Well-Known Member
Catmans video brought up something I'm curious to see how others would handle. Be honest with us and yourself with the following question.
If you called a bird in on a property line and he was barely over the line, yet you're sitting on property you're allowed to hunt. Do you kill him?
For me, and this is hard to answer as it's not really a reality for me anymore because of the places I hunt, but if he's a mere few yards across the boundary he's probably dead. I have no doubt I'll catch hell for this answer but I'm just being honest. I'm not one to cross property lines and seek out a bird, but in this scenario I'd probably take him out.
I try to always go about my time in the woods with high ethics and standards, but I'm not sure I could restrain
I know if someone was hunting property neighboring mine and had this scenario I'd be okay and understand if they took the shot.
How about you, and be truthful
If you called a bird in on a property line and he was barely over the line, yet you're sitting on property you're allowed to hunt. Do you kill him?
For me, and this is hard to answer as it's not really a reality for me anymore because of the places I hunt, but if he's a mere few yards across the boundary he's probably dead. I have no doubt I'll catch hell for this answer but I'm just being honest. I'm not one to cross property lines and seek out a bird, but in this scenario I'd probably take him out.
I try to always go about my time in the woods with high ethics and standards, but I'm not sure I could restrain
I know if someone was hunting property neighboring mine and had this scenario I'd be okay and understand if they took the shot.
How about you, and be truthful