What did you do today in the reloading room?

Got my 90% Dillon mounted to my bench. I'm still waiting for a few parts to be delivered on Monday to finish it off, but I figured out the powder measure thingy & my die depths. I'm waaaay more giddy about having this up & working than is reasonable for middle aged man.
The timing was all messed up on my Ponsness Warren forcing me to manually line up the turret for each station as I loaded. Between that and wishing I could remove the dies for shell inspection, I broke down and ordered a die removal system which came with a new timing mechanism. Huge improvement!


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Got my 90% Dillon mounted to my bench. I'm still waiting for a few parts to be delivered on Monday to finish it off, but I figured out the powder measure thingy & my die depths. I'm waaaay more giddy about having this up & working than is reasonable for middle aged man.
I especially like your White Board. ;)

Dudes..... like for srsly..... O. M. G!!! 😲😲😲

It took me maybe 45 minutes to put together, figure out the primer timing rod thingy & set up the dies, then another 2 hours to crank out 500 rounds, without rushing & checking every 20th powder charge.

How have I managed so long without this in my life???
Took advantage of this absolutely beautiful day, and ran some test shots out of the 6 arc.

Ballistic advantage 18 inch barrel. Issues with the Caldwell app with my chronograph, ended up just writing data down. Not just real pleased with my shooting, frustration with the app may not have helped. But did have a .513 5 shot group with 27.5 grains accurate 2520 under 100 grain hornady btsp. Started at 27 and went to 29 in .5 grain increments. Velocities a lot lower than I was hoping as well. Max load is 29.4, I may load a few and see how they do, 29 grain group was tighter than at 28 and 28.5.
Finally acquired all my 6.5CM supplies, now to find a good load for my rifle. I have these ELD-X, some Speer Gold Dots, and some cast bullets I plan on trying out. The one that performs the best will become my go-to hunting round, kinda hoping it's the cast bullet from the mold 266-140-FN-BY2 which made these samples, that way I can go all out getting one.


Finally acquired all my 6.5CM supplies, now to find a good load for my rifle. I have these ELD-X, some Speer Gold Dots, and some cast bullets I plan on trying out. The one that performs the best will become my go-to hunting round, kinda hoping it's the cast bullet from the mold 266-140-FN-BY2 which made these samples, that way I can go all out getting one.


How fast can you run those
Good luck! You may need more than one bottle of powder tho! 😁
Yea, have two more pounds of H4350 on backorder, also some A4350 and Varget that will run these if needed.
How fast can you run those
Don't know yet out of the Creedmoor, but load data from other calibers say 2008 out of a 264 Win, and 2272 out of a 6.5 Arisaka so it should be plenty out of my rifle.
Finally acquired all my 6.5CM supplies, now to find a good load for my rifle. I have these ELD-X, some Speer Gold Dots, and some cast bullets I plan on trying out. The one that performs the best will become my go-to hunting round, kinda hoping it's the cast bullet from the mold 266-140-FN-BY2 which made these samples, that way I can go all out getting one.


I'll be interested to see your results. I did "ok" with h-4350 at 42gn I believe. I'm gonna shoot another set of 5 in .5 increments to rule out shooter suckedness 😭
Yea, have two more pounds of H4350 on backorder, also some A4350 and Varget that will run these if needed.

Don't know yet out of the Creedmoor, but load data from other calibers say 2008 out of a 264 Win, and 2272 out of a 6.5 Arisaka so it should be plenty out of my rifle.
Another powder to try that I've had good success with using 140 gr pills is Superformance.