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Christian county Ky

I live in and hunt Montgomery County, TN, (where there are some great deer) but the difference when you cross the TN/KY line is noticeable. The countryside goes from the deep hills and hollows of middle TN to that typical midwestern farm soil.
I hunt Montgomery, Stewart County, TN, Fort Campbell and Christian, Trigg County Kentucky. I to am originally from East Tennessee and when I retired from the Army 50% of what kept me in Clarksville was the hunting. Plus we are really close to Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, and Indiana which all have nice deer. And I won't lie, I do not miss dragging deer up and down those mountains and nasty a$$ draws back home.
You're literally in the land of the giants there. Makes a good argument for the best whitetail hunting south of the Mason Dixon line….id love to have a chance to hunt private there….
Then would there be any argument to say kentuckys regulations also have a lot to do with quality bucks. Compared to places that have higher kill limits and long gun seasons. ? Or is all just soil like you hear constantly.
That's a valid argument in Some areas at least. Much of Trigg counties soil will make a property manager look like an amateur but then a 150 inch 8 pointer walks out and all is forgiven.
Hill country of Stewart county is similar

You do have to learn to leave the 130 inch 2 year olds alone though!
Then would there be any argument to say kentuckys regulations also have a lot to do with quality bucks. Compared to places that have higher kill limits and long gun seasons. ? Or is all just soil like you hear constantly.
1 Buck limit helps tremendously. I've passed bucks up that if I had 2 buck tags they would have definitely been killed. The 1 buck limit has saved a lot of deer.

On top of that the 16 days of rifle compared to what, 2.5 months in TN ? I'd honestly be thrilled if they dropped it to a 9 day rifle season.
1 Buck limit helps tremendously. I've passed bucks up that if I had 2 buck tags they would have definitely been killed. The 1 buck limit has saved a lot of deer.

On top of that the 16 days of rifle compared to what, 2.5 months in TN ? I'd honestly be thrilled if they dropped it to a 9 day rifle season.
The first 2.5 hours of rifle in my area pretty much takes care of any population control needed. LOL
The first 2.5 hours of rifle in my area pretty much takes care of any population control needed. LOL
I always count gunshots until 8 am every opening day. In the years past I've counted in the 90's. Luckily the ones I know around me are selective and don't just blast away. I don't know my neighbor on the west side but there's not that many shots there each year. I feel they are pretty selective too. Even if them or anyone around me isn't I don't sweat it too much. It's their property to do what they want. But it's nice to know the ones I do know are selective on that they shoot.

In KY everyone becomes a deer hunter once rifle season opens lol.
Then would there be any argument to say kentuckys regulations also have a lot to do with quality bucks. Compared to places that have higher kill limits and long gun seasons. ? Or is all just soil like you hear constantly.
No it's definitely different here. Dang beautiful walnut trees everywhere and some of the best looking crop fields I've ever seen. All indicators of excellent soil imo
No it's definitely different here. Dang beautiful walnut trees everywhere and some of the best looking crop fields I've ever seen. All indicators of excellent soil imo
Serious question- is it different than the soil quality we have along the TN river and West TN river bottoms with crop fields?

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