Turkey poached..West Webb Rd in Eagleville

I agree. To me, the only value of a turkey is the hunt, and a little meat. Id get absolutely nothing out of shooting one like that. It wouldnt be worth the shell
Exactly what you said! Probably took it too some woods and took a picture to show off. I just don't understand
I drive that road about once a week. It's kinda hard to narrow down a white GM truck, but there's a lotta nosy yuppies moving into the area so maybe somebody will rat him out, maybe he gets away with it. TWRA can be pretty slick so maybe they'll catch him.
They will get him. Someone will recognize that truck. Id wager he drives that route everyday
With all the people moving to this area, surely some of em had more cameras down the road that might've caught a plate number.
And fined by the judge $25.00! The judges have been castrated in this states to game violators…… that why they do it. It's just like the crime in LA… no punishment so they just keep doing it.
Not totally disagreeing and I maybe wrong but if I recall correctly he could lose his gun, truck and hunting license for his actions.
Not totally disagreeing and I maybe wrong but if I recall correctly he could lose his gun, truck and hunting license for his actions.
If they throw the book at him which is rare. He'll plea, cry, plead poverty, hungry children, and make a donation to the judge's reelection, promise to pick up trash or whatever and pay a small fine.
If they throw the book at him which is rare. He'll plea, cry, plead poverty, hungry children, and make a donation to the judge's reelection, promise to pick up trash or whatever and pay a small fine.

I tend to agree with 7mm08 about this.
"Wildlife" crimes just seem to no longer be considered much a "crime" by too many judges in TN.

Think about it.
Most shoplifters get away with impunity now, not even arrested, and much of what they typically steal is considered (by the general public) much more valuable than some "turkey".

Now, if this guy was some otherwise more "outstanding" citizen in the community and of the opposite political party of the judge, well THEN, that judge would throw the book at this poacher, including confiscating his truck.

We have sadly become more a country of political punishment than the rule of law.

Understand, the problem is not TWRA here.
I fully expect them to catch this guy.
The problem is the judges and politicians.
There is an old saying "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time"….hope he had the time.

That is actually part of a song, "Keep Your Eye On The Sparrow", which was the theme song of a 1970s cop show, Baretta, and was sung by Sammy Davis Jr.

I sure hope they catch this guy and I lean toward older Clint Eastwood movies. Right now I'm thinking of his movie, "Hang 'Em High".