Who loads their own TSS shells?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
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I'm going down the rabbit hole. I load for everything else I wanna load some tss and kill a bird just to say I did it. I would like to talk to some guys that will help me out with questions and techniques. You're more than welcome to PM me if you don't want to talk on this thread about it. Looking specifically at 20 and 28G currently.
I've loaded my own for years. 100% the way to go.

I think I still load Hal's stubby and his NC load if I remember right.

I can't give you the load BUT happy to answer any questions or help with any materials if I have extra to get you going. Andy and Southern Sportsman helped me the same way in the beginning so I always try and pass it along to others
I started hand loading in 2013 when the artist formerly known as Rockhound (@FARMTOFIELD) tempted me with badass 20 gauge patterns that were absolutely unfathomable before the emergence of TSS.

As others have alluded to, Hal Abbot is a national treasure in this department. He helped me a ton when I got started. But there are other good ones out there who sell shot and have developed great loads. There is not a single bad thing I can say about Hal or any load he has ever given me, and I still use one of his loads for the .410. But, my absolute all-time favorite 20 gauge load came from a Louisiana guy named Ronnie Savage. And my 12 gauge load (before I quit lugging that damn thing around) came from a Middle-Tennessean named Tommy Duliba. Basically, these guys are reloading/ballistics junkies who develop their own loads and send them for ballistic lab testing to ensure safe pressures. If you buy shot from them, they will generally share the load data on the condition that you not share that data with others. Honor system. For that reason, those of us who hand load wont be able to give you the recipes. But anything else you need, including contact info for the guys mentioned above, feel free to ask. I'm always happy to nerd out about it.
I'm going down the rabbit hole. I load for everything else I wanna load some tss and kill a bird just to say I did it. I would like to talk to some guys that will help me out with questions and techniques. You're more than welcome to PM me if you don't want to talk on this thread about it. Looking specifically at 20 and 28G currently.
One additional note. Although I like all the guys I mentioned above, and I have bought shot and used loads from all of them, for the relatively esoteric 28ga, Hal is definitely your guy. He's big into the sub-gauges himself. I think he hunts with a 28 and .410 almost exclusively. Probably no one on earth with more experience and load data for 28 ga TSS loads.
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Probably no one on earth with more experience and load data for 28 ga TSS loads.
For sure, Hal told me he was primarily turkey hunting with a 28G in 2016. Looking back, my first emails with Hal were in 2013 as well. Fun rabbit hole to go down, but has an associated sunk cost up front, then make your ROI in out years as you continue to roll your own. Good luck!
I started hand loading in 2013 when the artist formerly known as Rockhound (@FARMTOFIELD) tempted me with badass 20 gauge patterns that were absolutely unfathomable before the emergence of TSS.

As others have alluded to, Hal Abbot is a national treasure in this department. He helped me a ton when I got started. But there are other good ones out there who sell shot and have developed great loads. There is not a single bad thing I can say about Hal or any load he has ever given me, and I still use one of his loads for the .410. But, my absolute all-time favorite 20 gauge load came from a Louisiana guy named Ronnie Savage. And my 12 gauge load (before I quit lugging that damn thing around) came from a Middle-Tennessean named Tommy Duliba. Basically, these guys are reloading/ballistics junkies who develop their own loads and send them for ballistic lab testing to ensure safe pressures. If you buy shot from them, they will generally share the load data on the condition that you not share that data with others. Honor system. For that reason, those of us who hand load wont be able to give you the recipes. But anything else you need, including contact info for the guys mentioned above, feel free to ask. I'm always happy to nerd out about it.

Agree on Hal he helped me a lot. Tommy is also a great guy, met him a few times and hunted with him a time or 2 which was fun.

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