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Would you shoot this on public or let him grow?

Generally speaking, my age/antler standards that I impose on myself do not change, regardless of public/private. I'd MUCH RATHER someone else kill him and be ecstatic with him, than you or I kill him just because we're worried someone else might. If you're happy with him, blast away. Good luck this season!
Our thoughts are near exact.
Especially the highlighted part.

For those truly wanting something better,
especially when it comes up to letting the best young stock survive,
it's your choice whether you choose to be part of the solution,
or just part of the same issue you complain about other hunters.

The choice was made easier for me when I began focusing more on age than antlers.
Bucks don't approach most their antler potential until they're 4 1/2 or older.
Personally no, I would not shoot because he doesn't meet the age restrictions I have put on myself (4.5+)

That being said I wouldn't blame you or anyone else for shooting that buck.

Good luck if you decide to pursue him!
Pass. Regardless of where I'm hunting. But yal shoot what makes you happy. With that said that deer has some crazy potential. Also I have seen a lot of deer at 2.5 and 3.5 that should have had potential and never did. That's the "risk" you take passing deer. Even on private ground I've passed small deer smaller then that, that jump a fence and get shot. It is what it is. But you can't kill big deer by shooting good deer. For some that means you may eat a tag some years. But at the end of the day I'm not hunting that deer so it doesn't matter what I would or wouldn't do, so I wasted my time typing this.

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