I'm not sure if deer hunting will trend away from food plots and shooting houses, but one trend I have seen local to my place is a trend away from deer hunting all together.
Everybody has gone to duck hunting and focusing all their management efforts on ducks.
THAT my friend is sadly (to me) the biggest
"trending" of all:
Dramatically fewer people "excited" about deer hunting.
Many are just simply no longer willing to pay unreasonably high amounts of money for the "ideals" that have been so effectively "marketed" to them, i.e. they actually believe they "need" much of what they don't, just to truly enjoy going deer hunting.
Actually, many just don't have the money, period, for leased private property, land ownership, and all the other gimmicky things they've been indoctrinated to believe they "need" to enjoy and be a deer hunter.
Some of the land leases have just greedily increased prices to the point, that alone became a major driver in causing many middle-class hunters to just give up deer hunting. As to those with deeper pockets (and I'm referring mainly to TN deer hunters), many of them have switched over to waterfowl hunting, and going on "vacation" hunts, not just out-of-state, but even outside the U.S.
Much of what's happening comes back to basic economics, price vs. value. In many cases, price has exceeded value, and even people with money are not going to over-pay. Never mind many of them will actually pay more for "vacation" hunts, focusing more on what they're getting for their money, instead of how much money they're paying.
For those in the CWD zones,
or even counties adjoining CWD counties, CWD policies (and fears of those soon coming), have greatly damaged biologically sound deer management ideals that many hunters
HAD embraced. CWD, and
more pointedly CWD policies, has also been a recent major driver in shifting West & Middle TN deer hunter over to waterfowl and hunting in other states.
CWD policies were the primary driver causing the complete shut-down of many West TN deer processors. So everything has adversely effected "sport" deer hunting in TN.