Thinking about HHA

Crow Terminator said:
Radar -- Only one little difference in shooting at actual deer....they react and move. Don't matter how fast your bow is shooting...there ain't a bow out there fast enough for a deer to not be able to react and duck out of the way. This 82nd airborne is the fastest bow I've ever owned. My hunting setup at 60 pounds was producing speeds just shy of 305 fps. The first deer of the season that I took a shot at, was at 30 yds. Something spooked her my way and she ran to me and stopped, looking back towards where she came from, so she was a little jumpy. I ranged her. Dialed the sight in to the yardage. Aimed at her where the 12 ring would have been. And she done a total Matrix deal. I cut hair off her back. If she would have stood still I would have drilled her. And that was at around 303 fps.

I still like the idea of pins better. Atleast with pins going in 10 yd increments, you have a much smaller area for error. If you have that HHA locked at 25 yds, and you're shooting at a deer that is 40 yds, that's a BIG guess as to where the arrow is gonna go. Here's a simulation of my setup at that distance via OnTarget2's ballistics with my arrow and bowsetup:

The green arrow thing represents where you would have to hold over on a medium size deer at 40 yds in order to hit it where the yellow spot is on the target. That's at 303 fps.


Thank you for making my point . Deer react by ducking at the sound of the shot . A deer standing @ 30-40 yards that ducks at the sound of the shot would very likely be center punched with my 25 yard single pin . Yet by using a 30 or 40 yard pin , it would go over the back of the deer !
Use what you want for 3D , I'll just keep on killing deer with what I use. I'm not going to argue with you, Crow. I just kill deer , not foam . Been doing it for 30 years now .
Crow Terminator said:
Radar -- Only one little difference in shooting at actual deer....they react and move. Don't matter how fast your bow is shooting...there ain't a bow out there fast enough for a deer to not be able to react and duck out of the way. This 82nd airborne is the fastest bow I've ever owned. My hunting setup at 60 pounds was producing speeds just shy of 305 fps. The first deer of the season that I took a shot at, was at 30 yds. Something spooked her my way and she ran to me and stopped, looking back towards where she came from, so she was a little jumpy. I ranged her. Dialed the sight in to the yardage. Aimed at her where the 12 ring would have been. And she done a total Matrix deal. I cut hair off her back. If she would have stood still I would have drilled her. And that was at around 303 fps.

I still like the idea of pins better. Atleast with pins going in 10 yd increments, you have a much smaller area for error. If you have that HHA locked at 25 yds, and you're shooting at a deer that is 40 yds, that's a BIG guess as to where the arrow is gonna go. Here's a simulation of my setup at that distance via OnTarget2's ballistics with my arrow and bowsetup:

The green arrow thing represents where you would have to hold over on a medium size deer at 40 yds in order to hit it where the yellow spot is on the target. That's at 303 fps.


I have shot pins for years and i have shot a HHA dial for the last 3 years. I have liked them both. I have killed a bunch of deer with both styles and i have missed with both styles as well.

The one thing i like about the HHA. Is i can keep mine locked at 25 yrs. But it allows me to shoot with my setup out to 36 yrds. (Hitting top of heart) I pratice all summer with broadheads from a tree into 3D targets. I lock my sight in at 25yrd at shoot starting at 5yrd. We have 3D deer targets set up out to 50yrds. I shoot with the sight locked at 25yrd aim at the same spot working my way out to 50. This way i can see how much drop i will get and i know what my max yardage is before i have to move the dial.

You made a statment about if you have the HHA locked in at 25 yrds and you shoot a deer at 40 you dont know where the arrow is going to go! Thats why i shoot from a tree to see how far it will take me out. I know my range is 36yrd and in. I range when i get into my hunting setup and landmark the area. If a deer comes past those landmarks i know to move my dial. It aint rocket science.

The one thing about pins people like is it's a easy way to split the difference. Which makes up a little for miss judge yardage.

IF you shoot 3D tournament with a dial sight vs. a pin set-up. If you are off a yard or two with a dial it shows up a whole lot more than pins. That's where people get a bad taste about a dial. Aint the sights fault. It's a judgement in distance fault!

Both types of sights work well. Its all in knowing your set-up period.

Just because it didnt work for one guy dont mean it wont for the next.

Not trying to be a smart butt. Just saying my opinion. You have a lot of good post in the archery forum Crow. This is the only one i have disagreed with. :D Cause i have spent a lot on this subject.

Oh and the program you got there aint right. :D My setup shoots 300fps. And i dont have to hold that high with my sight locked at 25yrd to hit at that spot at 40. Thats why practice and knowing your equipment is better than a program. :D :grin:
Bigcountry71 said it very well, there are pros and cons with both.

Crow Terminator, I've run my arrow set up on my Z7 on the Ontarget2 and Archery Den's software and a 27.5" Gold Tip 7595 on a 28" draw Z7 pulling 65# is not WAY over spined, it is just to the right of the green.
Don't confuse me with facts Crow :grin: Just kiddin . Some real good info I may switch back to 3-pin sight for this year after reading all the post.
UTGrad said:
I'm a ho...bough the HHA, it is ok, and am buying the Black Gold Ascent single pin. Whoever said buying cause of market share is right. I am not a big fan of the bulky dials.


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