Turkey poached..West Webb Rd in Eagleville

I tend to agree with 7mm08 about this.
"Wildlife" crimes just seem to no longer be considered much a "crime" by too many judges in TN.

Think about it.
Most shoplifters get away with impunity now, not even arrested, and much of what they typically steal is considered (by the general public) much more valuable than some "turkey".

Now, if this guy was some otherwise more "outstanding" citizen in the community and of the opposite political party of the judge, well THEN, that judge would throw the book at this poacher, including confiscating his truck.

We have sadly become more a country of political punishment than the rule of law.

Understand, the problem is not TWRA here.
I fully expect them to catch this guy.
The problem is the judges and politicians.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
As much as turkeys have mocked me and laughed at me I have never ever once thought of poaching them.
People's moral compasses are whacked.
If they even have one. Anymore it seems folks are on the "if it feels good do it" train. I say that but folks have always been bad/evil. Maybe just easier to find out about these days. 30 yrs ago I likely wouldn't have been aware of this story.
30 yrs ago I likely wouldn't have been aware of this story.
Agree. Only the most local people might have seen something about it in a local newspaper.
But then, there would have been no security or trail cam to even know it had happened.

I believe most people are inherently good & honest, and generally follow the rules (or laws) designed to benefit all of us when most people follow them.

But some people are inherently evil & dishonest, and generally do not think any rules (or laws) should apply to them personally. I believe most of these generally die prematurely, end up in prison, or become career politicians.
That's terrible he probably went and bragged how he called it in a d made the shot from 40 yards. I wish the penalties were harder on people like that. Accidentally shooting a doe or something is one thing but shooting a turkey out of the truck window in somebody's front yard is low man.
It still amazes me how brazen some folks can be knowing that cameras are everywhere these days.

The TWRA is requesting help from anyone who may have information regarding the illegal take of a wild turkey in Rutherford County. Friday, April 1, 2022, at approximately 9 am, an individual, seen in this video, shot a turkey from his vehicle off West Webb Road in Eagleville, TN. Anyone with information about this crime is encouraged to call 1-800-255-8972. Please request to speak with the Rutherford or Williamson County Wildlife Officer."
I drive that road about once a week. It's kinda hard to narrow down a white GM truck, but there's a lotta nosy yuppies moving into the area so maybe somebody will rat him out, maybe he gets away with it. TWRA can be pretty slick so maybe they'll catch him.
No yuppies on this road Catman.
They had to have already drove by and turned around. Maybe another camera caught a tag…. These dumbass idiots might be gay?!? Cause if you're married you have a wife that watches the ID channel and you'll realize you can't get away with anything nowadays.
TWRA and State police have a copy of our hard drive to enhance his face and hopefully his plate. Neighbors seen him and said it wasn't a typical TN tag. Possibly a sportsman or another state.