The worst thing about the Coke 600...


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
...was Kasey Kahne's incar radio transmission that he almost got hit by a beer bottle during green flag racing.A small handful of morons are gonna cost all of us the privilege of bringing our own drinks to the track.Fans need to beat the crap out of any moron who thinks it's cool to throw stuff at the racetrack.After they finish,turn him over to security.
You are right. We will be buying our drinks in paper cups if people don't stop this. They are ruining it for all of us.
I've seen lots of people throwing things, but never onto the track. They threw things like chicken bones, empty beer cans, and the occosaional full one at folks flaunting the #3 too much.

But I do believe if myself and the folks I attend races with saw somebody actually throw something onto the track, that person would BEG for security.

These guys will knock from behind any cap anyone of any size may be dumb enough to be wearing during the prayer or Star Spangled Banner.

Sometimes us fans need to police ourselvs.
NCST8GUY said:
Sometimes us fans need to police ourselvs.

Yeppers !

Kinda like a talk forum too, in my opinion. ;)

I like the part about not taking their hats off too.

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