What did you do today in the reloading room?

Loaded some 6.5 Credmoor 120gr. Barnes TTSX
I've got a couple different 6.5 bullet varieties, but I'd love to find some Hornady 143gr ELD-X. I don't have any of those yet.
Yeah i have been searching for them for awhile now.
In stock at midsouth
I used to clean each primer pocket before getting the wet tumbler, now there is no need. Just deprime the cases then run through with pins.
I love mine too. But, it will peen your case mouths. I only run mine for 20 minutes and then trim each time which restores the case mouth.
I love mine too. But, it will peen your case mouths. I only run mine for 20 minutes and then trim each time which restores the case mouth.
I've rearranged my order of operations for this issue. I tumble first in the wet tumbler to clean, then size and trim, then back into my dry media tumbler to clean the sizing lube off and any edges left from trimming.
I read a study about the peening issue. They actually found that the peening came from the brass hitting each other and not the pins. They found the brass was slightly harder on the outside, but when it was sectioned there was no change to the overall hardness of the brass.
That could be very true since wet tumbling allows the brass to hit each other. Nevertheless, the case mouth must be dealt with to normalize neck tension.
Here's something I didn't think I would ever do...

Since it was raining and I wasn't feeling too great, I took my dialed-in hand loads for my old 7mmRM (175g NP) and shot them in a new T3x Superlite I just picked up. I hadn't broken in the barrel, just shot a few rounds to put it on bullseye at 100 yards; I hoped to get some more copper and RL-22 down the barrel. The brass was formed for my 700 as was the load. The cold bore shot was less than a half inch from my POA at 200 yards, my three shot group was .7 MOA. Dang. The throat of the Tikka is much longer than my 700, but Tikka's MOA guarantee is just that.

After deer season I hope to load around a 160g Accubond.

So today, on my bench, I took some odd notes that are very encouraging.

Loaded the rest of my small pistol primers into 9mm (200). Changing over my Dillon to 45acp and ordering parts I couldn't find or may have never had (large primer tube and .45 wadcutter seating die). Also ordering .223 full length sizing die, due to me not lubing enough and it seized on a case. I boogered it up.
I loaded up some 243 loads with 100 grain Sierra bt sp and Al-17.

Fixin' to gift a Savage 243 rifle to a neighborhood Amish kid (age 12) and wanted to give him some ammo to familiarize himself with the gun when he gets it.

Got this gun for a real good price used, and found out why when I took it to the range the first time....top of the receiver is out of spec. to the point that the scope ran out of down elevation at 100 yards while the gun was still shooting well over the target. Thought at first it might have the scope that came on it, but replaced the scope with a known good (Luepold) scope with the same result.
Then, thought maybe the scope bases were bad and replaced them, threw it on the collimator and still the same.
Then, found a +20 MOA one piece in the parts drawer the I was able to mount backwards (using only three of the four screw holes) on the rifle and it seems like it will work, got her buttoned up and bore sited and jus need to take her to the range and confirm.

Hopefully will get to the range the day after Christmas 'cause my wife and daughter always go shopping the day after and The family will, for the most part be heading home.

Crossing my fingers.