Best bow argument


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Old Hickory/Mt.Juliet, TN
I didn't want to hijack deerjackie's post, so I'll start a different one here. I hate the question of "best bows" because they are fueled largely by other's individual biases--not directed to you deerjackie, but rather the industry that has encouraged this type of male-anatomy measuring/bantering system amoung the manufacturers and tricked down to the end-users for years. In my opinion, not every bow is created equal and neither is every person created equal. Therefore, it is up to each individual to find the bow that feels and shoots the best for them them. Different bows will feel, shoot and react differently to each individual shooter, therefore that question the reviewers/manufacturers try to answer for us, about which one is the "best" is purely subjective to their own biases and individual wants and needs (and money going in their back pockets). I have seen so many times the "top rated" bow get hammered by many individuals and loved by others. I wish the industry (manufacturers, magazines and reviewers) would just shut up about it and just show what the bows have to offer and let the indivudals decide for themselves based on their needs, wants, desires and of course--their own personal biases. The samething applies to everything in our lives, but it seems it is amplified in this industry/sport (i.e. bows, broadheads, rests arrows, clothing,...) and each of us, myself included, are guilty of this samething based on our personal biases. Once again deerjackie, this is not directed toward you--I'm just feeling crappy toward the industry/manufacturers this morning. :)

Have a great Sunday everyone! ;)
I don't get too caught up in equipment arguments anymore . I shoot what works for me and love archery . I enjoy experimenting with new bows and equipment , but always keep a primary rig setup for most of my hunting . I'd rather see an archer or young bowhunter get started out shooting a bow that suits their needs , fits their draw length , and is setup properly , than have others force bow choices on them based on their brand loyalty .
Great posts guys. I am starting this year with a hand me down Bow Parker Feather Mag 2. I'm learning and still tweaking the bow. But I definitely understand what you guys are talking about makes a lot of sense.
Competition is high among bow companies, for that reason the market is flooded with great bows now days. I just bought a G5 Prime Shift a few weeks ago for a heak of a price compared to what it list for. It's the first bow I ever bought without shooting it first but I know if I don't like it I can sell it and make 25 or 50 bucks, otherwise I would never do that. I had distal tendon surgery 6 weeks ago and can't shoot for a while. The anticipation is killing me, lol. Anyone that is loyal to one or two bow companies is really missing out.
i aint gonna lie, i didnt get a matthews or hoyt just because of the stigma associated to them (not to mention the crazy prices of them).

i wanted a bow that show quite and killed deer when aimed properly and did not bring on divorce papers from my wife, there are 100's of bows in that category.

to be honest of all the ones i shot, Diamond and Bear where my fav ones
i understand that, most have a high end bow but the mid range bears and diamonds are actually affordable and you can get them new. The only Matthews i could find were used and 2007 models for the most part.

dont get me wrong i think they all make a good bows but the stigma IMO these days with those 2 companys is more of a turn off to me then a turn on.
i am trying to be careful with how i put it as i am not trying to offend anyone on here that uses them BUT

from the guys i know and most i have met that shoot either they just carry themselves in a different way when it comes to archery as if you shoot something other then one of those you have no idea what you are doing or you dont even deserve to be in the conversation. I have met this same group of guys from 3-d shooters and hunters and because of that type of people i just decided i would not own either of the 2 and didnt want any part of that type of crowd. Now i am sure that applies to a bunch of other companys and i know everyone has that type of crowd but TO ME and what IVE seen those are the worse two (with the 7mag crowd coming in a close second).

again not trying to offend anyone and it doesnt apply to all, heck Spit shoots one and he is a good dude (all be it a tad on the girly side hahah) but thats just how i feel about the 2.

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