Totally agree. Access getting in undetected is a ballgame in itself. When speaking of sounds, in recent years, I have made it a point to rid everything I possibly can that make noise. Velcro is no longer part of me or my pack. The little jingling nuts and bolts of ladders are tightened, the squeaking of stands sprayed in advance, the pins on ladders are duct-taped….any sound I can eliminate has been addressed to the best of my abilities. Some of my best spots are sneaking into their bedrooms way before light and I can't afford any metallic sounds or anything unnatural taking place. Of course, this much detail is not for most areas, but some definitely need this attention.
It seems anal but all that stuff adds up and makes a difference. I feel like an idiot at times for way overthinking all the little details but I feel more dumb when I'm being careless and bump deer unnecessarily.