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true dat, #potlickers #holebuzzards

The potlickers are lucky to catch fish 1 put of 10 trips.

They think just because they know the exact reef or the exact bait to use that someone foolishly posted on Facebook that they can show up and replicate.

They focus on the where, and not the why. And with saltwater fish, the 'why' is the key because they move so darn much from day to day.

Example, 2w ago I hit a hole and caught 45 trout every cast. Left them biting, as they were all shorts.

I hit that hole again last weekend, and didn't get a bite. No harm, no foul, as I only spent 6 or 7 min in that area before moving on and finding fish elsewhere.

The difference? Less salinity and harder falling tide.
I have learned that you don't catch other's people fish. I don't know how many times my "inner circle" has provided locations of where we have caught fish and the others go to that location and don't catch anything. It goes both ways. I have been given information and I have given it. Fishing is so much about timing whether that be the right day or the right hour of the day. Don't get me wrong it can be pretty helpful when fishing ledges but its still not a sure fire guarantee.
Pretty misleading article headline. Is it talking more about FB posts of individuals holding up pigs or is it talking about publicity surrounding big tournaments on lakes? Seems like the latter…. Which has been around long before I feel like social media was even big. Guntersville and Chickamauga went from having the lake to yourself to a boat parking lot before most people even had a fb account, thanks to all state and regional tournaments being held at these lakes.

Comparing it to FFS is insane. I went from an abysmal crappie fisherman to being decent entirely because of ffs. I've learned more about crappie in the last year staring at a screen than I did my previous 30 years of fishing for them. I'm not alone in this…
Pretty misleading article headline. Is it talking more about FB posts of individuals holding up pigs or is it talking about publicity surrounding big tournaments on lakes? Seems like the latter…. Which has been around long before I feel like social media was even big. Guntersville and Chickamauga went from having the lake to yourself to a boat parking lot before most people even had a fb account, thanks to all state and regional tournaments being held at these lakes.

Comparing it to FFS is insane. I went from an abysmal crappie fisherman to being decent entirely because of ffs. I've learned more about crappie in the last year staring at a screen than I did my previous 30 years of fishing for them. I'm not alone in this…
yeah id say both. never fails to have some hole buzzards come in after me on the flats to see where i was catching LMB's. lol theres not much on the flats in way of cover or landmarks and ffs does help very much.

its not much different on the south end than the north end where jason fishes. social media, especially youtube, has showed more folks places to fish than ffs.

there is this one spot on the south end that very few people knew about on a shell bed. to be honest most fisherman couldnt tell you where to find a shell bed or why fish are on them. but scott martin found them and told everyone where to find this "secret" spot. you cant go there now without at least two dozen boats beating it to death.
to be honest, FFS may double catch rates but on big lakes i doubt we are making a dent. in smaller lakes where black crappie and bass are over populated it can be a good tool for fishermen to remove those fish.

itd be impossible to regulate and enforce anyway and the biologist have tools to protect fisheries, ie creel limit adjustment being one if they see drastic changes in densities.
I don't follow social media but the last 10 times I have been down crappie fishing, I am the only boat without forward facing sonar. Most problems aren't solved by changing just on variable but I think the combination of social media and better sonar has certainly contributed to increased pressure on our better fisheries. I m glad Mississippi took action.

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