What has made you a better hunter?

1. Cell Cams
2. Suppressors
3. Lawful rights to hunt from the road with my thermal at night.
4. Thermal drones.
5. Power windows on my truck.
There are many good insights here. This lets me know where I need to direct more effort toward improvements.

I could definitely....

stay longer on stand

exploit thermals better

improve the cover in a couple of areas

be more mindful of hunting pressure

pay more attention to approaching stands

slow down even more when stillhunting

behold and appreciate the beauty of nature even more

be more thankful to God for all His blessings

One thing I partially disagree with is the hunt less or only when conditions are perfect. I just love deer hunting so much that maximizing the time doing it makes more sense.
Wind. Some stand locations only get hunted once or twice each season waiting on the perfect wind direction.

Entry and egress routes must compliment the wind direction. Always enter from downwind, never cross the area you expect the deer to travel. Use cover scent.

Multiple stand locations for each wind direction.

Avoid the people. Big deer won't tolerate pressure, neither should you.

Deer move locations as season progresses.

Food and pressure will affect where they hang. Cameras can help understand that. Also the time of activity, morning/evening activity can help plan your high percentage hunt time.

Now is the time of year to scout deer sign. Select stand locations and trim shooting lanes now. Maybe find a shed.

Shoot, shoot, study your weapon and be knowledgeable of ballistics. Be very competent is your ability to hit without doubt.

Be quiet in the woods.

Did I mention WIND?
I can tell you what makes lazy people better hunters. Sit back and watch other successful hunters that do the leg work in the off season, to figure out where they hunt. Move in and hang cell cameras everywhere then move in and hunt. LOL....
It could also cause a problem...I know this from experience.
Sounds cheesy but more range time getting accurate with my rifle. I've missed more than I've killed and if I were a better shot I could have had many more deer I'll admit it. Also- getting in a stand instead of a ground blind esp on public. Saw way more that don't smell me first
It's amazing how many answers are diametrically opposed to other answers. Some saying cell cameras are game changer, others saying worse thing ever for killing mature bucks. Sone saying hunt every day possible, others say wait till best conditions. Etc. WHEN it comes to the latter...i opt for hunting every day possible. I know i have certain places that are "rut spots"...i stay out of them till the rut. But, i think hunting every chance possible helps me. I hunt new spots, spend time scouting new areas after hunting....things i probably wouldn't do if i was just hunting on perfect days. And.. I've killed some good bucks hunting less than perfect days. BUT, I understand if you are only going to hunt the same spots, saving them for perfect days.
Deer are curious animals. I've field tested this. Simple as digging up a patch of dirt and laying it over. They'll come to it. Same as if you walked into your house and something that you saw everyday was out of place. The very first time you'd wonder why and look for the reasoning behind it. The next time you walk into the house you'd automatically look in that direction because what happened the time before. You then have became cautious to what might be, or what may be there. Curiousity after once turns to caution. What has made me a better hunter? Knowing that my first opportunity might be my only opportunity. If I find the big one I'm after I'm gathering all information I can to ambush him in that very spot and doing it fast before he knows that I've been there. It doesn't work out a lot but I've been lucky a time or two. It's important to put a game plan together (figure out how to walk in, which path he's using, what wind is best, etc.) before going in and just hunting. More times than not he already knows. If you go in with that mentality you better your chances.

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