What has made you a better hunter?

Going to a self imposed 1 buck limit.

Because of this, I routinely observe mature bucks instead of shooting them instantly. They are different critters than other deer.

They are 180* different. It amazes me how reclusive and anti-social they become with age.
Killing deer made me a better hunter. I killed truckloads of deer. But after I killed a deer I took notes. Looked at maps and discovered why was that deer there. Then I tried to duplicate the result in a different area but I would match the conditions as closely as possible. Then I figured out what I was looking for and piled them up.
I'm really not a better hunter now than I once was but I'm alot more patient as I've got older.
Learned a very valuable lesson hunting my permanent stand in a saddle one year in Giles Co. Deer especially older bucks will pattern you ! Alot don't over hunt good stands but some don't have the luxury of alot of property so they basically have to . With that said do a little in season scouting . On that particular stand I mentioned I found the bucks were skirting my shooting areas because it was thick where they started moving once I'd hunted that stand a couple crimes. So I found a couple trees on each side according to wind direction that I could climb with my climber . Killed three really good bucks doing that . Always took my climber even though we had plenty of stands on our leases .Sometimes you have to change channels I call it .
Learned to just be in the woods or fields during the rut because a buck chasing a doe could come in at anytime . Also learned to try your best to stop the buck while chasing because a bad shot can ruin your most exciting times .
As mentioned played the wind....tried the no scent deal and that's difficult because if you breathe a deer will smell you out.
Learned it's not the end of the world if your unsuccessful just be patient....preserverance pays off in the long run .
Always and I mean always thanked the creator for allowing me to be able to hunt in His beautiful creation and also living in a country where I could hunt . Always being thankful of a successful hunt ALWAYS !! Last but not least knowing the best of hunters can't kill deer were they simply are not ! If you don't own property and you want to be successful securing permission or leasing property where deer frequent is a must unless you can do you due diligence to scout public religiously hoping others don't think like you . Hunting public is not the end of the world but variables completely out of your control could and will happen. IMO the very best of hunters are those that hunt public and are continually successful......especially those that hunt where no others go ......the mountains of east Tennessee.
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This website. Understanding that cover is king in my area during the rut. Also understanding that cover is essentially worthless if I blow it out multiple times during bow season.
No doubt...

The OG big buck hunters (Mike and Wes) made me realize it was OK to pass up high scoring younger bucks.

I don't give a rip about killing a high scoring deer any longer, but those guys made me realize I was my main limiting factor in killing older bucks
Already been discussed but playing the wind and reducing your sits to ideal conditions is top of the list and I don't know how I ignored it for so long. Also, 10 feet off of the ground sitting in a beech or cedar top is 100 times better than hunting high. Have had countless deer get so close I could spit on them. Fantastic feeling.