Who has a pellet smoker/grill

TN Song Dog":114lgflo said:
Coldfusion":114lgflo said:
Pellet grills are more involved than I realized lol. Now I'm looking at the rectec bull and grilla grill silverbac. Anyone own either?

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Which one did you end up getting?

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Honestly, neither. I just bought a Pit boss 840d. It's on sale at Lowe's through the 7th for $399. I love my charcoal smokers so I decided not to spend much on a pellet grill. If I like it I will upgrade to a Savannah Stoker controller for $190. This will give me PID control for less than the Grilla. I also have been told tricks to enhance the smoke flavor, so I didn't want to spend $800 or $1300 on a gamble.

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I finally got into the pellet smokers, went with the Camp Chef PG24ZG. Decided on them over others due to price and some of the features they include like the sliding heat deflector, ash empty cup, pellet dump and included racks and probes. so far I really like it and it feels super well built.

As far as pellets I just get them on amazon most of the time unless I happen to be out and see some on sale that are good quality. I read a ton about them and went with lumberjack ones for now cause they seem to be some of the best and pure ones on the market. Gonna try and do a bunch of testing over the next few weeks to figure how I like to do it but will update this when I can.
I bought a amazin tube to add some more smoke to mine ,found out it would go out. Microwave the pellets for 2 minutes or so and no more flame out,also mine has a P adjustment in order to create more smoke.ran it for 2 hrs on p6 with the tube going and almost perfect.all of them run different programs in order to customize your cooking style/taste ,wife dosent like heavy smoke these days so the lighter profile lets me use it more often
I just bought a tube this past week, also. I don't know that I want a ton more smoke, but wanted to get it and experiment. Good tip on the microwave.

Talking pellets, I'm currently using a big bag of pit boss competition blend I found at Lowes. May not be highest quality, but they were affordable and available. I'm plenty happy with them though and may keep using them long term. Seem to burn good, and flavor is great. No complaints, or maybe I just don't know any better. Ha

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They work good but I like lumberjack better,the TnGrilling competition will need to be tried again by me,probably the best smelling smoke of any,have used hickory and cherry by LJ and going to try the competition blend ,I have not hhad any that I consider bad
You ordering pellets online or buying somewhere? I've not found anywhere carrying the more premium brands yet, but not looked too hard either.

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Lumber jack is carried by a few different folks including Dicks,I buy mine from Rural King hard to beat $9.00 for 20lbs most all of the lowes and homedepot carry name brand but I prefer %100 wood of they show as flavor
Normally buy once cry once, wifi control would be nice on whichever unit you decide on

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