Well-Known Member
Man I'm wearing the same thing (gym shorts and leafy top) but adding chaps for busting through brush and black mesh breathable tennis shoes instead of muck boots. I don't care if they get soaked. I take the chaps off once i get up and locked in on my tether.I enjoy the velvet hunt but no bucks to hunt this year do I'll cheer for yall who do.
I wear gym shorts and wife beater with leafy suit treated with permithrin. Long socks treated with permithrin and muck boots. I'm sure I look ridiculous but I stay pretty cool considering the circumstances.
I've got a new to me lock on I'm gonna test out on some public land. I have zero confidence of connecting with a buck. I haven't done any homework, glassing, or scouting.
I have shot my bow and feel good out to 40 yards though. Hopefully it rains this week and brings the water level up some I'd love to take my boat but I will probably just hike in somewhere.