that idiots ever shot. I'll bet you my 8 year old son ate more does than he ever killed and my teenage daughter had shot more I bet.

He is out for 3 things.... rack, fame and money..... and he is an idiot
What happened?
I think this is the first time I've posted on this or any other debated topic. For the record, I'm in the camp with all those who are not fans, for ALL the reasons stated.

I was curious and listened to the podcast, just to hear his side of it. It's insulting. I watched the actual video yesterday. I was curious about how much retrieval footage they showed. As mentioned above, there was zero. JT here was a quick video clip of Catmsn boating in for the river bank pickup.

Here's something I've not seen mentioned by anyone. Before the hunt, at the Airbnb, they play a game they called "dice". Basically they use a dice like archery target, roll it out into the yard and shoot at the dots. They score by hitting a dot and getting the number of points based on how many dots are on that side of the target.

Here's the disturbing part. They are doing this in the backyard of the Airbnb. The back drop is a row of unkept bushes. It's very easy to see the house just behind the bushes. One miss would have likely skipped or skirted through the bushes to no telling where. I have no idea if people were living there or not, but that's very irresponsible. To me that was as disturbing as everything else not to like about them. 🤦🏻‍♂️
I caught on to this as well and my wife (who is not a hunter but has common sense) even mentioned it while I was thinking it....."Isn't that a house behind where they are shooting"!! I despise watching the shows but had to leave it on all the while listening to her comments. "Are they right up next to someones house?"...."You can see the people in thier kitchen from his stand"......
Comical is an under statement!!
Her uncle lived in Frontenac, suburb of St. Louis and the videos reminded her of thier property. Countless times visiting that we seen deer in the back yard and riding looking at the homes, maybe not 200" class but guarantee there are some around!! The owners of Anheuser-Bush, Drury Hotels, doctors and lawyers so you can imagine the type of neighbor hood.
IMO it is a disgrace to the sport and the rest of us as hunters/outdoorsman.
I feel like I'm reading something that women would be writing about the Kardashians. Some of y'all are full of all the wrong kinds of stuff 😂. Chill out and hunt your own way, who gives a shot how anybody else does it.
I feel like I'm reading something that women would be writing about the Kardashians. Some of y'all are full of all the wrong kinds of stuff 😂. Chill out and hunt your own way, who gives a shot how anybody else does it.
The 90-95% of Americans that don't hunt but wield influence over whether we can
What state was it killed in?
I "heard/read" Columbus Ohio (Franklin County). Makes sense based on past years trips, but I have not confirmed. I've also read the buck grew up in the inner city, near the ghetto, was watched for years, and you could approach him in street clothes and he would not run away.



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The 90-95% of Americans that don't hunt but wield influence over whether we can
No they don't. Dumb politicians do. And the 90-95% don't have a voice anymore. I wish they did because that would mean we would have one also.
I feel like I'm reading something that women would be writing about the Kardashians. Some of y'all are full of all the wrong kinds of stuff 😂. Chill out and hunt your own way, who gives a shot how anybody else does it.
Keep turning a blind eye its worked so good for everything else in this country 🙄
The 90-95% of Americans that don't hunt but wield influence over whether we can
Absolutely. An fame seekers like him, for fame and fortune, are willing to sacrifice long standing time honored traditions for people
Like us- people who live and hunt wild deer in rural areas
They are seekers of fame and fortune. No respect from me. They have found a niche to get recognition and paid, that shows creativity. However, not impressed and prob do more damage to the hunters image than good.
Send those boys over to me in East Tennessee and let's see what kind of skills they have… the mountains.
You know, it wouldn't surprise me if they were actually good hunters and could be successful in the East TN mountains. But after weeks of hard work nobody would grovel over the 125 inch buck they drug down the mountain and that's exactly why you'll never see them doing it.