String Music":1jo7bleu said:
What's so good about his slate?
I wish I could interview dead turkeys and tell you.
In all seriousness, I can do as much with it as I can his aluminum. The two I take to the woods (Dawkins Slate and Dawkins Aluminum) sound similar in a lot of ways TOO MY EARS. With the slate, I can really get low, be assured it'll never slip/goof and still have some "pop" to coerce them to commit when they are under 60. From my readings on here over the years, I take it that I am not as good, nor as confident (more important) as many of you are with the super soft "diaphragm" calling when a bird is in the red zone. I'd rate myself average with a diaphragm. Because of this, I have leaned HEAVILY on pot calls over the last 15 years and my Dawkins slate has sealed the deal enough that it'll have to break to be removed from my vest. I'm a very aggressive, close combat kind of turkey hunter and the Dawkins slate has been good to me. Confidence for me comes with proven performance in the field, thus the Dawkins has earned it's keep many times over. My .02