What has made you a better hunter?

experience, time in the woods, wind/thermals, agree with all of those. a few additional things i feel that have made me a better hunter over the past 7-10 years has been reading/listening to deer research. taking what i can from deer research and applying it in my own hunting has made me a better woodsman. aerial photo study has also played a factor, now i think about total landscape, areas where mature deer travel & why, areas where deer feed & why, different locations where mature deer bed & why, and learning to read the woods during different times of the year. tree/shrub id. looking to learn something new each time out. God has his handywork all over His creation
Once it clicked that I could have multiple spots on the same land depending on the weather/conditions.

Also, cell cams. Won't lie, helped me pattern em better and it's exactly how I developed the multi spot strategy. I could get a daily view of how they moved and when without going out there and spookin em
I love and hate OnX Maps…

It has given me a place to log notes, which helps immensely. I've always know how to read maps but the ability to measure distance and give me a sense of where I am in relation to the landscape is surreal. It also gives an advantage when heading to any property yup I've never been to before.

It also gives others the same edge, so you have to figure a different competitive advantage.

Almost as addictive as bowing hunting.
And it'll make you a better shooter too…👍
Wind definitely ranks up there with the best of them

Hunting alone: I grew up hunting with dad and his buddies. While I miss that greatly, before it ended I started gravitating towards hunting wherever they weren't. If 2-3 people went to a certain farm, I decided to hunt a different farm and started killing better bucks.

Again I miss hunting in parties as it's a lot of fun and especially miss hunting with dad (he no longer hunts), but hunting alone changed things for me
Hunting where deer are …not where I think the deer are supposed to be.
Missed getting a really nice buck several years ago because I was watching what he was doing and not even thinking about shooting him, I guess getting older helps too, you don't rush a shot, was raised hunting with dogs so still hunting wasn't my choice. I've had to develop patience.
What's made me a better hunter? Sitting in the living room where it's comfy and warm until I see 3-5 deer come out of the woods and then taking 2 of them. Just kidding.

Getting in better physical conditioning is helping me. I want to ground hunt instead of sitting in the living room, on the porch or in a blind. I'm up to 45 minutes of stealth hiking, but want to get to several hours of stamina.
What's made me a better hunter? Sitting in the living room where it's comfy and warm until I see 3-5 deer come out of the woods and then taking 2 of them. Just kidding.

Getting in better physical conditioning is helping me. I want to ground hunt instead of sitting in the living room, on the porch or in a blind. I'm up to 45 minutes of stealth hiking, but want to get to several hours of stamina.
Good for you DayTrader! Keep at it!
Learning the wind really helps.
Knowing when to hunt a different stand because of the wind.
Working on long range shots. It's harder for them to see and smell you if you are farther away. This has let me watch bedding areas without disturbing them. I have exclusively hunted stands that require longer shots this year and have seen more deer than ever before on the farm I hunt.
My phone… I'm able to keep my mind off of all the things I need to be doing , instead of sitting in a tree.. I live on a farm and in the woods almost every day of the year, so I don't get that feeling a lot of folks do when they get a chance to escape the rat race and climb up a tree..