Well-Known Member
Crow Terminator said:Radar -- Only one little difference in shooting at actual deer....they react and move. Don't matter how fast your bow is shooting...there ain't a bow out there fast enough for a deer to not be able to react and duck out of the way. This 82nd airborne is the fastest bow I've ever owned. My hunting setup at 60 pounds was producing speeds just shy of 305 fps. The first deer of the season that I took a shot at, was at 30 yds. Something spooked her my way and she ran to me and stopped, looking back towards where she came from, so she was a little jumpy. I ranged her. Dialed the sight in to the yardage. Aimed at her where the 12 ring would have been. And she done a total Matrix deal. I cut hair off her back. If she would have stood still I would have drilled her. And that was at around 303 fps.
I still like the idea of pins better. Atleast with pins going in 10 yd increments, you have a much smaller area for error. If you have that HHA locked at 25 yds, and you're shooting at a deer that is 40 yds, that's a BIG guess as to where the arrow is gonna go. Here's a simulation of my setup at that distance via OnTarget2's ballistics with my arrow and bowsetup:
The green arrow thing represents where you would have to hold over on a medium size deer at 40 yds in order to hit it where the yellow spot is on the target. That's at 303 fps.
Thank you for making my point . Deer react by ducking at the sound of the shot . A deer standing @ 30-40 yards that ducks at the sound of the shot would very likely be center punched with my 25 yard single pin . Yet by using a 30 or 40 yard pin , it would go over the back of the deer !
Use what you want for 3D , I'll just keep on killing deer with what I use. I'm not going to argue with you, Crow. I just kill deer , not foam . Been doing it for 30 years now .